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TOLA:  He is a brave young adventurer who has a slight problem with authority. He is very clever and often comical but seems to have great respect for his older sister Rayla. He loves animals as much as he loves his weapons training and can often be found in the Solemn Forest just daydreaming. He is determined to be the best swordsman in the village because he is only taught by the best....his beloved sister. 

RAYLA:  She is Tola's older sister who is one of the most trustworthy and reliable people in the Forest Village. Although females are not allowed to become soldiers, she is the most knowledgeable and fiercest warrior to ever train. She often shows off her refined skills as she continually obliterates her male counterparts on the sparring grounds. She is also considered to be one of the most beautiful Brevian women, but potential suitors are very much afraid of her. Besides being a great fighter she loves nature and is very adept at horticulture and loves flowers, espeially her prized peonies.

MYLAN: Mylan is one of Rayla's admirers but she cares only for him as a person, not a potential mate. He is her age and is often found leaving gifts for her just to spite her brother, who despises him. He is a good farmer and a trustworthy soldier who has gained the favor of Elder Dolan himself. 

DEANA: She is a bright, compassionate young girl who has taken a great interest in Tola. She lives in the well hidden Mountain Village and is very headstrong as well as independent. She loves to practice with her custom made bow but is also very well trained to use a variety of formidable weapons. She absolutely loves people and stargazing but never leaves her head in the clouds. She loves a good adventure and often finds herself making new friends which is one of the many qualities her fellow villagers admire her for. Like Rayla, she too is an avid botanist as well as a skilled potion maker.

ELDER DOLAN: He is the spry leader of the Forest Village and often the butt end of Tola's pranks. He was once a great soldier and General of the elite Brevian army but is now a widower and an expert hoarder. He loves poetry and painting but usually keeps to himself, as long as the village isn't on fire. He enforces the antiquated laws of his ancestors regardless of what changes their villagers would request or benefit from as he is afraid of change. 

BRITT: He is the older brother of Rayla who has lived in the secluded Mountain Village and away from her his entire life since the last Dulvar invasion. He is an excellent builder but is not to good with a sword as Tola often mocks him for. He loves to explore and find new friends which ultimately leads him to discovering the truth about his missing family. He is very serious and caring individual with a snarky sense of humor that emerges from time to time. He is also a skilled fisherman as well as as a gifted cook. He eventually devises a plan to connect the villages via a trade route so that everyone can trade their goods as well as show off their skills.

ELDER VORA: He is the leader of the Mountain Village and is also the estranged father to Rayla and Deana. He was once the leader of the Elite Brevian army with Dolan as his first in command. After retiring from the military he took up sculpting, painting and woodworking which he utilized greatly during the rebuild of the once destroyed Mountain Village. He is a true leader and a gifted speaker but seems to be a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to adventuring. He believes the Brevian race to be their world's future and keeping the villages together is the key to their survival.

OLAM: He is the present healer of the Forest Village but lives at an disclosed location somewhere in the woods. His work often keeps him tethered to the village infirmary for weeks on end which makes him fairly reliable. Rayla doesn't trust him but has no evidence to convince others to not do so either. He keeps to himself and walks around with a grumpy expression which keeps everyone at a distance. He is admired by Elder Dolan for his remarkable botany and chemistry skills but is not a favorite of most villagers.

HEVAR: He is the burly, bearded village blacksmith and carpenter who is close friends with Elder Dolan. He is the tallest known Brevian, standing at 6'4" but is mostly quiet and withdrawn. He is generally a hard worker and peaceful person who has been a major influence on the village folk. He is known for his fine detail work as no job is too small. His custom blades are highly sought after and only a chosen few are allowed to wield them.

CIARA and KAYLA: Ciara is a sweet caring, petite Brevian woman who resides at Lake Village which is practically cut off from civilization. She is a very intelligent and level-headed individual and has taken a great interest in caring for others as the village healer. Her daughter Kayla is a spitting image of her mother with matching brown curly hair. She shadows her mother everywhere hoping to one day become just like her. Both are excellent fishers but fighting or use of any weapons is not their forte.

ELDER VORA: He is a short and stout Brevian who is also the oldest village elder of the Mountain Village. He was once the leader of the Brevian army with Dolan as his general. After the first destruction of the Mountain Village, most fled and scattered across the land but Vora held his ground and rebuilt his beloved home. As Elder, he created a hidden world inside the mountain which became a paradise for those lucky enough to find it. He is revered as a just and wise leader but his fear of the Dulvar has forced him to withdraw from society. He and his small army guard their home with their lives and none ever venture outside their sanctuary.

NYA and NAYAN: Fraternal twins (Female, Male) who are of unknown origin. Their extremely pale skin and stark white hair cause many to cower away from them out of fear. They are extremely withdrawn but secretly contribute along with their fellow citizens of the dark underground Cave Village. They have great strength together and are deadly with spears, staves, and tridents. Neither has left the elaborate cave system but both feel that they are one day destined to do so for the greater good of their people. They hope that one day soon they will hear their calling.

THE GOLDEN QUEEN: Standing at 7' tall, she is of the purest Dulvar blood and one of the last survivors of her generation. When she went by the name of Queen Emiko, she was the ruler of a mighty kingdom which has unfortunately fallen during the Dulvar civil war. Now residing in the mountains with her ever-growing army of Dulvar Skirmishers, she is hellbent on getting revenge on her own people as well as the Brevians who forced her into isolation. Her life drastically changed when she became the unwilling host to a powerful evil which in turn gives her immense strength. With an infected and unsound mind, she plans on restoring her kingdom even if it means killing her own family.

ELDER OVAR: He too is of unknown origin but hails from the cold tundra areas to the north. He took siege of the Lake Village when it was nearly in ruins and built it back up to its original beauty. He is a very strong but stubborn individual and takes what he wants by force. He was once married to Ciara and is the biological father of little Kayla. He cast them aside once he became a liaison to the High Dulvar King and began using his own people to be sacrificed to appease him. Thus a treaty was created between Ovar and the evergrowing Dulvar Army. His allegiance is now to  the High King who was appointed by The Golden Queen herself.

KANA and LEANA: Twins who are daughters of the Golden Queen. They, along with another twenty other Spirits, as they were called, are the first Dulvar to have evolved. They have many Dulvar traits including strength and enhanced auditory senses, as well as many of the characteristics of their sworn enemies, the Brevians. Thus the Golden Queen decided to exploit their new abilities and use them to destroy the neighboring Forest Village. They were to be trained as assassins who could hide in the shadows and kill the villagers while they slept. Unbeknownst to them, their very own souls thwarted their plans as they had a much different role set aside for them. They in turn defied their vile Queen and began to carve their own path in life.

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