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CHAPTER 1: The Mysterious Visitor


      “RUN! TOLA RUN!” 

       A voice shouted deep within the misty forest. Its sound echoed past the densely grown pines and across the beautiful grass filled meadows. It resonated as sweetly as a dove’s call, yet as fast as a hummingbird's flutter before it was quickly absorbed into the forest’s lush overgrowth.

      The Solemn Forest, as it has always been known by the local inhabitants, is a very small yet vibrant sanctuary for people and wildlife alike. There lives within, thousands of species of trees and shrubs that grow beautifully alongside a vast variety of fruit and berry bushes. Most living things come here to feed and rest as it is a place that is safe and well protected by nature. It is also considered by many of the locals and travelers alike as the cradle of life for all beings, large and small including two very distinct races of humanoids, the Dulvar and the Brevians. Both races rely upon one another for survival despite their distinct differences and dwelling locations. Their past is unfortunately littered with conflict and turmoil that had taken place between them for reasons lost in the past. It is only in recent years the two have found peace and can now focus on thriving together instead of just merely surviving. 

      The Dulvar, who are the larger of the humanoid races, dwell deep within the mountain's innards and are considered by many as the world's best miners. They seek and extract most of the world's precious gems, as well as all varieties of soft and hard metals sought out by everyone. Their race inherently possesses great skills in forging and armor crafting despite their sensitivity to natural light and their far from adequate eyesight. It seems, however, that their remaining senses are heightened and serve them well as they explore and dwell deep inside the cavernous mountains. As creatures of habit, mining and forging are their most prominent way of life, and for them there is no other way.

     Brevians are the much smaller race of humanoid who live on the surface of their ever changing world. They are known as the sole caretakers of the vibrant plains and lush forests, as they are their world’s chosen farmers and cultivators. They care deeply for all living things and show much love and respect for nature along with all of their world’s inhabitants. Their race is very gentle yet extremely hard working and always work together. Without a spoken word or a single gripe they help one another with every aspect of their daily duties, even if it's not their own. Small posts are located just inside the village walls and serve as cooperative markets for all villages to sell and trade their goods. Trade routes also exist making deliveries to and from even the farthest regions possible. Although Brevians are generally peaceful in nature, they are also very well trained in combat and will fight to the death if circumstances require it.   

    In the past, great wars had taken place between Dulvar and Brevians which may have lasted for decades or even centuries, as none are completely sure just how long. Both races had eventually come to realize how much was truly wasted and that absolutely nothing was gained in the participation of such wars. The bloody aftermath from years of battles had left each race hovering very close to near extinction. Their dwindled numbers and primal instincts of self preservation forced each race to find ways to exist with one another, but not necessarily harmoniously. Well after the wars had ended each race relegated to their own affairs and stayed close to their own kind without ever crossing the paths of their once longtime foes.

    There are some villages that do exist along the west side of the mountains that are populated with both species simultaneously. It seems that they have not only found a way to cohabitate peacefully but have also created an environment where both species are truly respected and even depend on each other. They share their duties in farming as well as mining and both reap the benefits by having abundant supplies all year long. 

   However, all is not just hard work and combat training for either race, especially for the Brevians. As part of their heritage, most families find a balance between work and play which gives them time for themselves in the form of various hobbies and recreational activities. The Brevians, most often find themselves traveling to the Solemn Forest for such activities. Today is one of those days where Tola, his wife Deana and their daughters Kana and Gemma have taken a well deserved break and made their way to their favorite spot for some family time.

      “Oh no, you can’t catch me!” Tola shouted out into the quiet forest with his hand pressed horizontally against his brow. Its placement helped block the sun’s rays fairly well but he still could not see his opponent anywhere in the distance. “Wait! Where did you go little Imp?”

      “Got you!” Said a sweet little voice from inside the tall grass, just behind him. “Got you Papa…...I got you again slowpoke!”

      “Gemma!” He shouted, smiling intensely, pretending to be surprised. “I can’t believe how fast…….and how sneaky you are. You are getting to be as quick as your sister.”

      “She has a few more years before she can catch me.” Said Kana as she jumped out of the tall thick grass and rushed up behind them. With great speed she darted towards her little sister and grabbed her by the waist. She crouched down just behind little Gemma and with the power of her strong legs and her sturdy Dulvar arms she lifted her little sister, tossing her high up in the air. 

     Tola was a bit nervous, but at the same time very confident in Kana’s strength as her firm hands caught his baby girl, when she came plummeting back downward.

     “EEEEEEEEEK! “ Gemma screamed with great joy as she embraced her sister on the way down. “ Again Kana, again!”

    Kana tossed her sister up in the air several more times, getting higher and higher with each toss. Gemma giggled and screamed louder each time as she always loves to play with her older sister, when she wasn’t too busy chasing boys, that is.

    “Not so high Kana!” Whispered Deana as she jumped down from one of  her favorite hiding spots, high up in one of the very large Sycamore trees. “I know you are strong, but she is a little wiggly worm and she just may wiggle right through your hands if you aren’t careful.”

     “Well yer a…..a…...stinky dork face!” Gemma said as she looked at her mother while pinching her tiny little nose.

     “Is it you Kana, who I can thank for teaching your four year old sister such language?” Deana asked shrewdly as she walked up behind Kana and placed her elbow on top of her shoulder. Deana gave Kana a quick glance and suddenly realized her oldest daughter, who was once her little girl, was nearly grown. 

     “No Mama! But that DOES sound like something Leana would say to Aunt Rayla.” Kana stated as she smiled and placed her finger vertically over her lips ushering Gemma to keep quiet.

     “Are you sure?.......That sounds exactly like what you said last spring about a certain boy you were upset with.” Deana responded. “Oh I can’t seem to remember the stinky dork face’s name.”

      “You mean Dale?” Tola asked. “He was a good kid, Kana. Why didn’t you like him? He was a good farmer and a very hard worker.”

     “He WAS a good kid….. but now he’s a complete ASS!” Kana shouted as she turned her back to her father and began to pout as she walked away. She quickly spun back around and stomped straight toward him with her arms folded in disgust. “A couple days ago I caught him kissing another girl! He’s a worthless piece of crap as far as I’m concerned!”

     “Whoa! Calm down there sweetie, I was just asking.” Tola responded as he raised his arms up to his chest in fear, as he began backing away. “I didn’t know what happened. I thought maybe it was because he was a bit intimidated by me.”

     “I caught him with another girl who he brought to ‘our special place’. “ Kana said with great anger in her voice. “I found that place! It was just for me and Gemma. I should have never shown it to him. That weasel!”

     “Is that why he stopped delivering tomatoes to our house?” Deana asked as she tried to procure more facts, all the while still trying to show sympathy for her poor broken-hearted daughter.

    “No! It’s because I beat his ass to a pulp!” Kana yelled as she angrily reached down to pick up her sister, trying to help the family get ready to head home.

    “Oh boy!” Tola gasped. “Is he all right?”

    “Who cares?” Kana responded as she rolled her eyes and began carrying her sister back home. “He’s smart enough not to be seen in public anymore. I’m still not through with him.”

     “What’s an ass?” Gemma asked. “Is it like an orange….cuz it has pulp?”

     They all laughed for a few minutes as Kana and her mother smothered little Gemma with kisses. When Kana looked back at her father, her smile quickly turned to a pout as they continued to pack up their belongings. Tola said nothing as he stepped back and let Kana take the lead home. They walked the beaten path in near dead silence because Tola was afraid of another outburst from his oldest daughter. She may still be daddy’s girl but she was no longer little. Tola knew better than to treat her like a child anymore but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t struggling with the idea of her growing up so fast. Since the day Deana found Kana in the woods, fighting for her life, nobody has become closer to Kana than Tola and Deana. They knew that day they found her that she was a fighter and from then on they totally supported her in everything she did. She has taken them on numerous quests and expeditions in search of new things and even quests to find hidden treasures. She has taught them what she knows about her language, about her heritage and many other things that she and her twin sister Leana had discovered together. 

    Lately, Tola had grown a bit nervous over Kana since she has been recently showing great interest in boys. Unfortunately for him and the rest of their family nobody knows Kana or her twin sister Leana’s true age, so determining if they are of that age is proving to be very difficult. The two were both born into slavery and neither had ever even seen the light of day until the day Kana was drafted to be a soldier. Tola and his wife believe that it is possible that the Dulvar age fairly similarly to Brevians, based on what little they have learned from their late Elder Dolan. But neither Dolan nor his wife have written more than a sentence or two about the breed that Kana and Leana belong to. Of course being twins, and a completely rare breed, there were no real tangible certainties to prove or disprove their theories. 

     Their newest Elder Rayla, who is Tola’s loving yet older sister, has spent countless hours looking through every piece of literature that she has in her possession. She searched for answers on every piece of parchment she could grasp in her perfectly manicured, yet extremely strong hands. She has found little to nothing written about their kind in even the oldest manuscripts that were passed down by the village’s ancestors. If she was to ever discover their true identities she would need writings from the Dulvar archives or even the Dulvar people themselves. She felt there had to be Dulvar teachers or scholars somewhere in existence but where to find one was the burning question she asked herself, everyday. Anything Elder Dolan and his wife had written were merely ideas or theories and offered no solid facts.

     Kana’s adoptive mother Deana, who grew up very independently as a teenager, lived in and managed her very own home on the Mountain Village when she was only fourteen. She is, and has always been very self reliant and resourceful and has taken to watching Kana’s social interactions very closely for the past four years or so. Deana does indeed see a lot of herself in Kana, when she herself has reached adulthood. She finds it very intriguing that it wasn’t all that long ago that she was taking her husband’s hand and walking down the path to marital bliss. Although Kana’s true age will forever be a mystery, she appears by comparison, physically and emotionally developed to that of a Brevian girl, about sixteen or even seventeen years of age. Her father didn’t want to think about the fact that her very short childhood path was ending and that a new one leading to adulthood was just at her feet. Deana would often tease her husband and tell him their daughter had already moved to another village with one of the local boys, just to get his goat. She would almost always succeed in causing him to go into a major panic and he would immediately drop everything to search for her. Of course he would find her every time and feel like a total heel for falling for his wife’s masterful trickery. He would laugh in front of her but would always mutter his displeasure, just under his breath. She would sometimes hear him and an all out battle of pranks, between spouses would ensue. Of course Deana won every time which usually just made Tola even more irritated. She would sometimes include little Gemma in the jokes, but after a while he learned how to turn their daughter to his side by bribing her for information. But all was in good fun though, and there was always a great amount of love and respect between them.

     Deana, knowing her oldest girl was ready to make the leap, began inquiring of the villagers the things Kana would need to procure a nice home for herself. Kana leaving the nest was truly bittersweet for her adoptive parents because they both felt that they were given very little time to get to know her before she would begin her new life. They knew it would inevitably happen but they were very confident that absolutely nothing would change any aspect of their little world because Kana was their daughter, above all else. They are constantly reminding her how much meeting her and caring for her has enriched their lives far more than they did for hers. 

    Kana has shown much more independence over the past several years and has even hinted to her mother about relationships, marriage and getting her own place here in the Forest Village. Little did she know her mother had already gotten the ball rolling without telling anyone of her plans, even her husband. She has not even attempted to speak with her husband about these matters because she remembers when they were in love and married at the age of seventeen. She feared that If Tola began to see or even think of his daughter as an Adult he may not take it so well. One day they will need to have the conversation, but now is not yet the time.

      Tola and Kana are very close and have been since that fateful day in the Forest Village infirmary. That very day when Tola’s heart had changed, not only towards her but towards the entire Dulvar race. It was a single look, a single moment,  when he laid his eyes upon that most precious Dulvar child. It was something in her presence, in her soul, that when two enemy races made eye contact, their lives changed forever. Kana somehow knew that her fate lay in the arms of a single Brevian and that her life would be protected by this complete stranger. That very day Tola felt it in his heart that this precious child would somehow change their entire existence. Despite any differences they had or any conflicts that would arise in their village, Tola and Deana adopted Kana. They agreed that they would overcome any obstacles thrown their way, and do it together as a family. Their love for Kana and their new found feelings for the entire Dulvar race had spread like wildfire. It quickly raged through the hearts of all the people in their most wonderful village like a brushfire fed by hurricane winds. It didn’t take long for many other families to adopt the remaining Dulvar children whom they all fought so hard to rescue from their slavery at the hands of the evil Queen. Even Tola’s sister Rayla, who was one of the fiercest warriors in their village, felt inspired and lovingly adopted Kana’s disabled twin sister Leana. Their race has grown so much in the past several years as they began to find an unquenching love for the Dulvar people. They no longer saw them as enemies, but as great and powerful allies. With Rayla as their youngest ever appointed Elder, they continue to follow her wholeheartedly. Together they have formed a strong alliance with their once fiercest enemy, which now allows both to flourish in harmony.

     “Papa……..papa…...PAPAAAAAAA!” Yelled Gemma as she tried desperately to get her father’s attention. “Do you have potatoes in your ears or something?”

     “I’m sorry sweetie I was listening to some strange noises down near the brook.” Tola answered as he briefly glanced over to Gemma then focused his attention towards the brook. “Did you hear it? It sounded like someone in trouble. I need to head down there.”

     “That’s what I’m trying to tell you…….Kana heard it too. She already ran down to the brook.” Gemma answered as she scrunched her nose while placing her hands on her hips. “She grabbed her sword and ran. You should take yours too.”

    “Oh dear!” Tola muttered as he grabbed his own sword from the horse's saddle bag. “You stay here with your mother, Gemma. I’m following Kana. That girl is gonna get me killed!”

     Tola darted alongside the freshly crushed grass footsteps that kana left behind which lead straight down the embankment. Kana is fast and Tola knew there was only one way to catch her and that was to slide down the slope and hope he makes it down in one piece. He looked around for something smooth that he could use as a sled to help him glide effortlessly. He briefly scanned the surrounding brush before eyeing a decent sized piece of tree bark that had broken off, possibly in the last storm. He jumped onto it, knees first then pushed himself down. The moisture on the grass helped his makeshift sled slide with great speed as he plummeted down the hill. After navigating a plethora of trees and catching some wicked air at times, he finally reached the banks of the brook. His landing was far from graceful or pleasant but he managed to keep himself from face planting into the rocks at the water’s edge. He kneeled down immediately, placing his ear to the dirt, listening for any sounds of Kana or a person in distress. The only sounds he could hear were that of the flowing water as it rushed past him. He quickly stood up and began yelling out for his daughter.

      “Kana! Can you hear me? Where are you, child?” He shouted out into the overgrowth. “Kana…….where did you go?”

     Tola began panicking as he could no longer hear the strange cries nor any sound from his daughter. He began rifling through the brush looking for clues when he came upon a small section of matted grass. It looked like a temporary bed that was poorly decorated with apple cores, fish carcasses and small bark sections covered in dried berry pieces. Just beyond the grass was a small cooking spit made from cut tree branches with a pile of smoldering embers just below it. There was a small group of footprints in the mud and were as fresh as morning dew. They were leading northward along the banks, so Tola quickly began tracking them. He immediately began checking and measuring both sets of prints, then determined that one set was definitely Kana’s. He followed the tracks closely but after about a hundred or so paces the odd pair that he was tracking, just disappeared. His daughters' tracks seemed to continue on along the brook but were now spaced much wider apart, indicating to him that she started sprinting. At this point Tola’s only concern now was that of the safety of his daughter and not so much for the stranger. “What happened to the strange noises and why would Kana take off like that?” He nervously asked himself. After about fifty paces the gap between prints began to close, but then just like that, they disappeared into the brush just ahead of him. He was truly hoping that she was close by as it was near impossible at this point to continue tracking her.

     “Kana! Can you hear me? Answer me child!” Tola shouted out into the open air. “KANNAAAAAAA!”

     “Can you be any louder!” A voice answered from within the deep brush.

     “Kana is that you?” Tola asked in a much softer voice. “I can’t see you. Where are you? I can’t see anything but grass and bugs. I never realized how short I am.”

     “Apparently you don’t realize how loud you are either!” The voice responded. “Try not to talk for a few minutes and just listen.”

     “Why?” Tola asked as he became a bit perturbed.

     “Will you just shut it for a moment?” The voice snapped at him from within the tall grass. “DO NOT RESPOND TO MY RHETORICAL QUESTION EITHER.”

      Tola finally got the hint and bit his lip while curling his tongue up tight. He was a bit angry for a minute but took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down a little. That voice was definitely Kana’s, full of teenage angst with undertones of unbridled sarcasm. He knew there was something definitely wrong here but he wholeheartedly trusted his daughter and was even prepared to go into battle once more with her if needed. He kneeled down, then lowered his head, placing his ear to the ground. He could hear nothing at first but then he heard a faint cry. It sounded like that of a young boy, probably close to Kana’s age. The voice sounded scared with subtle undertones signifying he might possibly be in pain. “Who was this mysterious person and why evade those trying to help him?” Tola thought to himself.

      Kana leaped from the grass and darted straight to one of the large Oak trees. She looked up then began hastily climbing upward like a cheetah chasing its next meal. Tola jumped up to follow but quickly lost sight of her. As he reached the tree he saw Kana nearly thirty paces up. He knew he was not a good climber but started his way up anyway. He made it about one story up when all of a sudden Kana jumped across to the next tree, effortlessly.

     “Oh come on!” Tola shouted as he began descending rapidly. “I’ll just follow you from the ground!”

      Tola jumped down and darted toward the next tree just to find that Kana was already two trees away. How could she leap from tree to tree like that, he wondered. He knew at that precise moment that Kana’s skills and abilities had now far exceeded his own. He knew of the capabilities of the larger breed of Dulvar quite well, but his daughter's seem to become more aggressive and very mysterious. Was the Dulvar Queen speaking the truth many years ago, he pondered. She did tell him that Kana was bred as an assassin, a precise killing machine. Thinking about it he now began to worry even more about her. He loves his daughter dearly but is quickly discovering how little he really knows about her. 

      Tola followed the tree line all the way back to the village and approached the guards who were sitting at their posts, oblivious to what was taking place just outside the wall. He didn’t see Kana but he did see that the branches near the tops of the trees, near the towers, were rustling. He was afraid that his little girl might be in trouble so he got their attention and ordered them to ready their weapons while keeping an eye on the treetops. He grabbed a bow and a quiver from the remote armory then readied an arrow. He watched as the treetops began to sway and shake violently back and forth. He took aim at the tree closest to him and stared straight down his notched arrow. 


    “Sir, the south tower has a visual on your daughter but she’s engaged in battle with an unknown being up on the tree tops.” Said one of the guards. “We must stand down sir. We can’t get a visual on her attacker. He or she is completely cloaked by the leaves. If we fire aimlessly we might hit your daughter.”

     “Agreed.” Tola responded as he waited, trying not to panic. “Ready your swords to protect yourself. If I know Kana, she will try to flush her assailant out down to us.”

     Some time had passed and the treetops stopped moving. A small figure began descending the tree very quickly, it was Kana. She jumped down landing on top of the north tower, right next to her father. She was out of breath and bleeding from several superficial wounds on her legs and shoulder. She swiped her father’s bota bag and quickly dispensed water over her wounds.

    “Where is the person you were chasing?” The head guard asked as he lowered his bow. “It looks like they got away! Everyone stay on alert and keep your weapons ready. They may come back.”

    “Are you ok sweetie?” Her father asked worriedly. “Can I help you clean your cuts?”

    “Don’t touch me…..I can handle it.” Kana barked at her father as she pushed his hands away. “And don’t call me sweetie…..I’m not a child!”

     Tola backed away and sat on the edge of the tower, looking away from everyone. He was tough and endured many battles while masking his pain, but the pain he felt from his daughter's rejection was far worse than anything he felt from a sword. At that moment Tola grabbed his sword and descended down the tower’s spiral staircase. He took a moment to wipe away his tears and walked back to the gate where he saw Gemma and Deana waiting. He carefully placed his sword back into its sheath before mounting his steed and slowly trotting off with his head hanging down. Deana just stared at her husband as he could see the hurt in his eyes. She remained silent as she watched him slowly gallop away, presumably heading back home.

     Kana jumped down near her mother’s horse and began pulling some shreds of cloth from her bag. She carefully wrapped her legs to help stop the bleeding all the while her mother sat watching silently. Gemma was trying to get down to help her sister but Deana blocked her. Gemma began to cry but Kana was too angry and distraught to even notice. She grabbed her satchel and threw it across her back. 

    “What happened, Kana?” Deana asked sternly. “Who were you chasing?”

    “It was a boy.” Kana responded as she sat down and closed her eyes for a minute. “He was laying near the brook holding his head in pain. When I kneeled down to help him he jumped up quickly and grabbed my sword. He started running along the banks so I chased him. He climbed up into the trees and started swinging on the vines. I ran along the path for a while then decided to climb up and follow him. When I finally caught up to him he turned the sword on me and attacked. He seemed a bit playful at first but then his eyes turned ghostly white and he became vicious.”

     “Did he seem like he was sick?” Her mother asked as she sat on the bench next to her daughter. “Have you seen him before? We need to find him so we can try to help him.”

     “No! He looked fine but his skin was constantly changing….like a chameleon. It was almost green when he was laying in the grass but in the trees it looked more gray like the tree’s bark. I think he’s part Dulvar or something. My skin changes a little sometimes, but not like that.”

     “Did you get your sword back?” Gemma asked.

     “No! He still has it!” Kana answered angrily. “If I catch him, that sword is going straight up his……”

     “KANA! Don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Deana demanded. 

     “Up his NOSE?” Gemma asked. “EEEWWWWW. THAT’S NASTY!” 

      Kana chuckled for a moment then grabbed her sister and squeezed her tight. She must have held her for a bit too long as Gemma began squirming and kicking to get down. She started to run down the path that leads to the duck pond, so Kana quickly pursued. Gemma looked back for a second and noticed her sister was chasing her so she screamed with laughter and began to run faster. As they reached the pond, they both jumped in together and started playing with the ducks.

      Deana unpacked the horses then quickly led them to the stable. She gave them some hay and fresh water then headed inside to look for her husband. He was sitting at the table holding one of Kana’s handmade dolls that he gave to her back when they first adopted her. He was sitting there staring at it like he was waiting for it to speak to him. 

     “What happened today between you and Kana?” She asked softly. “And don’t say that nothing happened because the hurt I see in your eyes says otherwise.”

     “It’s fine!” Tola answered quietly. “I realized today that she’s not my little girl anymore. I think that she resents me for something I did….or maybe didn’t do…..I just don’t know what to do.” 

     “You should go talk to your sister.” Deana responded. “I’m sure raising YOU was no picnic. Maybe she might offer some good advice. After all she is the village Elder.”

     “I think…… you are exactly right!” Tola answered as he dropped the doll on the table and shot right up. “She is the smartest woman I know…..well …..uh. I mean…..well besides you. Heh.”

     “I married you!......So I’m definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed!” She said with a chuckle.

     “No argument there!” Tola muttered as he tried desperately to reach the door before his wife could grab a hold of any dull implement that she could use to make contact with his cranium. 

     He didn’t make it more than three steps before his wife jumped on his back and knocked him to the floor. She grabbed both of his arms, pinning them behind his back and pressed her torso against them. He began laughing as he knew his wife was too sweet and kind hearted to really hurt anyone, or at least he hoped. She leaned over his left side and gently kissed his cheek. She released his arms as he slowly placed them at his side and rolled himself over onto his back. He gently reached up and brushed her beautiful platinum blonde hair to one side and gave her a soft, sweet kiss on her lips. The couple laid there on the floor kissing for a minute or so when Gemma and Kana barged into the house and caught them.

      “YUCK!” Said Gemma as she stuck out her tongue and scrunched her face. “You guys are worse than Kana and Bo smooching on the log down by the brook.” 

      Kana immediately darted out the door before anyone could even mutter a single word. Gemma jumped up to the table laughing and grabbed a hold of Kana’s doll. She took out another doll from her pocket and began making the two dolls kiss each other. She would laugh and make loud kissing sounds every time their faces touched. Tola and Deana quickly jumped up and began to awkwardly try to find something to do to help avoid embarrassment. 

     “I’m gonna go talk to my sister now.” He blurted out as he fumbled around aimlessly. “Gemma, you help your mother with dinner and I’ll bring back some bread and maybe some of your favorite cheese.”

     “Thank you. Love you Papa!” Gemma shouted as she began blowing kisses to her father, who pretended to catch every single one.

     “Love you too sweetie!” Tola whispered as he slowly backed out the door, closing it on his head trying to get a chuckle from Gemma.

     “Silly papa…….close the door AFTER you leave!” Gemma said as she laughed. “I’ll teach you how to do it when you get back.”

      Tola expeditiously walked to the Elder’s Cottage and as usual barged in unannounced, without knocking. To his delight Ciara, Rayla and Leana were all sitting at the table husking corn and cutting lettuce and tomatoes for dinner. Leana jumped up and rushed straight toward Tola with arms wide open. He raised his arms to hug his niece but it turned out she was a bit taller than him now. She crouched down and embraced him just like she did when she was little.

      “Uncle Tola, it’s so good to see you!” Leana shouted as she squeezed real hard and picked him up off of his feet. “Wow you are shorter than I remember!”

     “Yeah I’m shorter than I remember too!” He answered with a snort. “Wow, it smells so good in here. I can sense……fresh cut greens, corn and those pink flowers….you know the real stinky ones…...what are they called?”

     Out of nowhere a large pillow pelted him upside the head and messed up even more, his already messy hair. Before Tola could say a word two more pillows hit his chest and face, with great speed and precision. He immediately lost his balance and fell back against the weapon rack just behind the front door. A group of cackles immediately followed as he tried to regain his composure and hone in on his attacker. Just as he looked up there stood Rayla, Ciara and Kayla standing in the distance with huge smiles on their faces. They looked like they were reaching for more pillows in preparation of a second onslaught but Tola, seeing he was grossly outnumbered, kneeled down and surrendered.

      “Say anything about my Peonies again and the next pillow will be your dinner!” Rayla proclaimed as she pointed directly at her brother. “So what brings you to see the Might Rayla…...lowly peasant?”

     “Mighty…...Rayla?” Tola asked as he scrunched his brows and formed a very shallow smirk with his lips. “Well MIGHTY RAYLA…..I’ve come to you for some advice. Do you have a moment to talk with a lowly peasant?”

    “Sure! Let’s take a walk over to the armory…...I need to drop off a few quivers that I repaired for the soldiers anyway.” Rayla said as she grabbed her satchel and three freshly sewed quivers. She quietly kissed her wife and daughters before stopping just in front of her brother. “Ok peasant, let’s go.”

     The two siblings talked along the way to the armory like they used to when they were much younger and only had each other to talk to. They reminisced about the good old times when Tola was the village prankster and tried so hard to get Elder Dolan’s goat. They brought up the academy days and the countless hours of training they put in to prepare for battle with the Dulvar. How things have changed in just a few short years they both thought. Now their world was at peace and the Dulvar had become a necessary part of their lives and were no longer a burden to them. Of course they knew there still existed individuals that would rather see the Dulvar species eliminated from the face of the planet, but they were rare. They  themselves have built Dulvar free communities far to the East, mostly where Dulvar do not travel anyway, so conflict with them was almost nonexistent. They did also shut themselves out from other villages and almost  never indulge in any sort of trading. Rayla still sends ambassadors every season hoping to open trade but they are always turned away empty handed. Her ambassadors are never harmed so Rayla is still very hopeful that one day, their hearts will change .

     “I’ve been having some trouble with Kana lately.” Tola stated rather meekly. “Have you been having any trouble with Leana…..I mean like sneaking out to be with boys….or getting angry at the littlest things?” He asked.

    “Of course! They are twins after all!” She responded lightheartedly. “Don’t take it personally…they are just like us when we were their age…you know the anger, the angst, the raging hormones. They're sweet one minute then a complete monster the next. That leads me to believe that they are much more like us than we originally thought. Leana is still a bit shy around boys but I think her and Kana help each other. I think Kana gives her the confidence she needs to talk to the boys she likes. Leana has recently expressed her feelings to me about finding true love. I think she and her sister are truly ready to find themselves a mate and well…..cut the apron strings so to speak.”

     “I try to keep an eye on Kana but she is so damn clever.” He said with a sound of worry in his voice. “She knows just the right time to evade me when I’m either helping Deana or playing with Gemma. She ran off today on our way home….chasing some boy through the trees. I mean literally through the treetops, nearly three stories up. At first we thought he was hurt but then Kana said he attacked her and fled. She came down with several cuts on her and refused to let me help her. She got really mad when I called her sweetie too.”

     “You can’t blame yourself Tola, she is struggling with her identity right now.” Rayla explained as she patted her brother’s shoulder gently. “Being Dulvar and not having someone of her own kind to guide her is very frustrating for her. We still don’t know that much about either of them, or their kind for that matter. For all you know Kana may be in some sort of…..well…..uh…..a predisposition, if you will.”

     “What the duck shit are you talking about!” Tola asked with a very confused look on his face.” You better not be telling me what I think you are… I don’t think that is the case at all!”

    “Tola! She is beautiful, intelligent and very compassionate. Don’t you think that someone of the opposite sex sees that and is more than infatuated with her?” She asked as she tried hard to get him to open up his mind. “I’m not saying she should find a mate and get married tomorrow, but she and Leana, as far as I’m concerned, are already adults. Just because you want her to stay your little girl doesn’t make it so. She will always love you and need you but I think she is ready to take the next step in her life and find herself a mate. I know you don’t want to think of your little girl having relations with anyone but if you keep trying to hold her back she will still follow her own heart, even if it means breaking yours.”

    “I don’t even want to think about it at all!” Tola said as he began fidgeting uncontrollably. “Do you really think she is ready for sex? I mean is it even possible? Can she be intimate with a Brevian boy…..or girl? I mean do the parts…….. fit?”

     “Has Deana told you nothing about Kana?” Rayla asked as she looked her brother straight in the eyes. “Are you really asking me this?”

     “Well to be honest…...yes! I guess I am.” Tola responded firmly.

    “Let me put it this way…..Yes she has exactly the same anatomy as Deana and I, and yes the parts will indeed fit!” She answered with a stern voice. “I also believe that if she were to become impregnated by a Brevian male the offspring would indeed be a mix of both races. Although there is no solid proof, seeing there are no mixed race children in any of the villages that I have visited. I don’t think any of our ancestors have come across this scenario so we are scouting new territory here. We are actually making history, as we speak, by maintaining peace with the Dulvar and taking them into our homes, and our families. I believe Kana and Leana’s bloodline are definitely the key to the evolution of both our races. I still get goosebumps when I visit other villages and see both races peacefully cohabitating.” 

     “I am truly glad that we can live together, but I’m really not ready for a grandchild yet. I’m only twenty three years old.” Tola said nervously. “I bet my wife has been discussing these things with Kana for quite some time now and is far more prepared than I will ever be.”

    “Try not to take it so hard…..boys usually cling to their mothers when they are young but become closer to their fathers when they mature.” Rayla responded softly as she tried to comfort her brother. “Girls are the same with their fathers and it is totally normal for a girl to become closer with their mothers as they approach adulthood. Just be happy that Deana is not sharing everything she knows about Kana with you. Trust me on this!”

      Tola sat silent for a while on the bench just outside the armory. Rayla could still see the hurt in his eyes but reassured him that it was all temporary. She convinced him that things will change once Kana finds her true self and settles into her own world, then their bond as father and daughter will grow that much stronger. 

   They closed up the armory and headed back to Raylas cottage. Tola said not a single word before or after they arrived. Tola just quietly gave his sister a great big hug then kissed her hand. He waved goodnight to Leana, Ciara, Kayla and Ava through the window then proceeded to head home. Rayla carefully tossed a lit torch onto the dirt path just at his feet as it was already getting dark and Tola still had to help prepare dinner when he got home. He was feeling so much better now and was actually beginning to look forward to building a new house for his much grown daughter and her future family.

  CHAPTER 2: Kana’s Predicament 


       When Tola arrived home he stopped at the front door and thought for a moment about what he was going to say to Kana. He took a deep breath then opened the door, unsure how his family would react. He knew it was far past dinner time and he wasn’t even there to help, nor did he stop for bread and cheese like he promised. He stood there for a moment just looking at his family, waiting for the lectures or the sarcasm, but instead he was greeted with joy. Gemma jumped into his arms and kissed him on his nose then wrapped her arms around his neck, delivering a big squeeze. Deana just smiled as she walked over to the counter then opened up a large metal pot that was steaming intensely. The vapors escaped like a kaleidoscope of butterflies scattering across a breezy meadow while the aroma permeated the air. It was vegetable soup prepared by his ladies with the freshest ingredients right from their own garden. It was Tola’s absolute favorite meal that Deana would make for him, but she usually only made it on special occasions. Tola paused and thought for a moment. Was he missing something or forgetting a special day or event?

      “What’s the special occasion?” Tola asked as he gulped hard. “I have to be honest with you all…..if I missed something important I am truly sorry. I’ve been working through some things and my mind isn’t where it ought to be.”

     “TOLA! HOW COULD YOU FORGET TODAY!” Deana yelled across the room as she just scowled at her husband.

     The two just stood there looking at one another, Tola with a look of despair and Deana with one of anger. The two girls turned their backs and left the room as they seemed upset with him as well. Tola looked around the cottage to see if there was something out of place or purposely changed that could give him a hint at what he was missing. Deana then turned away and walked outside through the back door. 

    “Deana…...I’m sorry!” Tola whispered.

     After a few minutes the girls came running into the kitchen, each carrying a small package with cute little smiles on their faces. Gemma jumped in front of her sister to get to her dad first as she began to laugh and swing her arms from side to side playfully. Kana stepped behind her and looked toward the back door as her mother snuck in carrying a perfectly round cake with four candles on top.

     “Oh no, is it your birthday Gemma?” He asked with a look of horror on his face. “I’m so sorry sweetie if I forgot your special day. I can’t believe I forgot.”

    “Silly papa…….it’s YOUR birthday today… big….big…..”

    “GOOBER!” They all shouted in unison, then began to laugh hysterically.

     “What? …….Wait a minute…...why didn’t anyone say anything all day today?” Tola asked as he put his hand on his hip and began tapping his foot. “You all waited until now to say something…..yeah and I’M the GOOBER?”

     “Technically you weren’t born until after midnight sooooo…... we shouldn’t be celebrating until tomorrow….but the girls couldn’t wait any longer.” Deana stated as she placed the beautiful cake on the kitchen table and placed a dagger in Tola’s hand. “Go ahead, blow out the candles and make a wish!”

    Tola closed his eyes for a moment then looked down at Gemma with a squinty eye. He reached down and picked her up by the waist as he held her over the cake.

    “You blow them out for Papa.” He whispered in Gemma’s ear.

    Gemma blew out the candles and everyone clapped for a brief moment. Tola carefully cut the cake as Gemma served the pieces. Each got a huge slice, probably too big for any of them to finish but they did their best. Suddenly the front door opened and in walked Rayla, Ciara and their girls with another cake, even bigger than the first. They placed it on the table quietly and placed a bunch more candles on the top. Gemma looked at it with eyes as big as apples just hoping to be the one to blow them out. 

      “Thank you guys so much.” Tola said as he grabbed Gemma once again to extinguish the works of even more pyromaniacs. Tola cut the other cake and passed the slices around. Deana put the soup away and didn’t seem to care that Tola was eating cake for dinner. Usually he would be reprimanded immediately, basically for the amusement of the children but today was his special day. Ciara pulled a bottle of her own homemade cider out of her satchel and began pouring glasses for everyone. Kana was first in line as she was the most fond of Aunt Ciara’s cider and would often offer to help with chores in hopes to receive fresh cider as payment, which was almost always the case. 

      The celebration went on for several hours as the adults sat inside talking and the younglings sat outside near the fire pit telling scary stories and sharing fresh mulberries. As it was getting very late the families hugged goodbye and made their way home. Deana and Kana cleaned up as Gemma helped her papa put away his gifts. Gemma had made some figures out of wood and Kana had crafted a small wooden hut for them to live in. It was all beautifully hand crafted and a great representation of their closest family members. Tola found the highest shelf in his room then cleared it off, in order to place the hut with all the figures surrounding it right in the center. It was the first thing he would see everyday when he came home and it would always remind him how much he is loved no matter how bad his day was.

     The next morning Tola woke up bright and early while Deana and Gemma were fast asleep. As he went into the kitchen he noticed Kana’s boots were gone along with her favorite rucksack and sword. It wasn’t unusual for Kana to get up early to train on the sparring grounds with Leana but the missing rucksack told him this wasn’t a usual day. He peeked into her room and sure enough she was gone. He grabbed his short boots and laced them tight as he was about to quietly track his eldest daughter. When he stepped outside he found two sets of footprints lightly embedded in the dry sand. One set was definitely Kana’s and the other was of a very similar pattern but with the left heel pressed a bit deeper. It was also curved upward like the shoe was either broken or the wearer possibly had a prosthetic. That set  must be Leana’s he thought as both sets lead towards the eastern wall. He began following the prints down the trail and up to the ridge, hugging the eastern wall very closely. As he climbed the ridge he unfortunately lost the tracks, but a quick survey of the surrounding area and he picked them right back up. After about thirty paces the tracks stopped and began circling or possibly pacing as they overlapped in all directions. After sifting through the sand and perusing the area he discovered more tracks in the soft clay deposits just up the hill. Kana and Leana must have walked up the hill to the clay mounds and met someone.

      “If those girls meet up with some boys…..they are gonna hear it from their mothers!” Tola said out loud as if talking to someone standing next to him. “Uh….yeah……real smart Tola! Talk to yourself some more because that doesn’t sound crazy at all.”

      He followed the tracks all the way to the top of the hill, then through a small hole in the wall, and down to the forest edge where there were several small crudely built huts. He’s been walking these woods for many years and this is the first time he’s seen any camps out here he thought to himself. He crept slowly up behind one of the huts and as he got closer he could hear several voices coming from within. Suddenly he heard leaves rustling in between the huts so he dove into the tall grass and kept out of sight. He recognized Kana and Leana’s voices right away but the two other voices, which sounded male in tone, he didn’t recognize. He sat there a moment, behind the brush, until the voices became softer, as if they were walking away from his location. Tola peaked around the corner and saw Leana and Kana walking down the path which led to a small fishing pond. He jumped out of the grass and ran around the adjacent meadow, along the treeline to flank them and see what they were up to.

    Tola quickly arrived at the pond, near the east side and surveyed the area for a good hiding spot. Just across the way he noticed the small hut he built many years ago when he and Rayla would escape the village for a while. They built it mostly for storage, but also to distance themselves from Elder Dolan and his strict rules. He was truly surprised that it was still standing after all these years. He stepped inside and closed the door just in time as the younglings had soon arrived. He peered out through a crack in the door just watching and listening for a while.

     “Kana, did you bring the mulberry wine this time?” Leana asked as she sat down and opened her rucksack retrieving a handful of stone cups and some salted fish strips. “That peach stuff is disgusting, it made me sick for two days.”

     “Yes!” Kana answered as she pulled out two small gourds and set them on a small makeshift table, setup  just on the shore. 

     “Alright let’s get pouring then.” Said Bo as he grabbed a cup and held it in front of Kana. “Fill me up, my love.”

     “Hold your horses Bo! Kana bought the wine…..she gets the first cup.” Said the other male voice. “Didn’t your mother teach you manners there… dickhead?” 

     Bo handed his cup to Kana then ran over to the other boy and the two started wrestling. They both seemed fairly strong and took turns knocking each other down on the sand until they eventually reached the water. They began wrestling even harder, slamming each other into the pond as the girls stood there laughing, totally amused. Leana poured two cups of wine, giving one to Kana and the other to herself. She chugged her wine then proceeded to pour another while Kana didn’t even touch hers.

     “Kana…...what’s wrong? Don’t you like mulberry wine?” Leana asked. 

     Suddenly Kana began swaying about and her eyes were getting heavy. She went to take a step then collapsed, falling face first into the sand. Leana dropped the wine and kneeled down by her side but the boys were oblivious to what was taking place. She immediately rolled her sister onto her side and checked her throat for any possible obstructions. She placed her fingertips on her neck searching for a pulse just like her mother Ciara had taught her. Luckily she could feel a pulse but it was rapid and weak. She yelled to the boys but they were so far out and making so much noise they couldn't hear her. She began talking to her trying to wake her sister up but she was completely out.

     Tola witnessed the event and started to panic as he was now fearing the worst. He immediately thrashed the door open then darted around the pond faster than he had ever run and dove down next to his daughter. He rolled her onto her back and placed his ear on her chest. He heard a fluttering heartbeat and her breathing was becoming very shallow. He scooped his arms under her and lifted her up to his chest as he stood up. Without saying a single word to the others, he began running back to the village. Kana was unconscious but still breathing as her father would raise her chest up to his ear every other minute. 

      “The one damn time I don’t have my horse!” Tola shouted to himself in anger. “Hang in the sweetie, I’m bringing you to Ciara. I hope the hell she is home!”

     “Uncle Tola!” Leana shouted from behind. “We are right behind you. Bo can carry her for a while so you can rest your arms.”

     “No, I got her!” Tola responded quickly. “Stay close in case I can’t continue on. She needs to see Ciara right away. Whoever is the fastest should go on ahead and find her.”

     “Kana’s always the fastest but Aram is the fastest now.” Leana said as she motioned Aram to fly.

     Aram darted ahead as fast as he could while Bo and Leana stayed trotting by Tola’s side. Tola slowed a bit as he was losing stamina so Bo stepped in and grabbed hold of Kana. He began to run as fast as he could as Tola stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He motioned for them to keep going and to not stop for him. He reached around his neck and removed his bota bag proceeding to dump the entire contents on his head and face. He then tossed everything he was carrying on the trail including his favorite sword, in an attempt to lighten himself. He dropped his gauntlets, sash and even his tunic before moving again.The adrenaline pumping through his body gave him a second wind as he darted to catch up to the younglings. 

     As Tola reached the group he grabbed Kana from Bo’s grip, listened to her heart and breathing again and could tell that they were fainter than before.

    “Hold on baby, we're almost there!” He whispered to Kana hoping she could somehow hear his voice. Just then she began to shake violently and Tola immediately began to panic again. He stopped for a moment and sat there holding her in his arms crying. As quickly as they started, the convulsions began to subside. He pulled her close, holding her tightly to his bare chest and began sprinting as fast as he could. Bo tried desperately to keep up but this time Tola could not be caught. 

     When he neared the village wall, the guards were prepared as the gates were open with a horse and cart waiting with its tailgate open. Ciara stood near the back of the cart with blankets in hand waiting patiently. As he neared the cart Ciara immediately grabbed her, placing her on the back while signaling the driver to go. She jumped inside frantically next to Kana just as Tola fell on his stomach out of exhaustion. The cart did not wait nor did anyone help Tola as all were focused on helping Kana. One of the guards descended the tower, gave him some fresh water then pulled him up to his feet. The guard dragged Tola to his horse and hoisted him up. He then slapped the horse's hind quarter and it dashed away with Tola barely holding on.

      When Tola arrived at the infirmary the door was shut as a crowd drew near. He slipped past the group and squeezed through the door. Inside stood Deana holding her daughter's hand, weeping as Ciara was checking some of her older wounds.

     “These wounds are getting infected… long has she had them?” Ciara asked as she began carefully cleaning them with a damp cloth soaked in alcohol.

     “Only a few days…..why?” Deana answered looking very puzzled. “Is that what caused her to get sick?”

     “I’m not really sure….with Dulvar I mean. Normally it takes a few days but I’ve never seen an infection like this.” Ciara answered as she continued to clean each wound intently as if she was looking for something specific.

     “She seemed absolutely normal after her encounter, and each day since.” Deana answered as she began to sob. “What’s wrong with her? Is the infection spreading to her organs too?”

    “That’s what it looks like…...but I can’t be sure yet.” Ciara responded as she turned away to grab some fresh cloth strips. “Her heart rate is a bit high, but stable as well as her breathing. As long as she doesn’t have any more convulsions she should get better over the next week or so. I cleaned all the visible wounds but I need to remove some of her clothes to check other areas. I need everyone to leave the room please, but wait just outside the door in case I need help.”

    “Can I stay?” Deana asked as she tried hard to stop sobbing. “She’s my baby. I helped save her life…..please?”

    “Of course…...but only you…..the cleaner the infirmary is, the better.” Ciara said as she grabbed Deana’s shoulder and began rubbing. “Go outside and wash your hands and face…..then I’ll have you put on one of my clean tunics as a precaution.”

     Everyone carefully slipped out the door and into the crowd. Tola grabbed the water and soap and helped his wife quickly scrub up. He kissed her cheek then left to go look for the other younglings that were at the pond. He immediately spotted Leana sitting on the wall next to Bo and Aram. He meandered through the crowd and stopped just in front of the trio who were white as ghosts.

     “What were the four of you doing at the pond…..outside the village walls…...alone?” Tola asked calmly as he folded his arms together in front of him. “Don’t give me any crappy stories either…..just tell me the truth.”

      The three sat silent for a minute or two as they didn’t know how to answer. Leana has always been the more cautious one of their group and Tola was hoping she would come clean and confess. Before anyone could answer Deana stepped out the door and began shouting for her husband. 

     “You three stay right here…...this discussion is not over.” Tola said sternly as he slowly backed away looking directly at Leana. Suddenly he turned and darted through the crowd, straight up to his wife.

     “What is it, Deana?” Tola asked as he took her hand and placed it up against his heart. “Has something changed?”

     “Ciara found something and she is very concerned.” She answered softly as she tried hard not to cry. “There is a small wound on her neck… looks like a puncture from a small dart or something.”

     The pair stepped into the infirmary and immediately Tola ran to the wash basin and wiped his hands with alcohol. He stepped over to Ciara as she pulled off Kanas neck wrap. Tola looked at her neck and noticed a small puncture just below her gills. It was very small but had a small white ring around it that was raised and it’s center was black. As Ciara pressed near the wound a milky green liquid oozed out .

     “What is that ?” Tola asked as he looked very intensely at the skin around the wound. “That looks like a dart puncture…….just like…….No! It couldn’t be!”

     “Yes that’s exactly what it is…...a puncture from a blow dart.” Ciara responded as she covered Kana’s neck with a cool cloth. “She’s been poisoned! The poison is preventing her body from fighting the infection properly.”

     “Who could have poisoned her?” Deana asked “Forget about that….can you help her? Is there anything you can do to counteract the poison?”

     “I’m gonna go out  on a limb here and say it wasn’t someone from our village. There are no plants around here or anywhere in the forest that are this toxic.” Ciara answered as she smelled the cloth she used to wipe the wound.

    “That’s it!” Tola shouted as he began to make his way to the door. “It was that boy she chased through the trees…...He got away but I’m willing to bet he’s not from around here which means he’s probably after Kana for a reason. Someone who despises the Dulvar probably hired the punk to do their dirty work. DAMN COWARDS! “

     “Let’s assume you are right for a moment…...what would he gain by attacking a Dulvar child?” Deana asked as she began touching her daughter’s face gently with the back of her hand. “That boy must know of Kana’s abilities and may see them as a threat to……...their own vile ways!”

     “I’ve seen this before!” Ciara answered softly as she began to cry. “My husband, Kayla’s father, had his personal healer craft various poisons to use against the Dulvar. He would send his general on secret missions to test his theories so he could ultimately devise effective weapons against the Dulvar.”

     “So do you know how to craft the antidote?” Tola asked as his voice had changed from sadness to that of relief. “Tell me where to find the ingredients…..I’ll take a few soldiers and get going immediately.”

      “I have everything I need here but I’ll give you a list so you can replenish what I have, so I don’t run low on stock.” Ciara stated as she scribbled a few things on a small piece of parchment. “These can all be found in the forest except for worm root, which is only found in the southern caves near the Lake Village.”

      “Ian is on his way to Lake Village today, I’ll give him the list. I’m sure he will make it his highest priority.” Deana explained as he copied down the ingredients list for herself.

     “There’s only one problem…….the antidote is powerful and it either needs to be swallowed or placed directly on any wounds so it can get to the bloodstream quickly. ” Ciara interjected as she stopped in front of the door preventing anyone from leaving yet. “But …..what…..if?” “

       Ciara stopped mid sentence and closed her eyes for a minute. Tola and Deana looked at eachother then waited for a few seconds to see if she was finished talking or just collecting her thoughts.

      “Spit it out Ciara…...what are you trying to say?” Tola asked impatiently. “Will the antidote work or not?”

      “It’s not that simple Tola…..We are talking about a Dulvar…..not one of us. The effects may be completely different.” Ciara stated as she started becoming impatient with Tola. “There’s another factor too, that we need to take into consideration.” 

     “What would that be?” Deana asked as she stepped in between her and Tola. She took Ciara’s hand trying to comfort her without her husband spouting things out and  making things harder than they already are.

      “Tola…..Deana…..We need to take into account that she’s also female!” Ciara answered softly. “Judging by her intelligence and awareness of her own body, along with the fact she has close friends of the opposite sex…..”

      “No! That’s not possible…...don’t even think that!” Tola yelled across his wife’s shoulder toward Ciara. “Kana……..No! Just No!”

     “I’m sorry Tola but we need to assume so unless we have proof otherwise.” Ciara stated firmly as she positioned herself closer to the door. “For her safety we need to find out if she could be pregnant. The dose needed to help her would be toxic to a thriving fetus…..and… will most certainly die. I’m the only healer here and unless you have someone else with far more experience than I… need to trust me.”

      Deana walked over to her daughter and kissed her forehead then sat next to her holding her hand tightly as she wept. Tola stormed toward the door as Ciara stepped aside out of fear. He paused for a moment holding his head low and closing his eyes as he held the doorknob firmly. He took several deep breaths then opened the door slowly.

      “Where are you going?” Deana asked. 

      “To find Leana.” Tola softly whispered. “She’s her sister and I’m sure she will tell me the truth if she wants to help her.

      Tola smiled slightly as he patted Ciara’s shoulder before slipping out the door, through the crowd. There weren’t that many people in front of the infirmary now as many went back to work, which  made it easier for Tola to find the trio again. He approached them rapidly as they began nervously fidgeting when they spotted him. He stopped near Leana and was about to speak when he seemed to have a change of heart. He began thinking to himself that Leana is very smart and might use words he doesn’t quite understand to try to change the motion of the conversation. He thought for a few seconds then looked over at Bo. He is young and not so bright, Tola thought to himself as he remembers when he was much younger and girls were the furthest thing from his mind. He would be too timid to even attempt to dominate any conversation and he is definitely afraid of Tola. He decided at that point to pluck Bo out of the group and stepped directly in front of him, looking him dead in the eyes.

      “Let’s have a little chat, son.” Tola said as he grabbed a hold of Bo’s sash and tugged him closer to himself then nodded his head away from their location. “You two stay put….I’ll be back to chat with you in a moment.”

      They began walking away from the group and into the pumpkin patch when Bo started to speak. “I’m sorry sir…...for…..well the wine and sneaking out of the village walls without permission…….we were just having a little fun after spending so much time working.”  Bo answered nervously as he tried to put a little space between him and Kana’s father. “I’m so sorry…...I had no idea that Kana could have been this sick otherwise I would never have brought her to the pond…..I……”

     “I don’t care about the pond right now!” Tola stated as he stopped dead in his tracks. “We will talk about that another time. I need you to be completely honest with me. I’m going to ask you a question and I’d better get a completely honest answer!”

     “Sure…..Anything to help Kana.” Bo answered as he stood firm waiting for a hard jab from Tola. “Ask me anything sir…..and I’ll give you the honest truth. Man to man.”

     “How close are you to Kana?” He asked as he folded his arms and stared at the young man..

     “Well…..I know you probably don’t want to hear this….but it’s the truth.” Bo stated as he looked Tola in the eyes. “I love Kana with all my heart!”

     “You do?” Tola asked. “Man to man…..that’s the honest truth?”

     “Yes!” Bo answered sternly without backing down or breaking eye contact.

     “Good! Then tell me this… there anyway…..I mean anyway AT ALL possible that she could be pregnant?” Tola asked firmly. 

      “What?” Bo asked, confused. “Are you saying?.......”

      “I’m asking…..Man to Man…..If you truly love Kana….and you’ll do anything to help her…..and possibly save her life…...I’m asking you. Could she be pregnant?”

      “I love her so much….and that is kind of a personal question you are asking me.” Bo responded then closed his eyes for a moment. “But because I have the utmost respect for you and your family sir….I will tell you truthfully. Yes! It is possible.”

     “That’s all I needed to know.” Tola said as he started to walk away.

     “Sir…...I’m so sorry…...I didn’t want to…..but I love her so much and she asked me. I know people should be married before they even think about sex….but I’m sorry if she is pregnant and could die because of me.”


      He walked up to Bo and stood directly in front of him as Bo began to cry. He stood very still as Bo closed his eyes and just kept sniffling. Tears ran down his cheek as he knew his life was about to change dramatically. Tola tried very hard to hold it together as he never wanted to scare or hurt Bo. They were both angry and frustrated at the fact someone could do this to such a beautiful and sweet girl. Tola embraced Bo and patted his back hard like he was the son he never had.

    “Don’t worry son…..I’m not here to judge you. Nobody ever needs to apologize for things they do out of love.” Tola said softly as he pulled away a bit. “I never want to hear an apology from anyone who brings another life into this world. Look around you…...our village is the most precious thing in this world. If Kana IS pregnant then our village will be welcoming another beautiful child for us all to love. There’s no shame in it. But if it is indeed the case, then I do expect you will step up and take care of your family…. no matter what happens.”

     “Absolutely!” Bo answered as he dried his tears with his sleeve. “So does that mean we have your approval…..if we decide to get married?”

     “After the way you stood up for yourself…...and convinced me how much you love Kana and will do anything to protect her…...I would say yes, you have my approval.” Tola said as he slapped Bo in the back of the shoulder firmly.

      The two walked quietly back to the infirmary as Leana and Amar jumped off the wall and met up with Bo. Tola had already rushed back inside to check on Kana and speak with his wife. Leana was getting very nervous, mostly for Bo, but also for their little group. She was worried the news of Tola's interrogation would somehow make it back to her Mothers and their friendships might soon be in jeopardy. Leana and the boys swiftly walked back to the wall and began chatting intensely. Bo looked over at the infirmary and smiled a bit as he seemed very much relieved and thankful to still be in one piece. 

     “Where have you been?” Deana asked nervously as she was still sitting holding her daughter's hand. “I hope you didn’t hurt that poor boy.”

     “No! He’s fine.” He answered as he walked over next to his wife and placed his hands on her shoulders while he kissed the top of her head. “Bo confirmed that it is possible that Kana could be pregnant. He said he loves her and is willing to do anything for her. Don’t worry he confessed all on his own…….I didn’t have to beat it out of him.”

      “So we should presume she is so and find another alternative to the antidote.” Ciara muttered as she was in utter disbelief that Tola was being so calm about the relationship between Bo and his daughter.

      “Is there an alternative?” Tola asked as he stepped closer to Ciara.” I’m guessing it won’t be as strong or work as well otherwise that would have been your first choice.”

      “If I knew for sure that there was a fetus growing then I could monitor the baby’s heartbeat as we slowly administered the antidote.” Ciara stated as she placed her hands over her face trying to calm herself. “I’m sure the technology our ancestors possessed could do all these things safely. I know that everything we do is critical but I’ll never know if it’s too much or too little unless we can hear the heartbeat….if there is one.”

     “Wait a minute……” Tola chirped as he ran out the door.

      Moments later Tola returned with Leana, who was all cleaned up and wearing fresh clothing. The two walked in and stood next to Kana just next to Deana. Tola kissed Leana on the forehead then stepped behind his wife as if he was waiting for something to happen. They all stared at him for a minute trying to figure out what he was up to.

    “Tell them Leana!........tell them what you told me.” He said to his niece as he cracked a smile. 

    “Five years ago when Aunt Deana first found out she was pregnant with Gemma, Kana knew before anyone else did…..Right?” She asked as she pointed to her sister. “The reason she knew is because apparently Dulvar hearing is better than that of any Brevian. We can hear higher and lower frequency sounds that you cannot. Just like when animals can sense storms or ground tremors before they happen. We can not only hear the energy waves but sometimes we can feel them too. I found this out many years ago when I was riding Betsy with the other children. There was a soft humming sound coming from inside her that we could hear and sometimes even feel. Kana could sense it too but we didn’t figure it out until her calf was born what that sound inside her was. So whenever we could sense that humming inside an animal we would follow it until it gave birth. We even honed our skill well enough to be able to predict when the baby would be born. So one day Kana came to me and said she heard that same humming sound coming from inside her mother. We made it a point to spend the day with her to see if our theory was true. We both got a chance that day to hug her and be close to her. Needless to say, we both heard it. It got stronger and louder every couple of weeks until Gemma was born.”

     “So can you use your senses to hear if Kana is pregnant?” Deana asked as she grabbed Leana’s wrist and smiled. “I’m so nervous…..I’m not sure if I’m ready to know if my daughter is going to have a baby.”

     “I will try…...but I need everyone to leave the room to eliminate any other interfering sound waves.” Leana said as she leaned over her sister.

     Everyone left except Ciara who stayed directly in front of the door with her hand over her mouth and her eyes closed. Leana placed her pointy ear over her sister’s chest and listened. She heard Kana’s heartbeat as it seemed to be growing stronger. The sound she heard, she retained to memory as she moved her ear down to her stomach. She listened for a while then moved to her lower abdomen just above her pubic bone. She sat there for a while longer trying to listen for each tone and how they reverberated off one another. She heard the sound waves pulsating in harmony like whales singing to one another. The sounds were very soothing and seemed as if they were holding a beautiful mother and child conversation in a way that no one could ever know. It was such a wonderful sound to Leana that she smiled and began to cry tears of joy.

      “I can’t explain how or why I can feel this but, Kana is definitely pregnant!” Leana said as she calmly smiled at her sister. She could sense the calmness in her sister but it soon changed to that of panic as the humming sound was diminishing quickly. 

      Suddenly the cot started shaking as if there was a quake. Kana’s body began to convulse intensely as Leana looked on in horror. She grabbed her sister's hand and held it tightly. Immediately she could sense the poison as if it was yearning to leave her body. Leana held tight hoping what she was feeling was true and that just maybe she could take the poison away from her sister and unborn child. Then it happened, it felt like it was somehow entering her own body through her sister’s touch. She began to feel weakness take over her legs and she collapsed onto the floor, never breaking contact with her sister. Ciara grabbed a hold of her and lifted her up to her feet as she hooked a chair with her left foot. She dragged it over and kicked it just beneath Leana. She carefully let Leana rest her body as her daughter had passed out and Kana’s convulsions immediately stopped. Ciara sat down as she felt completely drained and couldn’t even muster the strength to reach the door to call for help. 

       The three laid still for a short while when Deana anxiously barged into the infirmary. She quickly ran to Ciara and woke her, but she was far too weak to move. She yelled out the door for her husband as he raced inside to help. He carefully lifted Ciara and laid her onto the clean cot right next to Kana’s. She was barely awake but somehow she seemed happy.  Leana came to and immediately leaned over her sister and hugged her firmly. She kissed her forehead then walked up to Deana and Tola embracing them both. 

     “She’s fine now…..She doesn’t need the antidote now, but I might.” Leana said as she stumbled over to the medicine chest and began looking for the ingredients that were on the list. She grabbed everything then quickly placed everything into a small cooking pot. She added some water to the mix along with a pinch of worm root oil. She placed the pot onto the cooking spit then kneeled down and passed out again. Tola lifted her up then carried her over to another cot next to her sister. Tola could feel her heartbeat and it was fluttering very rapidly, just like Kan’s did. How could this be, he asked himself that Leana was now poisoned. He immediately washed his hand in near boiling water to rinse away any possibility that the poison could somehow travel to him through direct contact. 

     Deana ran over to her and began stirring the mix as it quickly began to boil. After several minutes the antidote was ready but Ciara wasn’t awake to administer it. She poured the liquid into a soup bowl letting it cool briefly before reluctantly spoon feeding it to Leana. She was extremely worried that the poison could spread through skin contact but she didn’t care about herself, only those two beautiful Dulvar girls. She sat there for half the day watching and waiting to see if there was any change in their conditions. 

      Tola, at this point, had rushed home to be with Gemma and her cousins as they were hungry and it was well past dinner time. Tola whipped up a quick salad and stayed with the little ones the rest of the night as they all slept at Tola and Deana’s house. The children were oblivious to the day's events and were talking amongst themselves, planning on spending the next day out with the families in the Solemn Forest. Little did they know how close they were to their lives changing forever.

   Deana and Ciara spent the night in the infirmary keeping a watchful eye over their patients. Both their conditions were improving but it would be a matter of days before they would be able to go home and resume their normal lives. So many questions are left unanswered at this point but one thing was certain, they needed to find that boy.

CHAPTER 3: True Sisters


      It had been three days since the incident and Kana had finally woken up. She was a bit groggy but seemed to be in very good spirits and in not much pain. She bounced off her cot and stepped over to her sister Leana, who was still sleeping. She laid her head on her sister’s shoulder and wrapped her arm around her neck. She seemed to remember most of what happened but never really asked anyone any questions. She was however, extremely quiet especially for her, who was the most vocal being in the entire village. She kissed Leana then walked over to the teapot that Deana had just placed on the counter. It was filled to the top with steaming hot sweet tea, enough for a small army, Kana thought to herself as she gazed into the pot. She grabbed a ladle and poured two cups before walking over to her sister then sitting on the cot beside her. It must have been the aroma permeating the air because all of a sudden Leana woke up then sat up almost immediately. Leana briefly looked around the room for a second then back at her sister, noticing the piping hot cup of tea in her hand. She immediately grabbed the steaming mug and chugged it like it was water. Deana looked in shock as it did not even make her flinch.

      “How did you not get burned?” Deana asked as she knew she could barely touch the teapot with her bare hands.

      “Heat is not a Dulvar problem.” Kana said softly then proceeded to chug hers too. “It’s the cold we don’t like…..brrrrr!”

      “How do you both feel? Is there anything I can get either of you?” Deana asked as she stepped in front of the twins and clasped their hands.

      “Where is uncle Tola today?” Leana asked as she glanced out the window hoping to see him outside the infirmary waiting. “Is he just outside the door?”

      “I’ll go get him.” Deana said with a smile. “ He’s been waiting outside everyday, all day waiting to see if you girls are awake. He’s probably dug himself a moat with all his pacing.”

     Deana opened the door and yelled out to Tola who was just outside talking with his sister. She had just returned, with her daughters, from a short visit with her father and brother at the Mountain Village. Tola took some time to fill her in on everything that happened and naturally she was anxious to go see the twins for herself. The two raced inside as Ciara followed behind with little Gemma, Kayla and the other children. Rayla grabbed both the girls and hugged them so hard they thought their eyes would pop out of their heads. She kissed them many times then grabbed ahold of Kana’s arms, holding them out to her sides away from her body as she stared at her stomach.

     “Oh my Kana, is it true?” Rayla asked as she began to smile and cry at the same time. “You are gonna be a MAMA! This is so exciting…..I….”

     “WHAT?” Kana asked as she genuinely seemed shocked. She looked at her mother then to her father to see what they were going to say. She was puzzled that they didn’t seem surprised or freak out like they usually do over little things, and this was huge. “How do you know?”

     “Wait!.......Did…..YOU…..not know?” Rayla asked as she lowered Kana’s arms and hugged her again. “Your father told me….I assumed that you or your mother told him.”

     “It was Leana who confirmed it when she listened to her stomach.” Deana added as she pretended to pout toward her daughter. “We haven’t talked with her about it yet, as she just woke up after being sick for three days. So yeah…..she’s just finding out for the first time herself.”

     “So….You guys find out that your Daughter is pregnant without being married and you’re not upset?” Kana asked as she held her hand firmly against her forehead with her eyes as big as melons. “I mean….I’m not in any kind of trouble at all?”

     “Kana, you will always be my little girl…..but both of you have proven to us that you are no longer children. So none of us will treat you like children anymore.” Tola said as he stood up and leaned against his wife, placing his arm around her shoulder. “You are free to live your own lives and make your own choices. We will always be here to help and support you as we always have. Bo has surely proven his strength and his love for you as he stood by your side through all of this. He is a good man and I’m certain he will be a great father. Actually he’s down by the duck pond now clearing some land so we can start building you your very own cottage.”

      Kana began to cry as she jumped off her cot and gave her parents a great big hug. She then turned her hips slightly and motioned for her sister to accompany them. As Leana jumped down and began walking toward her sister she stopped midway as her eyes began to turn a glowing white. She completely blanked out and disconnected from her environment as if she was having a vision of some other world. She began looking around the room and reaching her hands out as if she was grasping flower blossoms off of a tree. She would reach out then pull them up to her nose to inhale their aroma. She then began panning back and forth, reaching out to grasp as many as she could find. Suddenly she spread her arms out in front of her as if she was dropping the imaginary petals into a long pile. She then kneeled down and began to cry as she gently patted the floor. 

      “What is she doing?” Tola asked. But before he could move Kana stretched her arms out, keeping her parents from moving closer to her. “Is she having some kind of vision?”

      “Yes!” Kana answered softly. “She has done this before….we need to let her finish. I think this has some meaning or purpose. It looks like she is pouring flower petals over something that she is deeply saddened about.”

     “It’s a funeral!” Deana muttered softly. “We used to bury our past Elders in the ground, then pour rose petals over the grave to purify their transition to another realm. Days later when the petals were finally dried and withered the winds would blow them away symbolizing the completion of their journey. But what does she understand about these types of burials as the Dulvar usually cast their dead into the flames of the volcano?”

     “We’ve been trying to figure out what these visions mean for her or even for us all.” Kana responded as she slowly kneeled down next to her sister. “Leana. Can you hear me? Can you tell us what this means?”

     Leana looked up at Kana and stared directly at her. She grasped her wrist firmly and lifted it up to her face. The pressure in her grip was hurting Kana’s wrist but she endured the pain a while to see if she could understand what Leana was trying to show her. Kana began screaming in pain but she kept waving her arm towards her parents motioning to back away.

     Suddenly Kana stopped screaming and her eyes became as white as snow with the same glow as her sisters. Kana grasped both of Leana’s cheeks and placed her thumbs just over her eyes. They kneeled down without sound or movement for a short time. No one knew what to do or how to help as it seemed  to be some kind of bond between Dulvar siblings that they may never truly understand. Deana kneeled behind her daughter and gently clasped her shoulders as she closed her eyes. Tola and Rayla did the same behind Leana hoping they could get a vision or even a glimpse of what they were experiencing.

      In the blink of an eye the connection faded and the twins seemed to slowly drift back to this world. They looked at each other as if they had no clue why they were kneeling together in a group as doing such a thing was utterly absurd. Leana began to chuckle at the sight of these weirdos all kneeling on the dirty floor with confused expressions on their faces.

     “Wow you guys are so weird.” Leana exclaimed as she stood up and broke out of the small huddle. “Maybe you guys need some kind of an antidote too…..but what cures being a Dweeb?”

     “Maybe they drank too much dandelion wine….that stuff makes their kind act weird.” Kana said as she laughed out loud. “Well get up you lunatics…. we got work to do.”

    “What work are you talking about?” Deana asked her daughter as she tilted her head in utter confusion.

     “Silly mama…...we need to go help Bo build a house for me and the baby.” Kana replied as she shook her head and smiled while grasping her mother’s hand. “Bo is a farmer…..not a carpenter. I wouldn’t trust him to build a birdhouse, how could YOU trust him to build a house for your daughter?”

      The twins dashed out the door like nothing had happened and decided to race to the duck pond. Tola and the others started to follow but Deana pulled Rayla aside for a brief chat. She looked truly worried about everything that happened in the past few days so she confided in the village Elder for help. Deana motioned to her husband to go on without her as she followed Rayla to her cottage. Kana and Leana began skipping around like they did when they were younger, which caused a lot of confusion for everyone. Kana even stopped in the middle of the path to pick a dandelion and then  blow kisses to her mother. Deana smiled and pretended to catch them but even Rayla thought her behavior was extremely odd. They continued on toward the town center and stopped near the courtyard to sit and talk.

     “I’m scared….I…..I… worried about my daughters health.” Deana cried as they both sat on the bench and grasped hands. “Is there anything more written about these Dulvar Spirits or even the Superus in those old parchments you have locked away?” 

    “I’m sorry Deana but most of what I owned burned many years ago in that horrible village fire.” Rayla replied as she looked down at the ground beneath her. “Right here is where the meetinghouse used to be and over there is where I store most of the scripts Elder Dolan collected.” She said quaintly as she pointed to a pile of stone. “All of it is just ash now. Anything more we learn about these Dulvar Spirits I’ve been writing down and placing in my strong box. Nayan built it for me years ago….he had such great skill with forging. He even made a lock for it with a specially crafted key that I keep with me at all times. It’s embedded in the stone on my necklace. Uhhhhh…...maybe I shouldn’t have said that!”

    “Rayla… are my best friend…..even more so than my own husband!” Deana said as she looked Rayla directly in the eye. “There isn’t a person in this world you can trust more than me. I mean that truly. You were always there for me even when I was a little girl living in The Mountain Village. You may not remember everything but I do. Rayla…...I…..need to tell you something…...something very important.”

     “Yes! Absolutely… can tell me anything.” Rayla answered as she became a bit nervous. 

     “I am your sister.” Deana stated as she smiled slightly and tears began forming in the corner of her eyes.”You, Britt and I are of the same bloodline. Elder Vora is our father as you knew, but I have a different mother. Elder Vora’s handmaiden Illeara is my birth mother. I was cast out by Elder Vora to protect my mother's identity because they were secret lovers. The village would have seeked to overthrow him if they knew the truth. Your mother knew about it but she still loved your father. I’ve spent all these years trying to find a way to tell you…..not even my husband knows.”

     “Somehow I’ve always known!” Rayla replied as she took Deana’s hand and placed it near her heart. “It never really mattered to me if it was true or not because you were always there for me. And ever since the day Tola told me he was in love with you, I’ve never felt a stronger bond between us. Tola is the strongest and bravest man I’ve ever known. I can’t believe I’m telling you this….but….when Tola is away….I feel sad and sometimes helpless without him. He makes me so much stronger, just being in his presence. I know for a fact I could never have become Elder or continued to be so without him. If I were to lose him….”

    “Stop! You need to give yourself more credit than that!” Deana rebuked her sister. “Yes Tola has brought out the best in all of us….but you are much stronger than you think. Yeah maybe him being your brother and best friend here in the Forest Village has made you more confident in your abilities, but that is just because you look up to him. You have warrior blood coursing through your veins. I’m not talking about our father…. I’m talking about our great grandfather, Killian.”

     “Our father has never spoken of our ancestors, at least not in high regards that is.” Rayla stated as she seemed a bit disappointed. “Who was he?”

     “He was a great warrior in his time and legend has it he was the one who brought peace to our tribes by sacrificing himself to be a slave to the Dulvar Queen.” Deana replied as she closed her eyes and tried to picture in her head what he may have looked like. “ I believe it was he or someone of his bloodline that may have produced the Spirit Dulvar. I was told that man may have fathered hundreds of Dulvar Spirits and from there his offspring would mate with other Dulvar Queens. Think about it! There are other villages that have Brevian and Dulvar living together and probably have been much longer than we’ve been alive. There are different breeds of Dulvar and the strongest, fastest and more intelligent ones are more like us. But then we find out there is yet another breed that are almost identical to us in every way with only minor exceptions. Their gills, their skin and blood are like our own. They even understand our language with such ease. If we can unlock the mystery of the Killian tribe from years past we might be able to understand our children in ways we never imagined. We have twenty Dulvar Spirit children living amongst us and we know very little about them. Isn’t it peculiar how they already know our ways of life and basically yearned to be with us.”

     “I’ve lost many nights of sleep thinking about them and what this all means.” Rayla stated as she began to well up. “You’ve given me more information in the past moment  than I’ve dredged up in those stupid parchment leaves. So if those children are the offspring of our great grandfather then it is our kind that are helping their kind evolve. I think this is the only way we can achieve true peace between us. But there’s still one mystery…..who was that boy?”

    “Let’s ask the twins….I have a feeling their vision had a lot to do with him” Deana stated as she abruptly stood up and wiped her eyes. “Let’s go find them.”

     The two started to head down the path when suddenly Rayla began egging Deana on for a race down to the duck pond. They stopped at one of the torches at the end of the courtyard and both kneeled down while pressing their hand into the dirt taking a runner's stance. One of the passers by saw what was about to take place so she stepped in front of them and held out her arms. She dropped her arms then yelled “GO”. The girls sprinted off like cheetahs fighting for the same kill as both pressed on as hard as they could. Rayla was taking a very small lead for a minute and was thinking she might actually be the first one ever to beat Deana, the fastest runner in the village. As they approached the pond Deana burst ahead of her sister and beat her by a mere arm’s length. As they slowed down and reached the pond Rayla began shaking her head.

     “DAMN….YOU ARE FAST!” Rayla shouted as she tried hard to catch her breath. “How did Tola ever catch you!” 

     “Love made me trip.” Deana said as she laughed out loud. “Love is a cheater and blindsides you when you least expect it.” 

     “Isn’t that the truth? Who would have thought I could love another woman as much as I love Ciara?” Rayla replied as she saw her beloved playing in the pond with a large group of children. “Who’s gonna tell Tola he married his own half sister?”

    “Don’t even...Rayla! Don’t even joke about that….Tola will never look at me the same way again.” Deana barked at her sister. “We don’t share the same bloodline as him so it’s nothing he needs to be concerned about.”

     “What don’t I need to be concerned about there, missy?” Tola asked as he crept quietly up behind his wife and kissed the back of her neck.

     “Deana and I have the same father…..we are sisters by blood!” Rayla stated as Deana looked sternly at her with her finger across her lips motioning her to be quiet.

     “I know.” Tola stated as he slowly walked away to continue working on Kana and Bo’s house.

    “How do you know?” Deana asked as she was utterly surprised.

    “You talk in your sleep.” He muttered as he blew her a kiss then grabbed the other end of the saw Bo was holding. He and Bo proceeded to cut down a large maple tree that they were going to use as the main roof support. He looked back at his wife as she stood there with her mouth still wide open and her eyes as large as honeydew. He just smiled, shook his head a bit then continued sawing. Bo chuckled a little too then continued concentrating on his work. He looked at Tola then around at the rest of the villagers while they all pitched in to help build their house. Not only was he truly impressed by the participation but found that watching everyone work was as entertaining as the banter between members of his new family.

    Half the day went by and nearly thirty villagers were at the chosen site building Kana’s house. This one was built identical to Deana’s in almost every way as they wanted her to feel immediately right at home. It helped her feel close to her family as they replicated her favorite childhood features she so vividly remembered, yet with subtle enough differences that made it Kana’s own. Bo didn’t care at all about how it looked as long as he made it a home with the woman he loved. He left all the details to Kana and Leana as they were in charge of everything from furniture to all varieties of embellishments and even the garden designs. Most worked around the clock to get the house completed and some even enjoyed working by the moonlight because it so eloquently changed one's perspective of their ever growing village.

      By lunch time the next day the house was completely built and ready for Kana and Bo to move in. Kana was excited at first but as she sat in her very own living room for the first time she began to cry. She knew her parents were close by and would always be there to help at a moment's notice, yet she was feeling a bit homesick. For the very first time she was the head of the household and knew every decision that needed to be made was hers to make. It was a thrilling yet frightening experience for Kana as she had only lived under her mother or father's protection, since the day they saved her life. She also knew that she was bound to make her own mistakes but also understood that it was part of how adults continued to grow long after they’ve matured. She truly believed she was already living the best life a young Dulvar child could ever have and she would continue her dedication to intertwining both species together. Her greatest hope was peace and unity between Dulvar and Brevians and to end any and all future conflicts before they even arise. 

      By dinner time Kana and Bo made a quick trip to the Solemn Forest to gather ingredients to make dinner. Cooking was not her forte so she knew she would need to rely on her family for instruction from time to time. She did however remember the recipe and list of ingredients to make mushroom soup, as it was one of her favorites, mainly because it was so easy. Bo hadn’t a clue how to cook so he just followed Kana around like a puppy dog obeying every command that she shouted out to him. Bo may not know a lot of things other than farming but he was always eager to learn which made it easy for Kana to shape him into the soon to be Husband she wanted.

      The sun was fading quickly and they had just finished gathering the last spices when Kana noticed a strange figure in the distance. It was just about twenty feet up in the same Sycamore tree her mother used to hide in when playing games with Gemma. It was humanoid shaped but with skin the same hue as the tree bark. She glanced down for a moment pretending not to notice but calmly whispered to Bo describing what she saw. The couple slowly began walking back home hoping the figure would leave but she had a feeling it was following them.

    “Don’t make any sudden moves to provoke it, just keep on walking, pretending we didn’t notice.” Kana said to Bo as she grabbed his hand and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “I think it’s following us. It might be that boy again. I can’t tell though from this far away. Let’s just keep moving and see if it follows.”

    “Should we lead it back to our village so we can trap it?” Bo asked as he tried hard not to turn around. “How do you know it’s alone?”

     “That’s just it…..I don’t!” Kana responded as her heart began to race. For the first time in her life, since the day Deana rescued her many years ago, she was truly scared. Not for Bo’s life or her own, but that of her own child. She knew that if she was to confront the figure she would be fighting with clouded judgment as her only thoughts would be of her child. She knew she would not be able to focus on her enemy if her mind was fixed on that of her sweet unborn baby. Not having a clear mind could ultimately cost her life and that of her baby. 

   After a few minutes she stopped near the Peony patch and began smelling them all the while scanning the trees for the figure. She looked up quickly and did not notice it anywhere near them and her heart began to calm again. She took Bo’s hand and the two walked down the path, both feeling much better. In the distance they could see the village wall and the heavily armed guard towers and their anxiety totally dissipated. They began smelling the coals from the fire pit and the sweet smell of butternut squash and they were now getting very hungry. The only thing in their mind now was getting the pots boiling and the vegetables chopped so they can enjoy their favorite meal.

   CHAPTER 4:  The High Queen


       As Kana and Bo reached the gates they saw that the guard towers were completely unmanned. Neither the General nor the gatekeeper were present leaving not a soul present to open the gates for them. Unfortunately the couple now found themselves completely locked out of their own village. Bo began rattling the bars and whistling for a guard or just anyone who could let them in. Kana placed her satchel down and tried to climb the outer hinges but they were much too slippery and she didn’t get higher than Bo’s shoulders before losing her grip. She jumped down and began yelling out for her parents hoping to get her father’s attention but they were not anywhere in sight. They called out for a short while, staying very calm and collected, but unfortunately panic had quickly set in. Her Aunt Rayla always told her to be prepared for anything so luckily she did remember to bring a pair of swords with them, but no lock picks, because why would she ever need to break into her own village?

    “If there was to be an attack by that shadowy figure now they would be at a great disadvantage.” She whispered to herself as she turned back towards the Forest. She went back to scanning the trees again hoping that she wouldn’t find anything but pulled out her sword anyway, just in case. At first she didn’t see anything but as the wind began to pick up she began to hear voices echoing back and forth along the treetops. They were faint and wispy, like a dandelion spore floating in a light breeze. 

     “Do you see anything Kana?” Bo asked as he held his sword tight. “I can hear whispers but I can’t see a damn thing. It sounds like a bunch of different voices coming from the treeline. I hate to say it but I think we might be greatly outnumbered here. If they attack now, we won’t be able to even see them.”

     “I hope you’re wrong this time!” Kana said as she backed up to the gate and gripped her sword with both hands. “If they are using the treetops to travel because their skin blends in with the trees, then it’s possible they may have already been inside our village without our knowledge. With this stupid gate being locked and no guards at their posts, we can’t even warn anyone.”

    “It’s gonna be dark soon and we have no food, water or torches. If they attack we’ll be at a major disadvantage and we will be swinging blindly.” Bo said as he began to shiver out of fear.  “Kana….I love you. If we die tonight….I just wanted you to know that. I want my last words and thoughts to be of you and my love for you and our child. I know it's kind of soon to choose a name…..but do you have one that you like?” 

     “Don’t you dare!” Kana said as he scolded her husband to be. “I’m not going out without a fight…..I’m not saying anything more unless those words are riding on my very last breath. Come stand by me and be ready to fight….otherwise It will be me who brings on your last heartbeat.”

     Those words Kana said to him welled up inside him causing his spark of life to rage into an inferno. He knew that he was ready to give his life for his true loves and at that moment he knew what it felt like to be the hero in his own story. He clenched his sword tight and stood not alongside Kana, but just in front of her. He was scanning the trees again but when the wind died down so did the voices. At this point it was completely impossible to see them but they both knew they were there. As the wind picked back up a bit Bo noticed a figure standing in the distant field just on the trodden path as if it was expecting to be seen. They both knew this could be a trap and If they engaged the figure the remaining enemies could flank their positions, surround them, leaving them with no protection at all. They could either fight to the death or surrender immediately in hopes their lives would be spared. 

    “Don’t move!” Kana said as she gripped the back of Bo’s sash. “I have an idea but if it doesn’t work we might be killed. Are you okay with that?”

    “Anything for you….I’m definitely okay with.” He responded as he backed up to the gate and leaned close to her, listening very carefully.” What’s the plan?”

    “If they are only moving when the wind blows, that means they rely upon the trees to cloak them. That also means they are using the trees not only for camouflage, but protection as well…..right?” Kana asked rhetorically.

     “And?”  Bo asked.

     “So that means they fight better at a distance and are probably more vulnerable in hand to hand combat. So if we light some twigs on fire and use a bow to shoot them into the trees they will be forced to come out of hiding and fight on the ground or it’s totally possible they may even flee. The only problem is we may burn down the entire forest and probably most of our food with it.”

     “Well…..maybe we’ll get lucky and it will start to rain.” Bo said as he chuckled for a second. 

     He kissed Kana and ran to the trees looking for some long straight twigs. After finding about twenty or so he placed them on the ground. Kana opened her satchel and poured some oil onto the tips of each one. Bo used his flint and a small stone along with some dry grass to create a small fire. Kana reached through the fence with her sword and knocked over one of the barrels. As it tipped she looked inside and to their luck there was a hunter's bow inside. She struggled for a while to grab the barrel but was able to roll it close enough toward her to retrieve the bow. All the whIle she kept a close eye on the treeline looking for any sudden and threatening movements from these shadow figures. She was hoping they were not clever enough to figure out what she and Bo were up to as she quickly ran back to the twig pile. 

     Immediately Bo lit the first two twigs and without any hesitation Kana notched the first and let it fly into the treetops on the south side. She did not wait even a second as she notched the next and let it fly to the north side. As the brush below the trees quickly caught fire the voices became extremely loud and the trees began to move violently. Bo lit the next two and Kana sent them a little further down the treeline setting more trees and brush ablaze. As the trees began to burn the grassy field began to move. It looked like their plan worked as the shadow figures were now on the ground.

     “Light more twigs and I’ll send them straight ahead into the grass.” Kana demanded as Bo looked out to the field hoping to see the figures a bit better. “Hold on……on second thought….. rub oil on my tunic and light it!”

      “WHAT? Are you out of your freaking mind?” Bo asked as he stepped back a ways and just stared at his love.

     “Yes! But that’s beside the point.” Kana replied as she stepped just in front of the flames. “Go ahead… it quickly before they figure out how to stop us.”

      Bo reluctantly rubbed oil on the back and front of her tunic. He handed her a lit twig as he was much too afraid to do it himself. She tightened her neck wrap, hoping that it wouldn't dry out too fast in the flames, then lit her tunic on fire. She ran straight into the field lighting up everything she touched. She ran straight up the middle then in a large circle along the treeline. She could see that the figures were moving quickly to avoid being burned. After completing a full circle she quickly ripped off her flaming tunic and stepped inside the ring of flames. Bo ran into the center with her holding his sword at his side ready to fight. The shadow figures were now much easier to see because it seemed that they could not blend in with the burning grass. 

      Immediately Kana drew her sword as they began their attack. She purposely dodged their immediate swings so that she could briefly study their techniques and get some idea of their abilities. After a brief study of their tactics, she launched her counterattack. She swung mostly to her left and in front as she could see Bo to her right in her peripheral vision. Every swing she took hit an enemy and they quickly began to drop. Bo was not hitting as many but he was fairly successful with his blocking and dodging. He suddenly took a hard hit to the shoulder and quickly dropped to his knees. Kana rushed over and defended him until he got back on his feet. 

    After the very brief encounter the remaining shadows began to flee back into the woods. They moved very fast and as soon as they cleared the flames they became nearly invisible again. Kana kneeled down and began tearing pieces of her tunic to wrap around Bo’s wounded shoulder. He wasn't bleeding badly, but she was afraid their blades might possibly be poisoned. She tried inspecting the wound but the failing light made it impossible to see anything. She helped Bo to his feet and the two started making their way back toward the gate. By the time they reached it,  Tola and many others were on the other side with buckets of water ready to put out the flames. They had no idea how the fire started but were relieved that Kana and Bo were not trapped in the middle of it. 

     Practically every villager was out in the field that evening, heaving bucket after bucket of water to douse whatever flames they could reach in hopes to save their precious forest. They spent all night and well into the morning trying to salvage anything they could as they know all too well that this place is the largest source of food for their entire village. A great deal of the trees surrounding the plains were scorched but lucky for them the stone village walls stopped the advancement of the fire. 

   The late morning rains that Bo had hoped for, came and extinguished the remaining flames. At that moment the entire field began to sizzle and smolder under the much needed precipitation. The extent of the damage was unclear due to the lingering smoke clouds but it appeared that hundreds of trees had burned completely to ash, as did much of the fields leading up to the Solemn Forest. Luckily for them the Solemn Forest is mostly tropical and the dampness along with its constant humidity, stopped the destructive flames from destroying any of their precious food sources. 

       After having a late breakfast and allowing the fields to cool, Tola led a handful of soldiers on horseback out through the gates to survey the damage. They brought with them ten foot long lances that they could use to probe the soot from afar without chances of inhaling any smoke or getting ash inside their gills. Suffocation is said to be the most horrible way to die for anyone and every step is taken with extreme caution. Extra neck wraps were packed as well as extra bota bags filled with saltwater and pumice for washing and scrubbing if needed.

    The group hastily trotted through the gates, most left without saying  goodbye to their loved ones, including Tola. He was terribly concerned the food may be tainted along with the water supply that feeds the crops and wild vegetation. This year's crops have not germinated yet so the villagers are solely relying on the forest for daily meals. Over the years many have become accustomed to eating fish as a staple in their diet but water pollution is just as much a threat to them as strict vegetarians. 

        After traveling for an hour down the path, poking and prodding the ash piles, Tola discovered the remnants of a gruesome battle. There were twenty or thirty bodies that looked Brevian but oddly colored as their skin seemed to have adapted to the ash around them. Most were deceased as they lay in pools of thick blood, caramelized by the extreme heat. One of the guards found a solitary being, leaning against a tree, barely alive as it was quickly succumbing to its open wounds. It seemed to not be afraid but rather willing to continue the fight. Tola ran over and kneeled in front of the being. He reached across to grab its sword but it put up a struggle. Tola tried looking into its eyes but they were dark and cold as if it was already prepared to leave this world. Tola kicked its arm and knocked the sword from its hand. He then grabbed it by its throat as he pinned it against the tree behind it.

      “Don’t fight me…..I don’t want to kill you… don’t force me to.” Tola said sternly as he looked the figure in the eye. Suddenly the beings skin began to turn a light sand color, matching Tola’s arm. Tola watched briefly then slowly released the being from his grasp. “Do you speak our language?” 

     The being, which seemed to have distinct male features, began to cackle in between spastic coughing fits. He leaned his head back and tried hard to clear his throat. Just as seemed to catch his breath, he began shaking his head.

     “You stupid farmers… wield your weapons like you plow your fields….. HORRIBLY!” The male said out loud as he shifted his position to face Tola. “Our women fight better than your men….you feeble degenerates. You are supposed to be the next evolution of being……yet you have the minds of turkey vultures, you incompetent grubs. You reap what you do not  sow… steal from the forest animals, feeding your rotting bellies as the animals die of starvation. Then as they succumb to these horrible afflictions….you carve them up to steal their skins, letting the worms devour their decaying carcasses. You beings disgust us. You destroy this land then go to sleep in the same camps as your sworn enemies. Heretics!”

      “Are you talking about the Dulvar?” Tola asked calmly. “The Dulvar are evolving alongside us. We fought them for many years for reasons that only our ancestors knew, but we have since declared peace. Yes, we do allow Dulvar to freely live amongst us. They have shown us a great many things including how peaceful their race truly is. They can communicate with us very well and they are far more intelligent than we were led to believe. It is our ancestors who have declared war on the Dulvar….Not us. We have declared peace with them.”

      “Then you will die with them!” Said the male figure. “When we kill the last Queen, we will return to this cesspool you call home and exterminate every last one of you. You filthy maggots.”

      “Tell me…..where are the rest of you? know…..your brothers and sisters… all such great warriors…..where are they now?” Tola asked feciously. “Those piles of burnt flesh? Are they your fellow…...whatever the hell you are? Those bodies lay there because of your arrogance…..your inability to comprehend what it means to be peaceful. We love this world and all its inhabitants, the people, the animals, the trees and plant life. They are precious and sacred to us. If you threaten our way of life then  we will be forced to declare war on you.” Tola paused for a brief second as he looked around thinking of what to do with him. He looked back at the being, staring into his hateful eyes. “I think one of your soldiers poisoned my daughter then fled like a coward. We tried so hard to show him compassion but he attacked without provocation. My daughter nearly died because of him. Who is he?”

     “An assassin of course!” He said with a smile. “That’s too bad he failed his mission. That means we will just keep sending assassins until one finally finishes the task. We will continue on by killing those wretched Dulvar orphans at night as they sleep cozy in their beds. We will then bind and torture every single man in the village. We will make them watch as we ravage their women and then drive our spears through their disgusting creations. We will burn every last timber until this forest is no longer recognizable on those stupid maps you imbeciles carry. We will erase your very existence.”

     “Tell me…..where do you come from?” Tola asked quietly and calmly. “Maybe I can speak with your leader and straighten out this misunderstanding, in a peaceful manner.”

     “The only thing you misunderstand is how powerful we are…..we are born and bred to kill Dulvar…..even as children…..we’ve slain thousands.” Said the figure. “You will never reach our realm… water breathers. The cold ice covered tundra will devour you long before you reach our walls.”

      Tola grabbed the figure’s sword and examined the blade for a moment. He glanced at his own reflection in its polished sheen as he tilted it toward the figure. He drew it far over his left shoulder and swung firmly, aiming just below the figure’s chin. The blade pierced through effortlessly as it only stopped when it reached the hard tree bark behind the being. The blade had embedded itself firmly into the tree as Tola released his hand from the hilt, leaving it there securely in the tree’s dense bark. He stood up while still grasping the severed head by its hair and threw it into a pile of glowing embers. The embers erupted into a small inferno shooting flames far over Tola’s head. He watched for a moment before slowly walking away, leaving the body and sword there as a warning to his newly discovered enemies. After mounting his steed, he ushered the soldiers to follow him down the path and deep into the Solemn Forest.

      After a brief gallop the group reached the Solemn Forest archway and found that it was nearly untouched by the flames. The rains had washed away any soot residue from the leaves and all is as it once was, beautiful and pristine. The general, who had followed close behind Tola the entire time, dismounted with an empty bota bag in his hand. He quickly ran to the small cascading waterfall just ahead of him. After filling it to the point of overflowing he took a brief swig then poured its contents over his face as he removed his neck wrap. His soldiers immediately followed as fresh spring water amongst such destruction was a sight to see.

     “Sir! Are you taking a water break as well?” One of the soldiers asked Tola. Tola just nodded as he dismounted and sat on the edge of the small pool. “I’ve never been so happy to see burdocks in all my life”

      Tola chuckled for a bit as he mounted his steed, then quietly rode his horse deeper in. As he reached the center, where a lush field of lilies was growing, he dismounted and found his favorite stone that he used to sit on as a boy. Days like this he would sit for hours just meditating and pondering the questions he had floating around inside his cranium. 

      He sat quietly as the Sounds of the forest seemed to be calling to him. He cleared his mind and just listened to the animals speak to him in their wonderful wispy voices. The birds called out with their various and unique songs causing Tola to quickly melt into the forest. The brief time he spent seemed like an entire day as he felt like his body was now a permanent part of the soil and brush around him. Moments later the general and his men found Tola in his deep meditation but decided to leave him be. The troops quietly packed up their gear then decided to head back home to report their findings to Elder Rayla. 

       Moments had passed and Tola was now in a deep, deep trance. Suddenly the sweet peaceful sounds of the forest had died and became eerily quiet. Tola opened his eyes as his heart began to beat much faster. He sat up and looked all around him, but saw nothing out of place. He knew something wasn’t right because he had never heard the forest this quiet since his first run in with the Dulvar, many years ago. While trying to not make any abrupt sounds he slowly slid down the side of the boulder like a snake stealthily evading a predator. At that moment he felt that exact same feeling, like he was being hunted. He crouched into the tall grass and put his ear to the ground. He could hear and feel faint impact tremors that were most likely that of a massive sized Dulvar. There were no Skirmishers in these parts that he knew of and if there were they were most likely unaware of the new relationship between the villagers and the Dulvar. So he knew he had to be open minded, but vigilant as well.

     The tremors became a bit stronger and louder so he ducked lower into the brush. Then almost as quickly as they had started, they suddenly stopped. He cautiously popped his head up like a scared prairie dog and began to scan the field. Nothing came into his immediate view but suddenly he could feel a hot breath blasting down the back of his neck. It had a foul odor, much like sulfur mixed with decaying fish bones.

     Tola tried to dart out from the grass but was quickly grasped around his neck and lifted nearly ten feet into the air by a large set of charred black Dulvar fingers. The grip felt tight and extremely powerful as he grasped the bony appendages tightly with both of his hands trying to pry them loose. Suddenly he was spun completely around and was now face to face with a true Dulvar Queen. She was approximately nine or ten feet tall with arms like tree limbs. Her head was bigger than Betsy’s and her eyes were like dark crimson pomegranates. She tilted him slightly from left to right as if she was trying to imagine his very skull attached to her sash as a prized trophy. She didn’t speak a word but just grunted and snorted instead. Tola stopped struggling but held onto her fingers firmly to support his neck as he realized that she had the power to end his life with just a single squeeze. He closed his eyes and tried to remain calm thinking maybe he can talk his way out of this.

      “I am Tola of the…..forest village…...I mean you no harm as we are…” Tola muttered with great effort but was quickly interrupted by the Queen. 

      “Shut up……. overgrown rat!” Said the Queen. “Your repulsive voices are like the screams of a dying animal being devoured by a predator. They pierce deep into my head which further fuels my incessant rage.”

      “Brevians and Dulvar…..are at peace. There is no…..war.” Tola stated as he looked the Queen in the eyes with great compassion and sincerity. “If you release me I will lay down my arms and bring you ….”

     “Where? To another one of your damn traps?” The Queen shouted angrily. “I’m not falling for that stupid boy. Your kind set out traps and poisoned my entire army. I watched as they all bent over in excruciating pain, bleeding from their eyes and mouths just before dying from spastic convulsions. They died an excruciating death…..and now you will too.”

      “LOOK AT ME!” Tola screamed as he released one of his hands while still struggling to breathe. “THE SUN WILL BE HIGHEST IN A VERY SHORT TIME. IF YOU DO NOT RELEASE ME …..I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO KEEP YOU HERE…...AND WE WILL BOTH DIE!”

       Before the Queen could say a word Tola reached inside his gauntlet and pulled out a dagger. He raised it up to the Queen's eye and held it there so that she could see it very clearly. He grabbed her forearm and twisted himself sideways so he could get a better reach. He stretched his arm out and pressed the dagger’s point just at the base of her eye resting it against her lower eyelid. She dared not move as a sudden jab could blind her or pierce her brain causing immediate death. The two were now standing still in a very tense stalemate. Tola was strong, but hanging almost completely by his neck would soon prove problematic as he was beginning to suffocate. He was becoming very angry and she knew at any moment he could thrust his hand and possibly end the stalemate, but that is not what he wanted.

     “If you agree to put me down, as an act of good faith I will drop my dagger.” Tola said as he was breathing harder and his heart pounded much faster. “I will go first.”

    Tola dropped his dagger then clenched her fingers once again trying to give himself some room to breathe. The Queen slowly sat down then set Tola onto his feet. He fell to his knees and began breathing the fresh forest air, rich in oxygen and moisture. His gills began to soften again and his heart began to calm. He picked up his dagger and placed it back in his gauntlet as she kept a wary eye upon his every move. He opened his satchel and removed an entire loaf of blueberry bread. He broke it in half and offered it to the Queen. She did not hesitate as she snatched it from him and devoured it in one bite. He was in shock because it would normally take several for even him. He chuckled a bit then stood up, brushing the crumbs to the ground for the insects. He walked over to the water’s edge then ushered her to follow him over towards the waterfall. He knew that the overgrowth could provide some shade as he could see the Queen was definitely in much pain from the sun’s intense rays burning her skin.

       They both walked to the lush foliage when Tola reached in his sack for his bota bag and offered to douse the Queen's arms and legs to help soothe them. He then climbed to the top of the falls where merely a few paces away there was a large field of fairly dry sand containing a large family of wild aloe plants. He broke off several stalks and parkoured down the stones to the base of the falls. He rubbed some on his own skin first showing the Queen how it helped then handed her the rest. She quickly understood then rubbed them on her arms and legs. It seemed to burn her at first but then seemed to comfort her skin with its cooling sensation.

     “How did you know these will work on Dulvar skin?” The Queen asked as she seemed much calmer and in far less pain.

     “I use them on my daughter’s skin…..It helps keep hers from drying during hot days.” Tola answered as he cracked a smile. “Her skin is not as coarse as yours though… is a lot closer to ours actually than it is to Dulvar.”

     “What are you saying?” The Queen asked as she seemed completely intrigued with Tola now. “You have a daughter who is Dulvar?”

     “Yes! We adopted her several years ago after a failed sneak attack by the Dulvar Queen who once lived inside this mountain.” He responded as he pointed just past the waterfall to the mountain just behind it. “She was small and gravely injured. It is actually my wife who saved her from dying. She brought the child back to our village and nursed her back to health. My sister so lovingly adopted her twin sister and with their help we stormed the mountain and rescued the rest of the enslaved Dulvar children within. The battle was fierce as we lost a lot of people…..but the Dulvar were free of their evil Queen.”

     “You killed their Queen?” She asked as she became a bit agitated. “What Dulvar children?” 

     “They live with us in our village……...follow me and I’ll show you.” Tola replied as he pointed to the nearby creek. “We can wade through the water back to my village. You can stay cool and protected from the hot sun and it’s shallow enough where you won’t drown, as I’m guessing you probably can’t swim either.”

    “How do you know Dulvar can’t swim?” She asked.

    “That’s pretty much how we won the battle…..we drowned them.” Tola said as he looked away from the Queen. “Believe me that was the only way to save those poor children. Kana showed us the underground river and we flooded their caves. Some did make it out and fled far away from here. Those who perished were devout followers of that wretched Queen. But none of them were innocent as far as I’m concerned……..only those poor children.”

    “I don’t believe you! I think you are trying to lead me to you village to torture me in front of your kind then leave me out to die!” The Queen shouted as she stopped abruptly and withdrew her golden sword.

    “Druh-vacht-reh.” Tola said faintly as he looked at the Queen without batting an eye. “DRUH-VACHT-REH!” 

     Tola slowly approached the Queen with his hands held in the air. He made no sudden moves, then kneeled down before her without ever breaking eye contact. He stayed completely still as she placed her sword back in its worn leather scabbard. She reached out and gently touched his cheek showing no animosity toward him. 

     “Truth….honor…..loyalty.” The Queen iterated as she patted his shoulder. “You speak some Dulvar? Those words can take on a different meaning if you mispronounce them. Someone with great honor and courage has taught you this no doubt as it is only taught to those who take the Dulvarian Oath. My sister did not teach this….she taught only hatred for any and all people, which was not the Dulvar way. She even killed her own King to gain his throne over our kind. But is it you who killed her?”

     “No! My daughter Kana fought her and wounded her, trying to protect me.” Tola answered rather quietly. “My wife, the woman who saved Kana and became her adoptive mother, beheaded the Queen. My wife is truly stronger than I am. But her love for me and that child has taught me a lot about strength. Let’s continue on and you will meet my wife Deana and all the Dulvar children in our village.”

    “There are more amongst you? How many?” The Queen asked as she seemed to be very perplexed.

    “Twenty or so in our village alone.” Tola answered as he became very excited. “They are very sweet and so very beautiful. They all have been adopted and live with their own families yet come together often to share what they have learned. Some are farmers while others are blacksmiths, or bakers. They all seem to absolutely love to eat fish. We villagers generally don’t eat animals, but we have adapted slightly.”

     Tola turned and began walking back to the village wall as he signaled to the alarmed soldiers to stand down. They did as commanded and opened the gates for them but kept a close watch over the Queen. She was awestruck by the kindness shown to her by the villagers. Many approached her cautiously but nearly all were bearing gifts of food, water, medical supplies and even large handmade throws to help protect her skin from the damaging sunlight. She looked around like a curious child seeing the world for the first time. She seemed to be a bit overwhelmed with everything she witnessed but continued taking it in without speaking a single word. The two walked together down the path, to the courtyard as Tola took a brief rest while the villagers hovered around her.

     Just as quick as his butt hit the bench, Rayla emerged from her cottage with Leana, Kayla and Ava in tow. They approached her and then bowed their heads out of honor for her rank while Leana stepped around her family to get in much closer. She had never seen a Dulvar Queen before, not even her own mother, as she spent many years in servitude chained to a wall in the dark mountain caves. Kana and Deana approached her from just behind Tola then had stopped next to him, grasping his hands. Soon after, all the other families who have Dulvar members stepped into the courtyard so they could all be in plain view of their Queen. The Queen sat down on one of the tables as a small group, made up of only Dulvar children, formed in front of her. Kana and Leana were the oldest so they stepped in the front of the group. Kana was very Quiet this time but Leana was not and seemed very comfortable leading their little group.

     “I am Leana of The Forest Village.” Leana said excitedly. “We were not expecting to see another Dulvar Queen….ever….. We thought the one who lived in the mountain was the last of our kind. My sister Kana and the rest of us are at your service. We can accommodate you with food ….wine….shelter…..whatever you need.” She said excitedly. She then looked around at the families behind her and began remembering everything they had all endured to get where they are today. The battles they had fought to save the precious Dulvar children locked away inside the mountain. “These Dulvar Spirits, who were once enslaved, are thriving here in this village with us. They love their new lives here and teach us more than we could even imagine teaching them. They have learned our ways and they have taught us theirs. After many years of war between our species……..we are finally at peace. We owe a great deal to my Aunt Deana, because without the strength inside her to break our feud and take in a Dulvar child as her own, peace between us would not exist today.”

    “May I speak with her?” The Queen asked humbly. “I truly wish to thank her in person. My sister’s death has allowed me to return to my village, back to my own kind. I’ve spent so many years in exile that I know very little of this world.”

     “Your highness…..I can’t take all the credit as everyone in this village has strongly supported my efforts…..without my pillars of strength holding me I would not have had the courage to do those things and perhaps our species would still be at war.” Deana stated as she stepped up in between Kana and Leana. “These children are all that mattered to me then. My heart broke for them knowing they were forced to fight or face being tortured. I simply could not allow that to continue and was willing to give my life to change it.”

    “Tell me Deana… you possess the Gift?” The Queen asked as she held out her hand. “Do you possess the ability to alter your realm of existence and make the unimaginable….reality?”

     “No your highness…..that power was found within my husband Tola, his sister Rayla and two sweet nymph twins Nya and Nayan.” Deana replied as she motioned her arm toward her husband and sister-in-law. “The twins unfortunately had died at the hands of your sister and their power had passed down to Kana and Leana. Somehow during the transition they picked up the other fragments and now they both hold the true power of the Paragon, Emissary and Savior.”

      “How can that be?......Your ancestors searched for decades to find those with the gifts…...but none could ever be found.” The Queen stated as she looked completely stunned. “You must show me!”

      “My sister and I are truly the vessel chosen by the Superus…..we can easily beckon the power with a simple thought.” Leana responded as she took her sister’s hand and motioned her head to step closer. “However…… How do we know we can trust you?”

      The Queen smiled and patted Leana on the shoulder. She closed her eyes and began to slip into a trance. She sat motionless for about a minute then took a deep breath. As she exhaled her eyes opened and they were now glowing white, just like the twins, when they summoned their power. Leana stepped back a bit then kneeled down on one knee as if she was bowing to her Queen. Kana did the same, as did all of the Dulvar younglings around her.

     “Do you think this Queen is superior to them all?” Deana asked her husband as she whispered into his ear. “What should we do? Do we kneel or is that just a Dulvar thing?”

     “I don’t know…...but one thing I do know is that Elder Dolan and his wife were only scratching the surface when writing about their findings with the Dulvar Spirits.” Tola answered. “They possess more power than we could even comprehend. I was never really afraid of the Dulvar…..but now I’m terrified of this one. I hope the hell I didn’t make a mistake bringing her here.”

      “Step closer Tola!” The Queen said as she reached her hand out towards him. “Don’t be afraid…...these young ones before you have far greater power than I. You have yielded this power…..come sit before me and I will give you the greatest gift I can give…...KNOWLEDGE!”

      Suddenly as Tola approached the twins their eyes lit up bright white then changed to a burning red. Their skin changed from a soft velvety brown to a dark ash gray tone. He became very frightened not only for himself and his village but for the twins as he feared they had been manipulated by the Queen. As the Queen touched Tola’s shoulder he fainted and fell down on his back. Deana rushed up to grab him as did his sister and several others standing close by. The Queen and the Dulvar youngling were all in a trance as every Dulvar Spirit eyes of a vibrant burning red. As they pulled Tola away their trance had broken and their eyes lapsed back to their normal hue. They all came to but they began looking around a bit dazed and slightly confused. Leana seemed to be the only one who stayed completely focused as the Queen kneeled in front of her.

    “Young one… are the one who is truly worthy of such a gift.” The Queen stated as she cupped her hand over Leana’s right cheek. “Your sister has the gift but she now must wield it to protect her unborn child…..she most certainly cannot be a leader of many as her priorities dwell inside her. You….you are strong and righteous and pure. I bequeath my crown unto you….you are now my chosen successor. High Queen Leana the Dulvar Spirit. Take this crown and lead the Dulvar to a world of peace and prosperity. They will bow to you as they have for me…..for I am now YOUR servant.”

     “Is this true?” Deana asked as she looked directly at the Queen. “Is Leana the next Dulvar Queen? I mean High Queen! Is she really the ruler of the entire Dulvar and Brevian races? Even of those Shadow Beings?”

     “Yes my child…..I can no longer hold the title as I am not going to be with you for much longer.” The Queen replied as she smiled and closed her eyes. “I have been poisoned by those shadow monsters and although my body fought it valiantly…..I am no longer able to fight it……it is destroying me from the inside.”

     Just then she collapsed onto the ground and began convulsing. Leana and Kana grabbed her arms while the group of children took her legs and torso lifting her high enough to carry her to the infirmary. As they reached the door Ciara already had the cots moved away and a bunch of blankets piled on the floor. They laid the Queen down gently as her convulsions had temporarily subsided. She opened her eyes ever so slightly and smiled at the twins.               

      “You children are our future… not give in to the evils that the shadow people press upon you. Your family is strong but you must be stronger if you are to defeat them. They are an obstinate race who hunger only for power. Make no mistake Leana…...they are more evil than your eyes can see. They kill every species that inhabits this world. They even kill their own newborns if they do not immediately show possession of their gifted power. They look much like you and your family but they are utter abominations to this world. You must destroy every last one of them… you understand? They were once a beautiful race with qualities much like our own but most are now a ravenous infection that must be completely eradicated. Do not spare a single one as it will mean the destruction of everything that is good in this world.”

     “How can we defeat them?” Tola asked as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

    “The answer stands just in front of you……” The Queen answered then drew her last breath. She slumped over as the color quickly left her eyes. They changed from a vibrant red to a translucent gray as all life left her body. Leana turned around and looked at the Younglings still kneeling outside the infirmary door with their heads bowed. Kana kneeled too and grasped her sister's hand as she gently kissed her knuckles then pressed her cheek against them. Tola, Deana, Rayla and others who were present kneeled before Leana as she is now High Queen of all living things.   

     “I love you all dearly but it seems my time has come to bring change to this world.” She said as she began walking toward the door. She stepped outside and began to address all who were present. “I have been bequeathed the title of High Queen, the ruler over all living things. I do not wish that you see me as your Queen…. but as your friend and sister. We have suffered dearly at the hands of many evil beings, but now I will use my strength, my knowledge and my pain to protect us all. The shadow beings are a life force of pure evil and I will create an army that will destroy those incarnations like a raging fire burning piles of dry, desolate timbers. Please stand with me and protect everyone and everything in this world that you love.” 

     Kana stepped over to her sister and embraced her like this was the last time she would see her. She began to cry causing Leana to well up too. They hugged for a while but never once let go. Kana pulled away slightly and kissed Leana’s cheek then kneeled onto one knee and kissed her hand once more.

    “I don’t need to ask what you are going to do or where you are going….because I already know.” Kana stated as she looked at her sister. “You are going to the Great Dulvar Palace. It’s funny how the first time we were there was because it was you who were kidnapped and held captive inside the ruins. Now you are going there of your own free will to restore it to its original wonder, aren’t you?I don’t need to tell you how much I am going to miss you….but I am going to tell you that I love you and will be strong for you ….ALWAYS!”

      Rayla, who was sobbing terribly, walked over to the girls and kissed her daughter before grabbing her tightly. Kayla and Ava immediately joined in and they too were crying even more intensely. They all knew it might be a long time before they would see her again because it is apparent that her destiny was now laid out before her. Rayla was sad but so very proud of her sweet daughter. She had always felt it in her heart that Leana was destined for greatness and would one day leave their quaint village for a much more noble cause. But becoming High Queen was never something Rayla had ever considered and was overwhelmed at the very thought. She, as well as everyone else, was now believing with every fiber of their being that saving these Dulvar children was truly part of their own destiny. Having one of them proclaimed as High Queen has proven that their lives have a much higher purpose than merely li. Those children are the key to a whole new world locked inside their existence and that of those who follow.

     Ciara stepped behind her wife and hugged her from behind. Leana saw them crying and decided to move in closer so she could grasp them both. Immediately her sisters joined in at their sides as they both knew what this meant for them also. There was not a dry eye in the room at this point but their tears were of a new found joy that was given to them through the loss of a true leader. Nobody had ever met the High Queen, nor had ever learned of her existence but her return from exile has proven that the Dulvar are no longer ensnared by the evil they were once encapsulated in. They too have been given a new path to choose how they live rather than just merely  surviving. Stories about the greatness of the Dulvar people may be lost but restoring their Palace and their entire race may show once again their true greatness.

     Deana and Tola sat down inside the infirmary next to the former Queen and paid their last respects. Even though they only knew the Queen for a very short time they have felt like she has been a part of them for many years. Maybe she was, Tola thought to himself, as he knew very little of the true nature of the Dulvar or even the power he once wielded. It never seemed very stable but seeing the Dulvar Queen conjure the same power made him think that they were somehow connected long before they had ever met. Was it the power of the Superus they both shared? How can this power dwell within so many? Tola now had even more questions than he had answers. 

   He sat quietly thinking to himself as if his mind was now in possession of enough knowledge that his head could finally wrap itself around the entire concept of this strange power. Was this power searching for the perfect host, a being of pure heart and soul? Kana and Leana were indeed the kindest and sweetest beings that any of them had ever known. Perhaps they themselves were the perfect hosts to this unknown power and as such, they allowed it to build up its strength. It is entirely possible that it’s strength had returned allowing it to continue on looking until it ultimately found its perfect host. Perhaps their meeting was part of a larger order in their small little worlds and the Queen was the final piece to this truly obscure puzzle.

     “That’s it Deana!” Tola stated as he turned to his wife. “The power of the Superus was never really meant to be separated into so many parts. It must have been torn apart long ago…..maybe by some being, not worthy of its power, possibly trying to steal it.” 

     “What are you saying?” Deana asked as she slowly walked to the door. She turned away from her husband for just a moment to get Rayla’s attention. She waved her hand frantically trying to motion her to approach hastily. “Hold on my love. Wait until they come inside, we should all discuss this together.”

     After a few minutes Rayla, Ciara, Leana and Kana stepped inside and sat quietly around the former Queen’s body. Tola closed the door behind them and took his place near the body as he laid his hands upon her eyes, closing them very gently with his palms. He looked around at all the sad faces and and all the puffy eyelids soaked in fresh tears as he lit a small candle and placed it on the table. He tipped it slightly as to pour some of the wax onto his gauntlet. After a few seconds it dried and he was able to break it into several pieces.

     “The power of the Superus is like the wax of this candle, it is clean and pure as it flows beautifully across the surface. Once it stops flowing it begins to lose its purity and its momentum. It becomes dormant and if not handled properly it will break apart with the slightest touch.” Tola stated as he caught everyone’s undivided attention. “Don’t you see? Someone stopped its flow…’s path was altered and it became dormant. When that someone tried to take the power for itself the Superus broke into many pieces. Rayla and I received it years ago as did Nya and Nayan. But, we were not meant to keep it, only to protect it and nurture it until it was ready to search for its ultimate host. That’s why it seemed to vacate my mind so often. In the Mountain Village, years ago when I had just learned of it, somehow I passed fragments of its power to the villagers inadvertently. I never really knew what it meant or what it was capable of. It passed through them and gave them the true gift of knowledge and enhanced their strengths. We’ve all felt it’s presence…..Kana and Leana were the last to receive it, when they needed it to help defeat the Dulvar High King. It’s power was flowing through them and through its will, we were brought back to life. It’s power is the essence of all living things formerly of this world. It’s intertwined with our very souls and it at any time can choose to protect our lives or take them. Elder Dolan must have felt it just as I had and it took his life so mine could be preserved.”

      “So if Elder Dolan was once it’s host then the battle between Tola and Dolan was the will of the Superus.” Rayla answered as she grasped her brother's hand tightly. “And that means the Dulvar attacks were not coincidental either. The Superus was trying to find a way to flee from its undesired host…..the Golden Dulvar Queen!”

      “The Golden Queen abused the power she stole and waged war on the entire world.” Deana replied as she stood up and took her husband's other hand. “We must have freed it when we killed her. The Superus then took refuge in Kana and Leana as it most likely deemed their souls as being most capable of protecting it. When It merged itself with their souls, it continued to gain strength. It must trust Kana and Leana completely otherwise I could only imagine it would have transferred to another body by now. That is why the twins can call it at will, it must completely trust them with its own survival.”

    “The boy who attacked my sister most likely was a host to one of the fractals of the Superus.” Leana stated as she closed her eyes and placed her palms together just in front of her mouth. “I can feel it…..its pain…...its suffering. That boy was merely a puppet to an evil far worse than he. Whoever controlled that boy was itself controlling the power of the Superus. It must be someone with great power as well as great knowledge. If we are to find this being then we must be well prepared.”

     “It must be the Emperor Of Shadows, from the stories we were told as kids.” Ciara said as she stood in the doorway listening to the discussion while waiting patiently to talk with Rayla. “I am willing to bet he is at the source of all this. According to the story he was a being of an unknown origin who commanded a vast army to the north, high up in the mountains. Over the past years we’ve sometimes encountered charred or disfigured Dulvar remains that had floated down river and would often wash up on the lake shores. But the last time that happened, I was just a little girl. Ovar had just become Elder and one of his first commands as leader was to send troops up the mountainside to look for more villages or even Dulvar camps. They never got far because they were afraid of the strange happenings that went on around their camps at night. The soldiers always  turned back stating the mountains were haunted and how they would come alive and taunt them. None would ever be killed but some did get very sick…..I mean for a long, long time. Ovar decided to just cower in fear and forbid villagers from climbing the mountain ever again. That’s when he had his wall built around the village and kept it guarded daily. No villager ever went up the mountain nor did any fall ill again.”

     “Can you show us on a map where it might be located?” Rayla asked as she stood up and pulled a map out from her satchel. “Britt encountered something very strange a few months ago, near Maple Village. They’ve always had a problem with Dulvar killing their livestock but no Dulvar footprints were ever found. I’m betting it wasn’t the Dulvar at all. These Shadow beings use the trees for protection and mode of transportation, I’m willing to bet it was them.”

    “We need to find out for sure!’ Tola said as he stood up quickly and kissed the former Queen. “She was trying to tell us something before she passed…...Kana or Leana…...did she pass anything along to either of you…...any insight?”

     “I must go to the Dulvar Palace.” Leana responded. “I’m sorry everyone……but I must go there immediately. There are Dulvar troops waiting for me there. We will need every soldier we can find if we are to defeat the Emperor. He is a creation of pure evil with a heart that’s black as coal. I had a vision while holding onto the Queen and it revealed that he is planning to destroy every soul of the entire Dulvar race…..including all of us here in this village. He’s planning an attack on our water and food supply first. Then he will poison our entire forest which will quickly affect all living things. When every living thing is eliminated he will take our land and our villages for his own. The poison however can only be spread through direct contact by touching or eating whatever is infected. If we can find something to protect us from contracting the poison then we can survive for a while. We need to capture one of these shadow beings and interrogate them. We need to find how the poison is created. If we know it’s ingredients then maybe we can destroy parts of it and stop them from creating the poison altogether.”

     “I know what we need to do.” Kana stated as she began to cry. “I have already been poisoned once and I was afraid for my child, so I cannot go with you sister, I have to think about my baby and our future. But the imp that attacked me only did so, I think, because I was in the trees and disrupted him from possibly collecting some of his ingredients. I think the sap from one of our trees is one. He was collecting it from one of the smaller ones just near the brook. He had a cooking spit in his makeshift camp and was most likely cooking down the sap to purify it, probably to make it more potent. But I also think the sap is poisonous to their kind as well. I bet anything that's how he became injured. He was crying in pain when I found him but he fled when I tried to help. He was stealing sap from us to create his poison against us. If we find his camp again, we will find the trees”

    “Sister…..I love you and would never allow yourself to be placed in danger.” Leana said as she hugged Kana. “We need you to stay here and protect your child. That baby is how the Dulvar will evolve its future generations. We have been cursed with living underground by our greedy and spiteful ancestors who showed no love or compassion for us or any living thing. We are breaking this rivalry by joining our races together once again. We need each other to survive and the shadow beings know that. If the Dulvar die…..we all will.”

    “I know exactly where the camp is, Kana and I will go.” Tola said as he grabbed his daughter's hand firmly. She nodded as they left the infirmary hastily.

    CHAPTER 5: A New Discovery


       Tola and Kana hurried down to the stables, then over to their stables as they quickly saddled up. Their saddlebags were still packed with swords and bows as well as quivers and several pairs of gauntlets, because someone had gotten lazy and forgot to unpack the horses from the night before. Fortunately that person’s laziness just might come in handy if a conflict should arise. They pushed their horses to full speed straight up to the gates which the gatekeeper had opened as he saw them approaching. They flew through in a hurry without looking back. In no time at all they came up to the fishing dock near Kana’s encounter and tied their horses to the post. They ran straight to the brook and began pacing along the shore, northward back toward the village. Kana crossed the brook and climbed up a large oak tree, about three stories up, just near the peak. She climbed out onto one of the branches and began scouting for the makeshift camp.

      “PAPA…..I SPOTTED IT! IT’S ABOUT A HUNDRED PACES FROM THE DOCK!” She shouted to her father who was cupping his hand above his forehead trying to block the sun. “KEEP WALKING ALONG THE BANK AND YOU WILL SEE A LARGE MOSS COVERED TREE STUMP…..IT’S JUST TO THE RIGHT OF IT.”

      Tola trudged his way through the sand and overgrowth and nearly tripped over the cooking spit. He kneeled down to investigate the area looking for any remnants of the cooked ingredients. Kana joined him shortly after and began looking at the trees searching for any signs of fresh flowing sap. Most of the camp had washed away when the brook rose but this may be to their advantage as the area is now clean. They both knew If a tree was freshly tapped, the sap would have collected fresh silt making it evident. This would clearly prove which trees the shadow imp had touched.

      “It’s hemlock…….the silt has gathered on these hemlock trees, just off the shore.” Tola yelled out to his daughter as he scraped some fresh sap from the base of the tree. “Let’s bring some back to Ciara. Her knowledge of trees and plants is unremarkable. If anyone knows how to make this into a poison, she will.”

     “Papa. I’m sorry…...I’m sorry we broke the rules.!” Kana whispered as she began to cry. “This is all my fault…..I pushed Leana and the boys to do something this rebellious. They didn’t want to go outside the walls but I pushed them. Leana is far more worthy to host the Superus and she will definitely make a better Queen.”

     “Kana……..listen to me…...NONE of this is your fault.” Tola whispered back. “The rules of the village are antiquated and need to be changed. Elder Rayla had a meeting with many of the villagers and decided since we are at peace and have been for many years now, we were going to remove the ban on outside travel for all villagers. Sweetie… broke a rule that was already broken. We can’t expect the villagers to stay confined within our walls forever. Everyone should be able to go outside the village to explore and travel as we have almost fifteen villages on our trade route alone. It’s funny I remember when Elder Dolan was our leader, I used to defy him every chance I got. I once called this place an open roofed prison. I was never really about following the rulers anyway. I only follow my heart, as should you. And as far as you becoming pregnant…...that’s just a new chapter in your life as well as mine. I was upset at first when Ciara suggested that I talk to Bo…..he was a bit nervous but stood up to me and answered honestly. I know he loves you very much and that look in his eye…..that was the same look I saw in your mother’s eyes. She was full of fire…..she was sweet and caring but wild and passionate at the same time. Your Aunt Rayla saw it in her long before I ever did. When she became Elder, She decided to change the rules pertaining to marriage so that your mother and I could get married at seventeen. Not only did she allow us to….she actually canceled her own ceremony and changed it to a wedding for us. All I know is that I’m surrounded by such remarkable women…...and I do mean you and Leana as well! You two have changed my heart forever. That day I saw you for the first time laying on that cot, hurt and scared…..when I looked into your eyes you looked right back into mine and it seemed as if you were staring right into my soul. I looked at you and I saw beauty in the Dulvar I’d never seen before. All my hatred for them just seemed so stupid and pointless.”

      “You always seem to be so busy these days so it’s hard to talk to you about my feelings.” Kana said softly as she kneeled down next to her father. “I love you so much and it’s really hard for me to say this but…..I love Bo too!”

     “I know you do…...I can see it in your eyes…..remember?” Tola said as he snickered ever so slightly.

    “Right…...That is a special gift that I think the Savior gave to you. I think it wants you to know in your heart who is truly a friend or a foe.” Kana replied as she grabbed her father's arm and hugged it like she did when she was little. “I’m sorry for that day when I didn’t speak to you…...I didn’t think either of you would understand. I guess I forgot who you were married to. Deana is the most amazing person I’ve ever met. When she married you, she picked the best one for sure. I guess I was a bit too hard on you and didn’t give you a chance to try and understand me. I just assumed that you were just like every other male in the village. I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you upset or worry about me.”

     “Kana…...I will always worry about you…..that’s my job.” Tola said sweetly as he rested his head on top of Kana’s. “I have never been upset with you. You have been a… great…...No!……. The best daughter I could have ever asked for. Gemma on the other hand is making my hair turn gray already.”

     “She’s such a little turd, isn’t she?” Kana asked as they both looked at each other and just laughed.

      The two grabbed their samples along with the last bit of ash they could scrape off the old kettle that was still hanging above the fire pit. They saddled up and slowly trotted back to the village. They took their time on the trip back because they both realized they have a lot of catching up to do in their father-daughter relationship. Tola shared a lot of his memories of when he and Deana met and Kana shared very little, but her father was truly ok with that. He was just happy that they were finally talking again. 

      When they reached the infirmary they had not even gotten off their horses when Ciara came running out of the watershed hastily putting her tunic back on. Tola didn’t think much of it until he saw the door open and his sister stepped out doing the exact same. Both seemed a bit embarrassed as they fervently neatened themselves up.

     “Whoa…...a quickie in the watershed I’m guessing?” Tola said as he pretended to cover his eyes. “Let me know when you two are decent.”

     “Oh boy…..I’m sorry…...I was uh…...just um......well my wife is freaking gorgeous, can you blame me?” Ciara said, panicking. 

     “No. I guess not.” Tola replied as he started to laugh. 

     “Tola! We didn’t expect you back so soon… caught us off guard.” Rayla said as she fixed her ponytail. “Ok, so this is only slightly embarrassing.”

     “Believe me I thought about it too…..the really big watershed nestled under the trees near the infirmary, it’s really huge. You can definitely fit two or more people in there. Especially one with such a big head as yours.” Tola said to his sister playfully as he glanced at her with the corner of his eye.

      “Hey mister I don’t have an ego problem…...I’m just always right. And you of all people know first hand what it’s like walking in my shadows.” Rayla yelled back as she motioned for a Kana to grab hold of her father. 

     Kana grabbed her father's arm as he tried to make a break for it, but Rayla was too quick for him. She grabbed his other arm and began to pull.

     “Make a wish Kana, we’ll both pull and see who gets the bigger half!” Rayla said as she put her knee up to Tola’s ribs and tugged on his arm.

      “Ok…..ok…...I give up! Please let me live… one piece preferably!” Tola shouted as he pretended to cry.

     “You marshmallow!” Rayla whispered into her brother’s ear.

      After their little bit of playful banter, Kana grabbed the evidence as they made their way into the infirmary. Ciara had already cleared off her workstation and placed all of her herbs carefully back in order. She laid down some parchment and took out her tools preparing to get to work. Kana placed the gourd half filled with Hemlock sap and the small pouch containing the ashes. Ciara took everything and kindly ushered everyone to leave except Kana.

      “Where is the sap from, I’m guessing it’s either spruce or hemlock judging by the aroma.” Ciara stated as she dipped her knife into the gourd retrieving a very small sample. “Hemlock is fairly poisonous to us but I think even more so to Dulvar.”

      “Yes, it’s hemlock. There were about ten or more trees that were still weeping a bit along the brook.” Kana answered as she smelled the gourd up close, then gagged.

     “Hemlock does not grow that close to water, their roots are shallow and cannot hold up to rushing waters. They would topple over and wash away.” Ciara said seemingly surprised. “Those trees were moved purposely so they would absorb more water and nutrients from the soil. I’m betting someone has been using them specifically to manufacture poison. Those trees need to be cut down immediately! Do not touch the trunks if they are weeping and DO NOT BURN THEM!”

      Kana rushed out to go find her father. Upon hearing the news Elder Rayla ordered a group of her soldiers to follow Kana to the woods and cut them all down. They saddled up immediately and followed Kana to the campsite. Tola followed his sister to her cottage and the two began rifling through the many bundles of parchment. They were hoping to find something about this poison as Elder Dolan had written about such an encounter many years ago. Rayla pulled out groups labeled Battle Plans And Tactics as it is there they would most likely find what they were searching for. 

    As Rayla began ripping through the clumps she would toss the ones she had already scanned back to her brother to band back together. Unfortunately he was as clumsy with the parchment as he was with milking cows. Needless to say many hit the floor and Rayla did all she could to not totally snap at him. They scanned absolutely everything but still came up empty handed. Rayla, disappointed, rushed her brother out the door hurriedly as he was more of a pain than he was of any help. Tola kissed her forehead then quietly left.

       After a short while Kana and the soldiers located the camp. They donned their moistened neck wraps and sturdiest gauntlets and began chopping the hemlocks down wildly. The soldiers grabbed the cut limbs and trunks and began tossing them into the brook. The water was flowing swiftly that day which allowed the hemlocks to drift away rather quickly. As they were busy cutting down the trees, Kana took out a looking glass and began scanning the treetops looking for any activity. She was sure if the shadow people were close by they would be furious that their resources were being destroyed. Suddenly the tree branches began to shake violently and the figures were making themselves somewhat visible. Kana looked all around her and discovered she was right, they had indeed been watching them and were now making their move.

     “General! Grab your swords…...we have company.” Kana shouted as she unsheathed her favorite saber. “We must regroup if we are to survive this battle.”

    “LOOK ALIVE GENTLEMEN…...WE ARE BEING ENGAGED.” The General shouted as he began waving his sword above his head.

     The soldiers regrouped and formed a small tight phalanx with their shields creating a dome of steel. The soldiers held their ground and only peeked briefly through the gaps in the dome to get a glimpse of their surroundings. The soldiers waited a few moments but unfortunately they could not see anything or make out any humanoid figures outside their perimeter. Kana looked out carefully and could make out what looked like a very distorted view of the landscapes as their chameleon type skin refracted the sun’s light, now making them nearly invisible. Kana began hearing the crunching sounds of footsteps becoming louder as they approached. Cackles of laughter could be heard faintly as could heavy grunting noises. The soldiers were holding tight but were becoming very nervous because they couldn’t see their enemy who was practically right at their feet. The deafening sounds of the grass rustling and the loud footsteps pounding the dirt confirmed Kana’s theory that her team was grossly outnumbered. Suddenly the noises stopped as did any other vocalizations.

     “Stupid earwigs!” Said a voice just outside their phalanx. “That is only a small fraction of trees you’ve discovered. Your insignificant actions will change nothing. We’ve been tapping the forest trees for years…..right under your stupid noses while you fat grubs feast on that which is not yours. Your kind has been left untouched by us as we believed in you when you proclaimed yourselves as Dulvar killers. We were even willing to accept your kind and allowed you to thrive in peace without any unwanted entanglements with us. But now you bring those disgusting wastes of life into your villages and treat them as equals. We once considered revealing ourselves to you and proclaim peace between us…...but your stupidity is now your undoing.”

    “What problems do you have with the Dulvar?” The General asked as he pulled Kana just behind him. “There is no war here. We’ve done you no wrong. We are clearing some potential hazards from our land…...for the safety of our village.”

     “YOU are the hazards to this beautiful land.” The shadow figure stated. “You were once its keepers but now you are a plague that walks the soil, and we are here to wipe you out. We no longer consider you our brothers… are a disease…...and our weapons are your cure. Your blood will drench these fields and all plant life will wither and die here because of you. We will then take control of this land and restore it back to its origins. Your kind will never interfere with this world ever again.”

     “We’ve lived here for four decades and we’ve done nothing to harm this forest or its inhabitants. We respect nature and all of its beauty. The forest has flourished until now when you monsters began threatening our way of life.” The General yelled at the shadow figure. “We have lived in harmony for five years now with the Dulvar and our world is more resourceful and vibrant than it has ever been. Open your eyes you buffoon… are the disease that has stricken this world….not us”


     At that exact moment Kanas eyes turned to stark white then to a fiery red. She took a knee and planted the sword into the ground directly in front of her. The General kept calling to her while still holding the phalanx strong but his voice was now falling upon deaf ears. She grasped a handful of soil, kissed it then rubbed it on her hands. She wiped the excess on her pristine crimson tunic and tightened her helmet straps. As she stood up she grabbed the hilt of the sword pulling it slowly from the ground. She pulled it to her face and saw that it was somehow covered in blood. Was it a vision she asked herself or was the Forest truly wounded? Seeing this intensified her anger even more so. If the Forest itself was calling to her then she was determined to protect her home even if it meant dying and losing her child. The more she thought about it the more her anger continued welling up inside her. Her vision had now changed as the figures before her took on a dark hue with fiery red auras surrounding every one in front of her. Their camouflage abilities could no longer protect them as Kana could easily see each and every last one. She looked into the trees and upon the ledge and saw over a hundred beings, fully armed and prepared to attack. She slowly approached the one standing closest to her as it appeared to be the one in command.

    “I see you…...I see all of you as plain as I see the world around me.” She spoke softly as she pointed the sword at it. “You will not survive this. I will destroy your entire regime and send your body parts floating down river for all to witness. If you do not fear me then it is not only you…..but your entire race that will suffer my wrath.”

    “SHUT YOUR MOUTH….YOU FILTHY DULVAR ABOMINATION!” The shadow figure shouted as he motioned swiftly for his troops to engage.

    The General stayed inside his dome as he and his men tightened their grips hoping this would be over without bloodshed. The men trembled in fear as these beings were everywhere and they could not see a single one. He and his troops were completely petrified with fear knowing that they left Kana to stand alone outside their protection. Tears began to flow from the General’s eyes as he let go of his blade, watching it fall at his feet. What was he doing his men thought to themselves? He was a leader of many men who admired him and held him in very high regard. He has fought many arduous years, protecting his people and their village against countless adversaries. It appeared that the General had lost all hope at this point as he closed his eyes, seeming to be accepting the inevitable.

     In no time the shadows dropped from the trees and began their assault. They commenced by shooting poison darts at Kana from a short distance away. Over a hundred poison laden darts became airborne, with the mouthy Dulvar as their primary target. Kana winced and held her arms staggered in front of her face and chest as she created a type of barrier around her and the soldiers that nothing seemed to penetrate it. Kana’s anger now had morphed into an unbridled rage. She lifted her face towards the sky and screamed with an ear piercing shrill that shook the entire forest. The ground began to quake and the trees began to sway as if a power much larger than any single being, had awakened. Kana held her sword vertically out in front of her as she gripped the hilt and the tip of the blade firmly. Blood began dripping from her left hand as her intense grip caused the blade to pierce her skin. The ground continued to shake, but with greater intensity, causing the trees to sway violently, as if to uproot at any given moment. Then after what seemed like a single blink of an eye, the quake stopped. The trees began to slowly halt their swaying as millions of leaves were floating upon the breeze.

     Kanas eyes faded back to their natural silver hue while her vision had returned to normal. She immediately dropped her sword, watching it bounce several times on the firm ground before resting at her toes. Without a doubt in her mind and without even looking up she knew her work was done. As she looked up across the field she saw over a hundred bodies strewn about completely void of life. Her heart rate slowed and the pounding had almost immediately stopped. She closed her eyes and took in a couple deep breaths and sighed with relief before turning to face the soldiers. When she opened her eyes once again her heart dropped at the horrid sight as they too had all perished. Every last one was gone, along with their sweet beautiful steeds. 

     She started to quiver as she knew at that very moment the power of the Superus, that which empowers her, is far too much for her to handle. She now knew that she couldn’t and would never be able to stop its power. This time it even killed those who never even wielded their weapons and they truly were the ones she cared for. She dropped to her knees, clutching her chest and began to scream. This is not what she wanted, she only wanted peace between all species. It is not in her true nature to kill, especially those who only want the things she so desperately wants in this life. She had always felt that the past battles, waged against her own kind, had torn her soul apart. Her new life was supposed to be of peace and tranquility, because that is what her soul yearns for. As she stood up she began to think about her family and how she was going to explain what had happened. She fervently dried her eyes on her dirty sleeve and ran back home.

     As Kana returned to the village gates she noticed the quake had reached all the way to the village. The gates were falling off their hinges and parts of the walls were still crumbling. As she ran down the path she saw numerous fallen trees laying across cottages and on top of the crops. The front wall of the infirmary was missing as the once strongly secured timbers were laying all across the ground. As she passed her newly built home, there was nothing left but piles of grass and logs as were many of the cottages near hers nestled by the brook. The Elder Cottage and most cottages beyond it were a bit jumbled but still in decent shape. It had become apparent that it was at the village center where the shockwave had abruptly  dissipated. Unfortunately every building close to the epicenter or within its enormous radius was now uninhabitable. The villagers could be seen rushing back and forth frantically trying to salvage everything they could. Kana could not believe her own eyes.

     “Kana are you ok sweetie?” Deana asked as she rushed up to her daughter giving her an enormous hug. Just behind her was her father carrying Gemma who was crying hysterically. “I’ve never witnessed anything like this in my entire life. The ground quaked for only a moment and everything began falling down.”

    “Where are the troops?” Tola asked as he looked toward the South Gate. “Are they still in the Solemn Forest disposing of the Hemlock trees?”

     “They are still out there…..but…...but……!” Kana stuttered as she couldn’t speak another word and began crying. She grabbed Gemma and held her tight.

     “Ok Kana…...sweetie…...take a deep breath and try to calm down before you speak.” Deana said as she softly touched her cheek and began rubbing away the tears. “It’s ok…...just tell us where the soldiers are and we’ll go to them.”

      “I…….I……..killed them.” Kana whispered as she clenched her eyes tighter. “They are all dead because of me. They were just afraid…...that’s all! They were afraid of the shadow beings. They couldn’t see them so……. They were afraid. They didn’t even raise their weapons to the shadows and the Superus killed them all. All the soldiers, the General, the horses......every last shadow being was killed during the quake. The Superus caused the quake and shook everything so violently.”

      “The shadow beings were there in the Solemn Forest?” Her mother asked as she continued rubbing Kana’s cheek and temple. “Are you the only survivor?”

     “Yes. There was no blood… fighting…...nothing” Kana answered. 

     “Stay here with Gemma. Your father and I will go to the Solemn Forest.” Deana said as she kissed Gemma’s nose and forehead. “I’m sorry about your home. It looks like we all need to rebuild. You can stay at Aunt Rayla’s for now. They are both working hard to help the injured, maybe they could use your help with babysitting if you’re up to it.”

      Kana took Gemma, who had finally stopped crying, in her arms and walked straight to the Elder Cottage. They entered quietly and looked around at all the chaos. Kana cleared a place for Gemma to sit as she quietly opened her satchel and removed her little figurines and began to play. She was still sniffling but after a few minutes Kana sat with her and began to play too. Gemma now started to smile a little as she always loves playing with her sister when she isn’t chasing boys or now in this case, destroying villages.

      Tola and his wife mounted up and set out for the Solemn Forest. They darted as fast as the horses would go, past the rubble and twisted metal, not stopping for anything. Deana choked up at seeing the extent of the damage but she was determined to find out what happened to her daughter and the trusted soldiers. The path to the forest was mostly clear as many of the trees had caught fire from the intense energy released from the Superus. Most had burned to the stumps leaving nothing but ash clouds in the wake of the horses hooves. Tola sped up to stay next to his wife and to avoid getting any of the hot ash into his gills. 

     About half way there they stopped at the brook to wash their neck wraps and clean their gills as well as water their horses. Deana seemed to be a bit distraught but fairly calm as she sat down on the bank then began to scream out into the forest. She grabbed a handful of rocks and threw them at the trees across the brook as if they were to blame for all of this. She jumped into the water, wading straight to the middle and began slapping the water hard, taking out her frustrations at her own reflection. Tola gave her a moment because he too felt the same but tried very hard not to lash out.

     “Why Tola?” She asked out loud more rhetoric than inquisitive. “Why is it always Kana that has to suffer? What did she do to deserve this pain? What in this forsaken world did this poor child do to deserve this?”

    “She didn’t do anything wrong.” He answered as he sat down on the shore grabbing handfuls of sand. “It is not her…’s the Superus. It is not as good or pure as we believed. It is too powerful for any one person to control… or rather be controlled by it. Either Kana has to figure out a way to cast it out or channel it to her will, not its own. It is a power that takes no consideration for life while it seems to  so easily absorb the souls of every being. It’s raging like a wildfire and we can’t control it. If what Kana says is true then I’m betting there is a shadow being that has part of the Superus within itself. All this time I thought this power was the key to our survival against our enemies, and it still may be, but with all the wars we are fighting we are dying off. Soon there will be no one left to protect this world …and it too may die.”

     “Then the Queen was right…...we need to destroy these Shadow beings. We need to eradicate the existence of those who are pure evil.” Deana stated as she waded quickly back to the shore. “Kana needs to be free from this burden. It’s not in her nature to destroy so many. Her soul is sweet and pure just like her sister’s. Those two deserve better than this. We either free ourselves from the Superus altogether or free it completely from every evil being. Either way we have a lot of work to do.”

       She took her husband’s hand and lifted him to his feet. She spared not a single moment, not even for a kiss. She was not only extremely outraged but now even more focused than ever. She mounted her horse and galloped extremely fast toward the Solemn Forest entrance. Tola waited for a moment to let the ash clouds clear before he followed. He was now extremely concerned for his wife because he’s never seen her like this. She is always such a caring and happy person with much love and compassion in her heart. Now it seems her heart is cold and vengeful. He too once felt the same way toward the Golden Dulvar Queen years ago when he had to face her. The only thing he could do now was to support her completely even if it meant losing his own life. He took a deep breath then patted his horse and the pair took off.

      When he arrived he followed sets of fresh hoof tracks as they were no longer tracking the ash from the path but now sinking into the lush forest moss. As he followed the tracks he came upon the battlefield but no Deana. He trotted around looking at the dead soldiers who were still piled in their phalanx with their hands gripping their shields. Just ahead were over a hundred Shadow beings sprawled out in a circle around a small dirt ring. At the center was a set of boot prints, surely Kana’s size and type he figured. He dismounted and stood at the center with his feet covering exactly over hers. He closed his eyes and began controlling his breathing as he prepared to meditate. He stretched his arms out to his sides and faced his palms upward toward the sky. After only a minute he had a vision. He could see from his daughter’s point of view the horde that surrounded her. He could see them as dark figures encompassed by bright red auras. They were in front and behind her, on the ground and in the trees. He became very frightened because not even he had ever encountered such a battle. How did she survive this he asked himself. As he looked around panning left to right he immediately saw the barrage of darts flying toward him but in slow motion. He swung his hands directly in front of him to try and block them but there were so many that it turned the daylight into near darkness. At that moment he saw it. He saw the Superus emanate from his hands and stop the projectiles in mid flight. At that moment he knew the Superus was neither good nor evil but followed the commands of its immediate host. Despite the lives it took it protected it’s host as a form of self preservation..

     “DEANA!” Tola shouted as he came immediately out of his trance. “DEANA, COME QUICK. I HAVE THE ANSWER TO ALL OF THIS. DEANA MY LOVE CAN YOU HEAR ME?”

     “No need to shout you noisy windbag!” Deana said as she stepped quietly behind him. “If you scare the horses you will be the one walking home while carrying me on your back.”

     “I had a vision.” He replied as he became very excited.

     “Yeah I can see that.” She stated as she pointed to the front of his trousers. “You pissed yourself…...and you don’t have anything to change into because our cottage is flattened with everything inside.”

     “Who cares about that?” He asked as he smiled at his wife. “I have seen what the Superus is trying to do. It is trying to retrieve its lost pieces. It cannot be thoroughly cleansed until it is complete. Don’t you see it needs hosts to protect it as it regains its strength. It chose us because we have common ancestors. We all share the same bloodlines, you, me, and Rayla. I am not sure exactly where I fit it because I am technically a mutt… blood is not as pure as yours or Rayla’s. You and her derive from a lineage of royalty whereas I do not. The Superus tried to tell me a long time ago but I was too arrogant to listen. You and Rayla…...are.”

     “No! Don’t say it…..I’m not a princess!” Deana stated as she interrupted her husband.

    “Yes, you are!” He yelled excitedly. “You or Rayla must decide which of you will proclaim themselves as Queen. I am not of royalty so I cannot be King. I mean not of blood or inheritance anyway. It would need to be through marriage and indeed chosen for me. I’m not saying you need to proclaim yourself to the world but one of you needs to take the oath, within their own heart and proclaim the position. Leana is the High Queen of the Dulvar as well as every other race and species and now the Superus has found one of its perfect hosts. I believe it needs at least two to restore balance in this world. Kana, right now, is only a soldier and is under the complete protection of the Superus because it is the will of her sister. She cannot be harmed in any way and is as safe as Leana. I’m sure someday the Superus will depart from us and we will all naturally pass away but we have finally found the missing pieces we have been searching for all these years. There is no doubt in my mind that us living in the same village as children was no coincidence. We were chosen a long time ago. That’s why I have always felt so close to Rayla even after finding out she was not truly my sister.”

    “So everything you’ve been trying to uncover has been true?” She asked as she clasped both of her husband’s hands firmly and lifted them up to her lips kissing them gently.

    “Yes!” He proclaimed as he pulled his hand down and kissed his wife’s lips firmly. “Rayla no longer has the power of the Emissary…..I think Kana does. She and her sister are the chosen links between our worlds. I believe they are the key to our race’s final evolution. When we die her offspring will complete the union of our species. There will no longer be Dulvar and Brevians, but one mixed race. Do you remember the stories we were told as kids how nature separated us because of the beings who were evil and waged wars against their brothers and sisters. Part of that may be true but they were separated because of the world's evolution. When the planet erupted and formed volcanoes out of our once beautiful mountains, nature divided us to save us so we would not be lost to this world. The Dulvar evolved to adapt to their harsh volcanic environment and we evolved to adapt to our water-filled  environment.”

     “So nature is trying to unite us again.” She said as she smiled and pressed her forehead against her husband’s letting their noses touch. “Our children will be able to survive both environments and we will be able to live peacefully with no more fighting.”

     “Yes!” He replied then grabbed his wife giving her a firm hug. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her above his head as he spun her around in a circle. She began to laugh and cry as she had felt the same level of happiness that she experienced the day they were married. He pulled her back into his arms and began kissing her passionately. After a few moments Deana broke contact and grabbed her husband's cheeks. She kissed him one more time and stepped away. She smiled as she slowly backed away from him. He didn’t know what to do at this point as he was now a bit confused. Was he going to have a moment of intimacy with his wife or was she actually leaving. His answer came quickly as she mounted her horse then blew him a kiss while she placed her hand across her heart.

    “Save this kiss for later, because you need to return it to me in person.” She whispered then nudged her horse as they quickly trotted off.

    “I promise to safely return it. It will be delivered on the very tip of my lips!l” He yelled as he watched his wife leave.

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