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    A loud scream pierced the calm misty forest. On this cool autumn evening the Solemn Forest, as it was named long ago, was unusually quiet. It is not only a home to many forms of wildlife but a sanctuary to those who seek refuge from the common storms. The skies have become unusually dark as menacing clouds began to form, casting out all remnants of the fading sunlight. In the distance, flashes of lightning were dancing playfully between the clouds creating a vast, yet stunning silhouette. As beautiful as it was, its ambience was not bright enough to permeate the dank musty paths to illuminate young Tola’s surroundings. Tola, a sweet but stubborn boy of about fourteen lives in a quaint little village just north of the Solemn Forest known as the Forest Village. He dwells in a primitive, but cozy, hand crafted cottage that he shares with his older and much wiser sister Rayla.

    On this night, like nearly every other night, Tola set out very haphazardly dressed. He wrapped himself in a ragged beige tunic with hand stitched arms and collar. Its neckline is adorned with small wooden buttons, hand whittled from a very rare Burl Walnut that grows only in the southernmost part of the region. His sash and belt are piecemealed from old, worn, faded leather patches which were sewn on by his ever crafty sister. His dirty leather turn cuffed boots are nearly worn right through with cracked soles. The leathers are horribly faded and barely stay on his feet as they have seen much better days.The uppers are adorned with square shaped buckles, that are scraped and tarnished from his many reckless endeavors. Half of his shoulder length dirty chestnut brown hair is tucked poorly under a small leather berry stained helmet. The rest of it falls horribly across his face and into his warm, bright hazel-blue eyes. His soft, slightly plump cheeks are covered in dirt as is nearly every square inch of him. He always carries his favorite rusty hunting knife that was given to him by his older brother when Tola was very young. It is with his sister’s teachings however, that he has learned not only how to whittle with it but also to wield it as a formidable weapon .

     On this evening the brother and sister pair had ventured into the Solemn Forest, as they often do, in search of their much needed roots and herbs. The once fair skies abruptly began to darken well before the sun was intended to set. The two had accidentally become separated when Tola decided to implement one of his clever ideas and began chasing a rabbit wildly through the brush. He has long convinced himself that he would need the speed and reflexes of a wild animal if he was to one day become a mighty skilled warrior. 

    He, like every other male child in his village, trains hard in preparation for their final trial. Passing the harsh and vigorous trial finalizes their transition into adulthood and marks a giant step needed to take a path to becoming a soldier. These trials usually take place when a young lad reaches the age of fourteen, but if a child becomes apprehensive or misses the deadline, they can be permitted more time to work harder or to cast their fears aside, but they must wait a full year to test again. It is however a written requirement put in place by the Village Elder himself, that all males are to become fully trained to fight even if they chose not to become soldiers.

    When Tola realized he had become separated from his sister he began calling for her. He yelled as loud as his voice would allow but the forest still remained eerily quiet. The fog rolled in heavily and thick causing visibility to become greatly reduced in a very short time. Lightning flashed daintily in the sky miles away but seemed to pose no real threat to him or his sister. Tola thought to himself that if he was to find his sister he would need to rely mostly on his naturally heightened olfactory and auditory senses. Sight in such an obscure and densely grown forest, near or after sunset, is as practical as a lifeboat cast blatantly into a raging hurricane.

    “Where are you Rayla!” He cried. “I can’t find you in this stupid fog!”    

     Rayla, Tola’s older sister, is much wiser and a far more practical being. She dresses herself meticulously and is always well prepared for each excursion. On this particular evening her figure is covered in a deep rose red dyed tunic, adorned with smooth ebony buttons. Those particular buttons were painstakingly hand selected and crafted by Hevar, the village blacksmith and presented as a gift by the village Elder himself. Complimenting her outfit was a matching set of deep black dyed leather shoulder pads, sash, and belt covering a clean pair of smoke colored cloth knickers. Her boots were very clean, ebony dyed leather with buckles made of freshly polished brass. She protected her arms with soft ebony gauntlets made from the finest fabric the village loom can produce. Custom made leather reinforcement panels were painstakingly sewn in and have crimson peonies embroidered on the back of each hand. Her smooth sun kissed skin is clean and soft and her brown eyes are accented with meticulously applied smokey eye shadow. Her lips were thin with a natural rose hue, shiny and void of imperfections. Small perfectly wound braids of chestnut brown hair hung across each cheek as the rest was secured in a tight, softly brushed ponytail. She is very beautiful and very mysterious as she is the interest of many village suitors. However, very few ever approach her as they are greatly intimidated by her fighting  skills more so than her beauty. Much to their dismay, Rayla is a very pronounced warrior and wields her sword ever so eloquently. She carries a personally modified cadet sword that is strong and well balanced. Every aspect of her favorite blade she designed and crafted herself. She does however, enjoy teaching her skills to all who are willing to learn and are not so timid. She is also quite an experienced forager and does everything she can to teach her brother, along with others, how to survive in the woods by living off the land.

    Tola sat down on a nearby tree stump waiting patiently for his sister’s response. After several minutes of near dead silence he saw some movement just ahead of him in the shadows. A strange and obscure figure appeared carrying a dimly lit torch that appeared to float well above Tola’s head. The figure was hard to see but it continued walking very hastily toward Tola’s location. The emanating impact tremors from it’s feet pounding hard on the forest floor became the only tangible things that Tola could focus on as fear and anger began to well up inside him. Who is this beast and what has it done with my sister, he thought?

   “Show yourself Cretan. Where is my sister? Where is Rayla?” He shouted while clenching his hunting knife tightly.

   The impact tremors started to grow softer and began to pulse in syncopation with numerous, grotesque grunting noises. The figure slowly drew close enough for Tola to get an obscure view of its silhouette, it was Dulvar, no doubt. The dark beast stood nearly seven feet tall and its body was very dark and stout. Hoping not to be spotted, he quietly flanked the figure and got a glimpse of what appeared to be a large blood stained war ax hanging from its back. He also spotted a much smaller humanoid figure curled under the beast’s nasty, matted fur covered arm. Was it Rayla? He asked himself quietly as he looked on while crouched well out of the beast’s sight. As it drew closer the clunky mass began smelling of rotting tree bark mixed with the fragrance of freshly cut Peonies. Rayla always smelled of Peonies and  she loved to craft her perfumes from their soft fragrant petals.

   “You have my sister! Let her go and I will spare your life!” Tola screamed angrily.

   The grunting sounds turned immediately to what one could only be described as  sickening maniacal laughter. A dull thud immediately followed as the limp figure was quickly dropped to the ground. Suddenly an unexpected flash caught Tola’s peripheral vision, followed by a loud crack that deafened his ears. He immediately felt a hard metal block smash hard into his helmet with a force that hit him like a large falling timber crashing onto frozen ground. He was knocked to the ground and his face planted firmly in the dirt. His knife went flying out from his sweaty hands and disappeared somewhere into the dense brush. His ears immediately began to ring and his head started to throb with intense, pulsating pain. Totally disoriented, he slowly climbed to his feet and took a very unsteady and awkward defensive stance with his fists drawn up to his face.

     Within seconds the ringing subsided and Rayla’s faint voice could now be heard. He felt a warming sensation as liquid dripped slowly into his left eye causing his anger to intensify. The anger began to culminate within him which immediately overpowered any sense of pain he was feeling. He had never experienced such anger and the more he thought about Rayla, the more it intensified. He began grunting hard and snorting like a tempered bull ready to rage straight toward its enemy. Rayla tried very hard to teach him to not let his anger cloud his mind and to keep a sharp focus on his opponent. He tried extremely hard but his mind began to disregard any thoughts of his own safety or even the fact that he may even die that very night. His only thoughts now were that of his sister laying in pain and how unfair and unkind these beasts can be towards others, especially children. His only concern now was of her safety and that of his own village. He took a few deep breaths then spread his feet apart while planting them firmly in the moss which straightened out his stance. He squinted his eyes and focused only on that large lumbering mass in front of him. He watched closely as the beast violently waved its torch in search of him, unknowingly revealing Rayla’s location.

  “Tola…...Tola…...forget about me!” She screamed! “ Run to the village and tell everyone that the Dulvar have returned! Get everyone to safety! Please Tola do as your sister says!”

  “Not a chance!” He replied angrily. “ This filthy beast is gonna pay for hurting you!”

    Tola dove to the ground just in front of his sister, with the grace of a young spring hare. He grabbed the hilt of Rayla’s sheathed sword and hastily withdrew it. He climbed over her, then somersaulted before jumping straight towards the beast. He looked around to get familiar with his surroundings then his eyes came to focus on the lit torch. He leaped into the air and ripped the torch right out of the beast’s hand. He flipped in the air then landed on the beast’s left side, just a few feet away. Hoping not to be grabbed, he quickly hurled the burning chunk of wood at the figure hoping to hit its eyes and possibly blind it. Not having sight could leave a much needed opening for Tola to commence his assault. Unfortunately the rotten torch broke apart as it wobbled in the air, completely missing its intended target. Some of the burning splinters did however catch some of the beast's tunic on fire, which provided a bit of comedy in such a serious time. As the torch hit a branch and  shattered completely, the light from its flame revealed two more shrouded figures behind that lumbering mass that grabbed his sister. 

     At this point Tola had not an ounce of fear as he continued to focus solely on his primary target. The others will need to wait their turn to die until he had finished with this Cretan, he thought to himself. He swung his sister's cadet sword quickly but smoothly and with great precision. With every blade strike, a sharp metallic sound emanated. He knew that horrific sound which is all too familiar to him. His personal training posts back home are girded with metal Dulvar armor pieces that were fastened there by Rayla herself. They are very old and weathered but still sounded the same to him. Each one of his hits was strong while every stroke was precise and perfectly timed, just as Rayla had taught him. He cared not if he would ever live up to the same skill level as his sister, he only cared at this point, is that they actually live.

  “Tola ...Tola my sweet child…. please……” Rayla spoke softly while still chastising her younger brother. After those last words, her voice became silent.

  “RAAAYLAAAAA!” He  Shouted, but there was no response. Tola’s pain and anger exploded into an unbridled rage as he gripped Rayla’s sword with both hands. He lashed out faster and harder landing every blow with great intensity and blistering speed. He swung with all his might at each figure smashing into armor with every strike. Not a single strike found resistance from his enemy’s weapons as he continued with his attack. He swung until his arms and shoulders felt heavy and cumbersome, like tree limbs bobbing in the rippling waters of a wood mill. Utterly exhausted, he dropped to the ground barely clinging onto his sister’s sword. With every last bit of energy he could muster, he crawled over to Rayla. 

  “I cannot fight anymore, Rayla. I am sorry I have failed you and failed our people. These Dulvar are just too strong.” Tola muttered between breaths.

  “I don’t blame you, I blame myself for getting a fourteen year old boy involved in adult matters. I guess I’m not such a great sister or teacher for that matter.” Rayla cried softly.” I’m afraid we will both die in battle as many of our ancestors did before us. I’m so sorry Tola…….I…….I love you more than anything. But now we need to be brave. We have led our lives by trusting our hearts and have lived with honor, so now we will die just the same.”

  Tola collapsed next to his sister, letting go of her sword and firmly grasping her hand. He was trying to stay calm as he waited for the Dulvar warriors to finish them both off. Tola pulled his sister close and placed his head on his sister's shoulder, just below her chin. He closed his eyes and began to focus only on her heartbeat as his ears cast out every sound except the palpitations emanating from her chest. He was beginning to feel a bit calmer and his anger seemed to subside a little, but still he felt no fear. They both sat quietly for a moment , just waiting, waiting to die a warrior's death. Like many of their ancestors before them, they too would die in battle, fighting for their people.

     Some time had passed but there seemed to be no visible movement, nor any sound coming from their foes. Tola sat up, squinted his eyes and began to look around. To his surprise the fading torches revealed no movement from within their immediate surroundings. He closed his eyes and placed his ear to the ground as he carefully listened for any sound, besides the crackling of the flames. He listened very carefully and intently, but he  could hear not a snarl nor grunt from those lumbering beasts. He thought it to be extremely odd to not hear them because they often sound like packs of congested wolves ripping meat off their kill. 

  “Maybe they retreated!” Whispered Rayla as she sat up and quickly surveyed the area. She listened to the trees creaking and the winds whistling through the branches but  could not hear anything more. “Can you walk brother?” She asked.

  “Hell… if they retreated, we best get up and run. They might come back with more troops, which means they will probably head straight to our village.” He exclaimed “We should hurry back home and warn everyone!”

   They slowly but unsteadily rose to their feet as they leaned on each other for support. They both looked up at the sky as the storm had seemed to pass. The clouds were just about gone leaving a beautiful clear and starry sky, with ample moonlight to guide them home. The two began to carefully walk, as fast as their wounds would let them, back to their village. The trip was not far but It seemed to them as if they had walked for hours to get home that night. Usually on clear nights like this the siblings take to stargazing  while sipping sweet tea by a cozy campfire, but this was definitely not their usual night. As they reached the Solemn Forest entrance, neither glanced back behind them as their only focus was the torches in the distance which marked the village perimeter. 

    When they finally reached the Southern Gate they were greeted with firm embraces from their much worried friends. In the distance a group of soldiers could be seen dismounting their steeds as their general had just called off the search party they were assembling. The general dismounted and rushed up to them as the siblings quickly filled him in on their recent events. He immediately motioned to have the gates closed and locked as his soldiers quickly took their battlestations. Tola held his sister tight and waited until they received some help getting to the infirmary as neither had not an ounce of energy to move. After warning the villagers of their encounter with the Dulvar, the siblings were picked up and carried off to the infirmary to be seen by the village healer known as Olam.

     Olam himself is a bit of a loner, and he only leaves his cottage to forage for ingredients without any wanted company. He is short and stocky with a wildly grown beard as grey as slate. He wears only simple wool tunics with knee high steel clad boots. He carries a small hatchet on his stretched out leather belt, which he utilizes for nearly every task. Upon his waist is a small apothecary satchel which is always filled with various herbs and roots and smells like a swamp. He himself brews many of the village elixirs and powders which are used to treat a variety of wounds and common infections.His hut is large and spacious with multiple rows of cots for recovering patients to heal or sometimes to just catch up on needed rest in a quiet environment. Many herbs, flowers, roots and sometimes dried berries hang from the ceiling fastened with crude twine, usually made from thin vines such as ivy. His place always had a wondrous smell, much like lying in the vast forest meadows on a warm sunny day.

     The siblings were carried inside and promptly tucked into adjoining cots, as they awaited their visit from Olam, who for some weird reason was nowhere to be found. Maybe his fear of the Dulvar has gotten the better of him, Rayla thought to herself. Moments later the tribe's leader, known as Elder Dolan, expeditiously entered the cottage with Olam just at his heels. He carefully kneeled down between the siblings while Olam quickly ravaged through his dilapidated medicine chests. Tola began to tell Elder Dolan of their run in with the Dulvar, but he was too tired and in too much pain to give any pertinent details. He began drifting in and out of consciousness so Elder Dolan decided to give up his inquisition for the night and let the two rest. Olam approached the cots and impatiently shoved Elder aside so that he could better tend to his patients. Dolan stepped out of his way but quickly moved around to the other side to kneel down next to Tola.

  “You are extremely lucky that they retreated and gave you time to escape.” Exclaimed Elder Dolan as he firmly grasped Tola's hand. “Dulvar are very strong and well armored. A simple sword does little against one, even in the hands of a skilled warrior. Many have died in battles against one Dulvar Skirmisher. None that I know have ever returned from battles when they encountered many. But don’t worry about that now, you get some rest now younglings. We will talk more in the morning, when you have rested.” Elder Dolan softly rubbed Tola's shoulder and shuffled off out the door. Olam immediately began shaking his head in disappointment as he now began tending to Rayla.

     Tola happened to notice that Elder seemed to have very little concern for Rayla as he never once approached her cot. Did he have something against his sister? Tola thought to himself. Did he blame her for this unavoidable incident? This seemed to upset him very much as he always thought of his sister as the kindest, strongest and smartest person he knew. “That stupid Elder Dolan is totally mistaken.” He quietly muttered to himself. He knew he couldn’t get up at the moment but he planned to stride straight over to Elder's cottage in the morning to have a serious conversation with Elder. As far as he was concerned Rayla was a much better teacher and leader  and would make a much better Elder than Dolan, even at seventeen.

    Shortly after Elder Dolan had left, the siblings, who were left battered and bruised from their nighttime excursion, finally fell asleep. But they only did so knowing that each other was safe and not very far away. A pair of soldiers kept post at the infirmary door as the rest began taking turns keeping watch, with the finest bows secured to their backs and swords in their scabbards. They had spent years training to fight, only to ever find themselves head to head with nuisance raiders. None from their village have ever gone head to head with their mortal enemy, the Dulvar.

    The Dulvar are somewhat grotesque humanoid beings and are the only known true enemies of their kind, the Brevians. They, as a species, stand much taller than Brevians as most average between seven and eight feet in height compared to the Brevians who average around only five to six feet, hence their name meaning short. Their native language is very primitive and consists mostly of growls, clicks and throat vocalization to communicate with one another. Some have learned the native tongue of their ancestors, which is the language used by all Brevians. Those who speak it usually care to learn only basic words and speak in fragments much like a young child stringing together incomplete sentences. It is usually higher ranking officials such as generals or lieutenants who learn to speak to the Brevians because they are most likely the ones to spread propaganda or instigate a confrontation. 

     A Dulvar’s physical  appearance is much different from that of other humanoids as they have reddish pale eyes and very dark toned, bark-like skin that is usually covered in sharp coarse hair from head to toe. On either side of their heads are long bat-like ears which allow them to hear sounds from nearly a mile away. They can see very well at close range but their nearsightedness causes them trouble with distant objects. Their sense of smell is keen but only works in their favor when they are close to the ground to get the scent of their prey. They are carnivorous beings by nature and eat every piece of flesh from their kill. When they are finished with the carcass they utilize their crafting skills to create weapons and assorted embellishments from the leftover bones and teeth. Dulvar are also somewhat nocturnal by nature, which makes them very avid night hunters. But it is also known that their eyes and skin are extremely sensitive to peak sunlight which forces them to limit their sun exposure. They are accustomed to taking refuge from dawn to dusk as direct sunlight is not only dangerous but could also prove to be deadly. Thus, they often commence their hunts or village raids at sundown and make it commonplace to clear out long before sunrise. The older and weaker of their groups are usually the scavengers and most often do not participate in raids. They usually follow just behind their kin to procure valuables and assorted loot. They pick through what is left behind but they are often the ones that don’t return to their camps. Dulvar soldiers are very selfish and unkind, even to their own as they will often leave their fallen, sick or weak behind to perish. Their way of life has become a menace to other species as they take whatever they want and almost always kill on sight. Their race seems to thrive on the pain and misery of their enemies, as they show no compassion or remorse for their actions. Many dwell either deep within the mountains or in the ruins of their past ancestors. They are often looked upon as horrid creations of hatred, fueled only by fierce, carnal revenge. They are known to embrace the most inhuman inventions from the past and wield them to proclaim themselves as Kings. Such is their way, as they know little else.


     Morning came and Tola was woken by a somewhat loud commotion outside. The villagers seemed to be arguing about something that the patrols discovered that very morning. He could only hear little fragments of what seemed to be some type of communal discussion. It's very odd that they were speaking like this out in the open, he thought to himself. Usually they squabble behind the closed doors of their meetinghouse in privacy. He took a moment to prepare himself for the day as he put on his boots and stepped outside.

    As he walked down the rickety steps everyone became strangely quiet. Many sets of beady eyes became fixed on Tola, including his sister Rayla, who was trying to eat her oatmeal. She was crying a bit but cracked a smile upon seeing her brother walking around. She looked kind of worried, but also somewhat relieved as she dried her eyes with the back of her hand. She looked around for a place to set her bowl but found none, so she immediately ran to her brother, with a dripping bowl in one hand and a bent spoon in the other. She wrapped her arms around him and embraced him like she hadn’t seen him in years.

  “What's with all the ruckus this morning, I was trying to get my beauty rest.” Tola chuckled while grabbing his bandaged head.

  “Well in that case you better sleep for a week if you expect to improve that face.” Snickered Rayla as she smiled at her brother. “I’m glad to see you up and walking so well for a battered hero.”

  “The hell you talking about miss…miss…..spends three hours lookin at herself  in a mirror trying to look good for stupid Mylan!” Tola scowled.“ That stupid milk drinking nose picker doesn’t deserve you, so why all the fuss?”

  “Ha…very funny!” Rayla said sarcastically. “Yeah you’re right he is kind of a mama's boy isn’t he? Not a strong warrior such as yourself.” She then lowered her spoon and aimed it at his side as she started poking his ribs lightly, hoping to invoke a giggle. He pushed her away pretending to be mad but when she looked up at him he was biting his lips trying to hold in his laughter. She then slowly moved her spoon toward  his ribs and he just smiled then shook his head. She rested her head against his chest for a moment then went back to her oatmeal.

   Elder Dolan, the village’s wisest and longtime leader, expeditiously walked straight toward the siblings. He was dressed in a long eggplant colored robe cinched with a brown tweed belt and shiny brass buckle. His bark colored tweed boots were short with turned out cuffs and were tied meticulously with perfectly symmetrical knots. He often wore long brown laced wool gauntlets, much like today, which were crafted with open fingers so he could write while wearing them. His face was dark and  suntanned, but covered by a lifetime's worth of wrinkles. He was said to once be a mighty soldier but he rarely speaks of his past. He does however, from time to time speak about the ugly battles against the Dulvar which he uses as examples for teaching life lessons to his subjects. It seemed many of those battles took place long before there was any hope of peace. When peace had finally become a reality he officially retired from his ranks and was elected as the Elder of the Forest Village. He was the first elected Elder in Forest Village history as his predecessors were usually chosen through lineage and bloodlines.

    When he arrived just in front of the siblings, Tola and Rayla were just sitting in the courtyard eating their breakfast. Elder was carrying a handful of parchment papers and paused but once or twice to shuffle them back in order. He had a baffled look on his face as he shook his head while perusing each leaf. He then hastily shoved the parchments in his large satchel as his eyes became fixed solely on Tola. He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes as if he was searching in his mind for the exact question to ask but seemed to be having trouble putting his thoughts into words. When he opened his eyes he seemed less pensive and much more focused as his expression changed to that of relief.

  “How did both of you escape?” Asked Elder Dolan. “ You must tell me everything about your encounter last night in the Solemn Forest. How can it be that you are both still alive?”

   Tola looked tired and ragged and was really in no mood for an interrogation. Rayla sensing her brother’s  mood, grabbed Elder’s hand and began telling their story.

  “We were looking for roots, berries and herbs to make a few doses of healing paste.” exclaimed Rayla. “We found what we needed off the trail deep within the Solemn Forest. I filled my satchel and decided that we should be getting back, as we were losing daylight fast and a storm was coming in quickly. Then all of a sudden this large beast crawled out from one of the old forest fissures and began chasing me. I was so surprised that I ran to find Tola, but I tumbled down the hill and the beast caught up with me. It hit me from behind, knocking me down, then it lifted me under its arm and grabbed my satchel. It seemed like he was carrying me around like some sort of trophy. Anyway, when the beast found Tola I started yelling to him to escape, but instead he engaged the beast. He was fighting hard, but that’s when I must have passed out because I only remember Tola crying and saying that he was sorry that we were gonna die there. The beasts must have retreated otherwise we probably would not be here to tell the tale. Tola was being stupid for not listening….. but also very brave. If it wasn’t for him, I think we would be dead. ”

   Elder Dolan looked very confused again as he grasped Tola’s hand firmly. He carefully checked his wounds and then stared intently at the palm of Tola’s smooth, barely calloused hand. 

   “I am at a loss for words Tola.” Exclaimed Elder Dolan. “ I ...I ….don’t know how you managed to fight such a battle and walk away with your life. You are only fourteen and you definitely have not been trained for such endeavors. It’s utterly astonishing ” 

    Elder Dolan released Tola’s hand and abruptly turned to face his cottage. He then sped hastily back to his chambers as if he made a new discovery. Many villagers and warriors alike stared briefly at Tola and then turned toward each other as they began to gossip. What were they talking about and why such strange behavior, Tola asked himself. It was a close call and that was that. He was truly grateful that he and his sister escaped with very little injuries, but he was no hero. 

     “What the Hell?” Tola whispered to his sister. “I’m totally confused now. He was calm last night but now his feathers are all ruffled. That guy is a weirdo.”

    “ No argument there.” Rayla said as she lowered her head and glanced up at Elder with her corner of her eyes. “I don’t see how he was ever a soldier, he seems very timid nowadays.” 

      Tola walked over to a courtyard bench and sat down to eat a fresh bite of bread his sister had just brought for him. He sat quietly eating for several minutes when Elder Dolan hastily returned encompassed by a small group of well armed, armor clad soldiers.

     “Two of you come with us. We are going to the forest to investigate the area of your encounter.” Exclaimed Elder Dolan, excitedly but also very stern. “The morning patrol has discovered something that might be of interest to you both. Take your breakfast with you. You can eat it along the way, as we need to get moving immediately.”

      Elder Dolan, the siblings and about twenty or so soldiers saddled up on patrol horses and headed to the Solemn Forest. A couple hours had passed, as the expedition traveled cautiously down the winding path on this cool Autumn morning. Smaller patrols would break off in pairs as they headed up the path to scout ahead. They would scan the areas ahead with their looking glasses and then signal all clear, before the group would press on. After an hour or so more the party finally came upon a clearing where they found several extinguished torches scattered about. The air had a pungent but sweet smell as smoke from smoldering torches mixed with the scent of fresh bloomed flowers. The area was covered with large patches of grass, torn and trodden along with broken branches scattered about. A tussle definitely happened here Elder thought to himself as he motioned the party to halt and to dismount.

     “Tola, does this area look vaguely familiar?” Asked Elder Dolan. “ I know it was dark but try and remember what you saw.”

     “Yes!” They both answered together.

      Tola and Rayla began to scour the area looking for anything they might have remembered. Rayla quickly found her satchel, it was unscathed and still full of berries and roots. Tola found his hunting knife he dropped along with a rusty pendant he discovered just the night before. All of a sudden Rayla began to cry hysterically. She dropped to her knees right beside Elder and grabbed his cloak tightly. She could only catch her breath long enough to let out another wail. Tola ran quickly to her side and immediately looked down at the grass in front of Rayla. Now even more confused he glanced over at the faces of Elder Dolan and that of the soldiers. Everyone seemed to be at a loss for words as if they couldn’t believe what they were seeing? 

     “Tola, did you do this?” Asked Elder Dolan. “Can this be the truth or are my eyes deceiving me? Did you slay these Dulvar? Three Skirmishers? Single handedly, with only a cadet’s sword?” 

     Tola was speechless, as he only remembers swinging in mere defense to protect himself and his sister. Most of the events unfolded in utter darkness, how was he to know what really happened? It is a commonly known fact that only the best trained soldiers could face and possibly defeat a Dulvar skirmisher in combat, let alone defeating three. How could a wet behind the ears boy with only basic training, complete such a feat. Never in their tribe’s history has battle of this type ever taken place. His head began to hurt intensely and his stomach felt queasy. He couldn’t believe his own eyes as this must be some kind of mistake. He closed his eyes and nearly passed out as Rayla grabbed a hold of his arm and helped him sit down.

      “I need to go back and rest!”Exclaimed Tola. “I’ve seen enough for today and I’m afraid that the Dulvar may come back and discover their fallen.”

      Elder agreed and instructed his soldiers to clean up any evidence of the altercation. They grabbed each body and hoisted them into the fissure to make it look like an untimely accident, instead of a battle. The torches were thrown into a nearby pond and any visible blood was covered with dirt. Once finished the party mounted their steeds and headed back to the village with Elder in the lead. Tola rode with his sister as she wrapped her arms around him and just pondered for hours what this could mean for him and for her. He was becoming more and more concerned with the likelihood of problems that could arise for their village if the Dulvar came looking for their fallen comrades. 


      Tola slowly made his way back home with his sister by his side. He had a bit of trouble seeing and just staying balanced on his feet since the attack. Rayla helped him to his bed and put on some tea for the both of them. She then grabbed an empty bucket and went out to the spring to fetch some cool water. She returned moments later with a wooden bucket only partly filled as she stepped into the cottage and placed it on a small table by Tola’s bed. She dipped a small face cloth into the water, rang it out slightly and placed it on his temple. She patted very gently, as the entire left side of his head was swollen and bruised terribly.

    “Just take it easy brother. Hopefully the swelling will go down in a day or so.” Rayla said as she held the cloth gently across his head. “That was some hit you took. It’s a good thing you were wearing your helmet…...huh? Next time I tell you to run…...just do it!”

     “Only cowards run.” Tola stated as he closed his eyes tight in pain. “Besides, someone has to look out for you. Elder Dolan can’t, his head up so far up his….”

    “HEY! …… nice Tola! He does a lot for us.” Rayla said as she scowled tryin to rebuke her brother.

    “Yeah?........Name one thing!” He demanded. “Name one thing he’s done to protect us from the Dulvar. He knows damn well we need ingredients from the Solemn Forest nearly every day. He commands a hundred soldiers…...I’m sure he can spare at least a few for a couple hours, to protect us as we search for roots and stuff. I bet the soldiers protect their own families when they travel to the forest…… and without being ordered to.”

     “Alright, so he doesn’t do much to help us now…….but he used to.” Rayla Responded. “He’s let us live by ourselves in our own cottage since we came here. He’s really not that bad......he is still a good man. You just don’t give him much credit. Besides, we don’t really want or need Elder Dolan watching over us all the time anyway. I’m nearly eighteen now, so technically I’m already an adult. You on the other hand may never fully mature no matter what age you reach.”

    “Why,  because I make fart sounds with my armpits?” Tola asked as he peeked at his sister with one of his eyes squinted while he was starting to make a goofy face. “I’ll have you know that it takes some major talent to get the sound just right, so it’s convincing to others.” 

     “Well there’s that and your other silly antics and jokes you play on people.” She stated. “Nobody takes you seriously when you’re always goofing around.”

     “Well instead of being a clown……maybe I’ll become a surgeon.” He stated.

     “Huh? What do you mean a surgeon?” She asked with a somewhat confused look on her face.

      “Well yeah….. a surgeon.” He answered. “Someone needs to surgically remove the abnormally large sticks crammed up everyone’s…..”

      “TOLA!” She shouted as she scowled at her brother. “That’s exactly the type of talk that gets you in trouble.”

      “It’s totally true and you know it.” Tola snapped back. “Elder Dolan has everyone so damn paranoid that nobody, I mean nobody leaves the village to even search for others. There’s probably hundreds or even thousands of us out there, but Mr. Sissy-Pants won’t even leave his own cottage after dark. This place is like a…...a…..damn open roof prison!”

     “It’s too dangerous to be out of the village perimeter after dark.” Rayla responded sharply. “Did you not get the hint? You know the one, in the form of a large hammer that smacked you upside your stupid head? Dulvar are ruthless beasts with good night vision. Elder says they can see us long before we see them.”

     “Yeah if that's true why do those jerkwads need to use torches?” He asked. 

     “Ok…….i see your point.” She answered. “Alright, enough talk. We’ve had a long day so why don’t you get some rest. I’ll come back in a while and check on you. Please stay in bed and rest.”

     “Wait! Where are you going?” He asked.

     “I’ve got some things to speak to Elder about.” She answered sternly as she tightened her ponytail and quickly straightened her braids. “I’ll come back with dinner. Don’t leave this cottage!” 

     Rayla left abruptly and headed out to the courtyard for a few minutes to reflect on the past day’s events and what it could mean for their quaint little village. “If this village is to survive any Dulvar attacks, everyone must be fully prepared and alert.”  She mumbled to herself. “Elder Dolan better have a plan and step up his game if he is to continue as our leader.” She has never been one to give up without a fight. It is not just the people he needs to protect but the entire Forest village.

      The Forest Village is nestled in the valley just south of the lake and south east of the mountains and volcanoes. This small settlement is where the siblings live along with just over a hundred farmers, soldiers, carpenters and other various tradesmen. This quaint but beautiful village is home to a group of people called Brevians. They are hardy people, who live completely off the land and utilize every bit of its abundant natural resources. Within this particular settlement there are several distinct groups in the village and each is classified by their talents, skills and chosen professions. To the southernmost  part of the village are the blacksmith and metalworkers. The blacksmith district itself consists of three separate workstations. 

     The furnaces are the main source of metallurgy and the first step in all metal crafting in the village. Metals are used for nearly everything used in their daily lives, from weapons to farm tools to cutlery. The smelter is a small furnace used to mix metals and substrates and is fueled by wood from dead and wind fallen trees. The main furnace is much larger and is used primarily to melt down all the mixed metals used to make weapons, arrowheads, buckles and jewelry. The forge is at the core where all metal is shaped into its final form. The coals from the forge burn intensely nearly day and night. 

      The workshop is where all leather is harvested, tanned and crafted to make various leather armors, belts, sashes, helmets and boots. Leather is only procured through means that are considered very humane. Animals are never hunted for their skins, because they are well protected by the Brevians. Animals that are sick and dying are collected and placed in the animal hospital. There the animals are cared for until they are either healthy enough to return to the wild or fields or until they pass. Upon death the skin is removed and the bodies are buried outside the village. Dead animals found in the wild are skinned in the wild and buried where they left the world. Needless to say leather is very rare and is almost never discarded. Old worn armor is recycled to make gauntlets, shoes, boots and helmets. 

     Just west of the blacksmith is the clothiers who make everyone’s undergarments and tunics. The mill workers pick the cotton and collect the wool to bring to the loom. The loom workers utilize various materials to make thread which in turn is processed into fabrics. Wool and cotton are the most prominent resources for the loom. Various types of vines and fibrous plants are used to make rugs, shades and sometimes bedding. Many types of plants and nonedible berries are used as dyes on rugs and outer shell fabrics. Undergarments are never dyed as the colors run and stain skin. Handmade grass rugs are highly sought after and desired as the master rug crafters are among the most admired and respected second only to the Elder.

     To the east are the village farmers. Although their cottages may be small, their farms spread across the entire village footprint as they make use of every square foot of available land. They are the ones ultimately responsible for growing food for the entire village. The vast amount of crops consist of corn, squash and carrots but many other vegetable types are grown depending on the season. Each season a different variety of crop is grown and harvested as the climate stays fairly constant throughout the seasons. There are many fruit trees scattered throughout the village as nearly every villager has one or more that they care for personally. Apple, pear and citrus are among the favorites. The farmers collectively take care of the crops as most of the work is done by the entire family. However it is also very common for other villagers and soldiers to lend a hand when their work is done for the day. The farmer’s wives and daughters usually tend to the animals as the fathers and sons care for the trees and crops. Harvests are always abundant and nothing is ever wasted. Leftover harvests are either fed to the animals or dried and eaten throughout the year. Drying food is very common and very much a necessity since it helps them last well after the initial harvest.

     Flower gardens are small as there is not much practical use for flowers other than to make dyes and perfumes. Rayla herself enjoys peonies but they grow only in secluded areas of the forest and are very hard to find. Like Rayla, Some of the  villagers grow particular flowers used only for ceremonies such as weddings and birthdays. Wildflowers and berries along with specific fungi and roots grow only in the forest regions. Many are used to make healing powders and pastes and are greatly protected. There are even maps drawn specifically to mark the locations of such plants. Such rare specimens are only harvested when absolutely needed so as to not diminish their populations. Healing powders and elixirs are rarely needed as disease and sickness does not exist, for Brevians are highly evolved and are practically immune to most diseases.

      The north section of the village consists of the training grounds and soldier’s barracks. The village Elder himself is in charge of and personally oversees the soldier training and the condition of the barracks itself. The barracks are built with three separate levels. The top level is the high ranking officer rooms. The general lives there with only his highest ranking and highly experienced soldiers. The first level is standard class soldiers and initiates who are new to the barracks. Many boys dream about becoming a noble village soldier, tasked with protecting the village and even the first response to Dulvar attacks.  All villagers are required to take basic training in weapons, armor and horseback riding. They are taught basic survival skills just in case they were ever to be separated from their village. Each villager carries only simple weapons, flint for fire starting, healing paste and a bota bag filled with water at all times when outside their cottages.

      The lowest level, which is underground, has two distinct sections. The first is the armory where additional weapons and armor are stored. The room is completely filled with swords, axes, shields, bows and quivers filled with meticulously crafted arrows. Only the general and Elder have keys to the armory. Soldiers keep their personal gear with them in their rooms and get restocked only when approved by the general or Elder. The rear section is the brig. It consists of only four rooms. Each is built from iron bars with thick, heavy slate floors. The rooms are always empty as crime is not an issue. Codes of conduct are adhered to almost completely. There is no real fighting or quarreling amongst the villagers as code of conduct is highly enforced by the village Elder. Villagers have been known to spend nights in the brig for personal experience and sometimes to just get away from their daily routines and spend time alone quietly.

       The village center comprises four distinct structures. The great meetinghouse is the largest village structure with forty rows of benches from back to front with a large podium at the front center. Town meetings as well as craft fairs and trade shows all take place here. The village Elder calls town meetings once a month, usually  to discuss weapon and food supplies. Special events and occasions are also discussed and planned at these types of meetings. Weddings and personal ceremonies take place here as well and the entire village is always invited to such things. 

      Just outside the meetinghouse is the courtyard there is a large slate fire pit at its center encompassed by a group of stone benches. This is a general gathering spot where the soldiers always eat their meals. They are occasionally joined by villagers as this is often where they share their harvests and their wonderful homemade goodies. This space is often used by the cadets as a popular hangout to talk shop or for more personal gatherings like dates and other pastime activities. 

     To the rear of the courtyard is a hand crafted and somewhat elegant stone water fountain. It is merely a simple collection of stones and pebbles but with great beauty and intricacy. It springs to life with an ample water flow fed by an underground natural spring. Many come here to think and meditate as the rushing water sounds are very soothing and calming. The water is very clean with an abundance of minerals making it highly drinkable as many come here to fill their bota bags from it daily. There is a small recess at the base where special items are tossed in as villagers make their personal wishes. Many openly wish for abundant growing seasons, prolonged life or to fall in love with a special someone, things of that nature. The spring flows under the back pillar to a small pond where small fish, turtles and frogs live. It is too small and shallow for swimming but many wade through the waters after a hard day of work.

       Just south of the center is Elders cottage. The village Elder is the tribe leader and commander of the soldiers. Villagers seek his wisdom and words of knowledge during times of misunderstanding or small disputes. It is known throughout the entire village that the Elder's word is law. He alone upholds and creates the laws. Any broken laws are brought before him as he judges and deals the punishment. They are always dealt with quickly and assertively. There is no real law pertaining to capital punishment in times of peace but at times of war capital punishment is usually voted on by the entire village. The worst sentence one could receive is banishment from the village. If an individual is banished they are not ever allowed to return. Anyone who assists in allowing a banished person to enter back into the village is then banished as well. However, such a punishment hasn’t been handed out in decades.

     On the east side of the courtyard is the bakery. The bakery has four stone ovens and is run by a single family who makes the best cakes, breads and sweet rolls. The farmers bring in their grains, fruits and eggs and the bakery creates the most amazing foods imaginable. They make specialty dishes for celebrations such as wedding cakes and large family casseroles. Special requests are often made by individuals who don’t have the time or skills to cook for themselves. Many villagers also volunteer to work there for the experience and the knowledge. Even the village Elder calls upon the bakery for special requests from time to time..

      Due south of the village lies the Solemn Forest. There are immense fields between the village and forest. Many varieties of wildflowers and berries can be found here as well as an abundance of wildlife. The fields flow with rolling hills and various creeks and ponds. Many of the village children venture here to play games and collect various rock specimens from the creeks. There are an abundance of bamboo plants which are often used to make arrows as well as various types of furniture. Near the ponds are silky red clay deposits that the children often bring home to make toys or small figurines. The adults also collect various colored clay to make cups and plates they bake in their ovens. However these clay deposits are very small and very seldom yield much clay so most cups and plates are made from gourds and heat dried tree bark.

      Just past the ponds lies the entrance to the Solemn Forest. It got its name from the large solitary maple tree that has stood at its center for hundreds of years. It is the tallest tree known to the villagers and is home to many breeds of forest animals. It is said the Solemn Tree is the lifeline for the Brevians’ true existence.

      Rayla made her way to Elder Dolan’s cottage as the condition of her brother weighed heavy on her mind. Just as she approached, Elder opened his door and welcomed her in. She sat across from his work area and waited until he sat down to speak.

    “What’s on your mind Rayla?” He asked as seemed to anticipate her arrival. “ I’m sorry, where are my manners…..would you like some tea?”

    “No thank you Elder.” She answered politely. “I’m worried about Tola. His injuries look pretty serious and he refuses to let anyone touch him. He’s as stubborn as his father.”

     “I see.” Elder responded as he turned away as if he was somewhat offended. “He is almost fifteen, teenage boys are unusually thick-skulled at that age. They have three things on their minds. Food, fighting and girls. Tola seems to have more fighting in him lately. He doesn’t fight people directly…..just authority. He seems to only respect you these days. And for some reason he likes to give that Mylan boy a hard time. Mylan is your age isn’t he? Maybe Tola’s testing him to see if he’s a deemable suitor for his sister.”

     “Well yes he’s my age but…..but no I don’t look at him that way and Tola just doesn’t like him at all.” She answered as she began shaking her head in disgust. “I don’t know…..every guy my age is either a macho windbag or a scared little boy in a man's body. I fight them and they lose…..every time. But I’m not here for me, I'm here for my brother. His trials are coming up soon and I don’t think he is near ready to face them. And since his recent injury I don’t think he’s gonna be able to fight ever again. He pretends to be alright but…..I don’t know.”

      “Nonsense!” He said sternly. “His trials are in a few weeks and he will be fit as a fiddle by then. I’ll have one of my soldiers personally complete his training properly so he will be ready.”

      “What are you implying?” She demanded as she became heated with anger. “I can teach him everything your soldiers can and even more. If you don’t believe me…...I’ll take on one of your decorated soldiers right now.”

      “Calm yourself Rayla…'s not your place or any woman’s place to fight.” He responded arrogantly. “I’ve let your ruse play out for long enough. You are not a fighter, you are the daughter of a builder and so you shall become one yourself. Or if you prefer you can become a farmer, as we need both in this village. You seem to have great skill, judging by the looks of your pristine flower garden. You will be eighteen soon and our rules dictate that you find yourself a suitor and become betrothed. This is the way of the women here in my village.”

      “Your village?” She barked at Elder Dolan. “I came here to ask for your help and you put me down and belittle me. I am not your daughter…..I do not answer to you.”

      Rayla stood up, threw her chair behind her and stormed out the door. She has never felt so betrayed by Elder Dolan before. She is not one of his soldiers, she thought and she was not about to follow his commands. It’s her life and she will decide who and what she will become. She is now even more determined to train her brother to be the best warrior in the entire village and no one will stand in their way. And on top of all that she has made a decree to never marry any man from this village.

       “If another suitor sets foot in my door, my foot is going up his backside. I will never marry one of these macho windbags.” She muttered to herself as she stomped all the way home. “Elder Dolan can piss off!!”



      Several weeks have gone by but no sign of any Dulvar activity. Elder Dolan has since apologized to Rayla and promised he will never talk down to her like that again. She accepted his apology but still remains weary of his motives and future actions. She is keeping her brother close to her so he will not be swayed away from her or taken under Elder's control without her knowing. Tola has been out of the infirmary for some time now and is doing much better. His head has seemed to heal nicely and his sister has reluctantly resumed his training. Most nights, however, he has intense nightmares about the forest incident. He can see very vividly their vile faces and Rayla being killed by those disturbing figures. Usually, right in the middle of a bad nightmare he wakes up in a panic with his heart pounding out of his chest. Most times he can quickly fall back to sleep, but only after finding his sister sleeping soundly in the next room. Other nights Rayla rushes to his room and comforts him with her sweet lullabies she used to sing to him when he was little. 

      Unfortunate circumstances, in the siblings' past, have declared Tola and Rayla as orphans. Both their parents were killed in a horrible Dulvar raid when Tola was just four and Rayla barely seven. She, being just a mere three years older than her brother, has taken full responsibility for him since that fateful day. Elder Dolan and many other villagers assist when needed but usually leave Rayla and Tola alone since they are both so very independent and trustworthy. The two have always worked together and helped one another despite Tola’s taste for mischief.  They were always very close as younglings but such tragedy has brought them much closer. Many would even say they were inseparable. 

      The oldest living generation, a generation before that of Elder Dolan, told many stories of the Dulvar. Some claim Dulvar are descendants of the ancient human race who have evolved much differently than their smaller cousins. However there are many who still believe the Dulvar are a completely different race altogether and share little to no qualities with the Brevians. It’s been nearly eleven years since any Dulvar has been seen in the mountain area, up until now. Most villagers despise the Dulvar and every one of their kind, but some admire what they are, as opposed to what they do. 

     Those who know of the Dulvar claimed to know a great deal of their battle techniques but also of their weaknesses. The Dulvar may tower in height over the Brevians but are much slower and utilize only very simple techniques and weapons when fighting. Some Dulvar Seekers as well as skirmishers can reach an astounding nine feet tall. Those who reach these heights are trained much harder so that they learn to swing their weapons much faster and with greater force. For the soldiers, they are the Dulvar they try the hardest to avoid, as there is little chance of survival when they are on the battleground. Their hulking masses usually take the front as victory is almost always at hand when they lead the attack.

      Brevians today are a bit smaller than their ancestors. Today most stand an average of only five feet, with Elder Dolan being the tallest at an inch just under six feet. They are at a great disadvantage in battle when the beasts begin to attack and need to rely on their speed more often than not, to evade their enemies. Fortunately for the villagers, Dulvar raids haven’t happened in quite some time as Dulvar appear to be sensitive to natural light. Sunlight’s intense rays can cause severe dehydration and possibly, what Elder Dolan theorizes to be, toxication from radiation overexposure. Many have been injured and some have even died from sun exposure. This exposure causes their skin to dry abnormally fast which results in decreased skin and muscle movement. They practically dry up and wither in sunlight and some have even been known to flee without their spoils when the sun begins to peak over the mountaintops. When those conditions exist the villagers exploit the situation to their advantage. They will then begin to trap them, usually in the outskirts of the village in hopes to keep them from fleeing, so they would perish in the direct sunlight. It is in times like these that a full out offensive assault ensues. Such battles become very intense and seldom do the villagers get to drink the waters of victory, but always at a price. These are the battles from which their legends were forged.

     The oldest generation also tell stories of A Great War taking place a long time ago, before Dulvar existed. A war that nearly obliterated all life on the planet. The only survivors fled underground and stayed there for many generations. Slowly they emerged and became acclimated to the vast terrain changes. Whole continents made of ice melted and sea levels rose hundreds of feet high wiping out nearly all remnants of past civilizations. Stories claim it took thousands of years for the waters to recede thus forming the land structures of the present day. This delicate world healed itself during its long aquatic slumber and the result was the forming of beautiful new land masses of today. The change also triggered the evolution of many of the surviving species. Amongst the evolved species, a new homosapien was born now known as Brevians. Rayla, Tola, Elder Dolan and all other villagers are considered Brevians as they are far more evolved than their human predecessors. They still possess many characteristics of their ancestors such as skin color variation and endoskeletal structure but with much greater bone density as Elder Dolan proclaims. However respiration has greatly evolved and is now achieved through a hardened gill system, located on both sides of the neck just below the jaw. This allows aspiration underwater to be possible, albeit temporarily as the membranes within the gill openings can get blocked with debris from most bodies of water. The only known downside to these evolved respiratory organs is that the humidity level in the atmosphere must remain fairly high and constant, otherwise suffocation can occur if the air becomes too arid. To combat this Brevians usually soak neck wraps in water and wrap them over their gills when exploring in areas with less than favorable conditions.

      Elder Dolan has explored many of the nearby regions and claims there may be other tribes in existence in the world but his theories are met with great skepticism. Elder has various maps on practically every wall inside his cottage displaying theoretical tribe locations. Unfortunately the distance is too great to traverse by foot and the air outside the forest is dry due to volcanic activity. Many have attempted the journey but none seem to survive the rough terrain. A plethora of volcanoes exist solely in the central region of the land. They spew out molten rock and metals from their innards, which flows upon what used to be once a great ancient civilization. This civilization had built vast metal and concrete structures and flew gracefully through the heavens inside wonderous aerial machines. Only the Dulvar inhabit any existing dilapidated structure as such locations prove most deadly to many species due to the scorching conditions. But Since Brevians cannot tread close enough, there is little evidence to support these theories, so they just remain as childhood stories.

      With childhood long behind her and adulthood at her heels, Rayla, in just a few days will be celebrating her eighteenth birthday. It is customary for a young lady of eighteen to search for a suitable mate for betrothal. Villagers marry young and have children soon after taking their vows as the Humanian population is staggeringly low. Rayla however feels she is too much of a free spirit to be tied down and that is what worries Elder Dolan. She often sneaks quietly through the village to avoid her potential suitors and then mocks them as she slips away. She is, indeed, as stubborn as she is mischievous. Besides being a free spirit and one who mocks the current marriage system, she also wholeheartedly refuses to leave Tola behind as she is the only real family he has left. If she were to marry, customs dictate that she would share a home with her husband and start a life with him, thus leaving Tola all alone. What kind of mischief can a boy of nearly fifteen accomplish?

      “Tola…...Tola…….TOLA! Get your scrawny backside down here, it's time for breakfast!” Yelled Rayla as she tossed a freshly cooked meal on the table.

      Most mornings breakfast consists of bread, eggs and beans or sometimes berries. All villagers, with exception of eating eggs, are vegetarian as the only existing animals are highly endangered due to Dulvar poaching. Brevians care for the animals and protect them at all costs even if it means death. These are the ways of the Brevians.

      “Beans again!” Tola asked with a slight  scowl on his face. “I’d rather eat Dulvar droppings than those things!” 

    “Keep criticizing my cooking and that will definitely be arranged!” Rayla shouted back.

     Tola pretended to take a seat at the table but slid right over the chair hovering only an inch above it. He waited until Rayla turned away from the table to grab a long wooden spoon from an adjacent shelf. Gripping the spoon firmly, like a knight brandishing his sword towards his enemy at the commencement of battle, he lunged at his sister. He jumped over the corner of the table like a cobra in mid-strike and swung his weapon, aiming for his sister's arm in an attempt to thwart her evil cooking spells before he would be utterly poisoned. Just as he thought he could taste the spoils of victory Rayla spun clockwise and dropped down on her left knee. With lightning speed she grabbed a towel mid spin and as if cracking a lion tamer's whip, she snapped the towel over Tola’s weapon. A quick tug and the spoon was ripped from Tola’s hand then flew out the open window. They both stopped mid fight and just looked at each other in utter shock then began to laugh hysterically. Tola abruptly paused his laughter and just stared at his sister for a second with a perplexed look on his face. Then he looked at his hands in disbelief as he tried to reimagine the move he was trying so hard to accomplish. He knew he was performing the move correctly but how could his sister disarm him that easily he thought.

     “What in the hell?” Tola asked in utter shock. “That should have worked!”

     “I may have taught you everything you know brother, but definitely not everything I know!” Barked Rayla.” You have much to learn, young one!”

     “How did you do that?” Asked Tola in sheer confusion as he grabbed a small gourd from the table that Rayla had just topped off with fresh water.

     “I’ll teach it to you this afternoon but you better finish your chores. My teachings may be priceless, but they are not free.” Exclaimed Rayla.” If you want to pass your trials next week you better hone your skills. I won’t be there in the arena to pick you up if you fall!”

     “That was a seriously cool move, I’ll need to really perfect that one.” Tola remarked as he tried practicing the spin, seeing if he figured it out on his own.

      Just then the cottage door swung open, it was Elder Dolan. He was grimacing as he entered holding a long wooden spoon. His tunic covered in egg yolk and small spots of goat’s milk. His face was red as cranberries and his stare like molten lava. Elder Dolan has little patience for such shenanigans and since neither sibling has reached adulthood he usually takes the lead role in their discipline, which happens very rarely.

     “Why is it that every time I take it upon myself to collect ingredients for my morning breakfast something always happens?” Asked Elder Dolan. “Last week a loose goat was stampeding through the courtyard wreaking havoc and causing utter chaos. Today a large spoon flew out YOUR window and smashed the basket of eggs and milk I was carrying!”

      Just as Tola was taking a drink of his water he began to laugh mid swig and water shot out his nose. He quickly ran outside to the washroom laughing with every breath. Elder Dolan just closed his eyes, shook his head in disbelief and stormed out the door before Rayla could come up with an appropriate answer.

     “We are in some major crap now,Tola!” Whispered Rayla through the kitchen window. “Elder is gonna be there to supervise your training this afternoon. I think we have a better chance of surviving a squad of Dulvar Seekers than Elder’s punishment. He’s a bit afraid of me so I won’t get in any trouble, but I feel bad for you. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder with your name on it.”

      “I’ll go talk to him. After all it was my foolishness that got us in trouble sis.” Exclaimed Tola.” Besides, I am somewhat of a prodigy.” He boasted. “I slayed three Dulvar basically with my eyes closed. He’ll remember that night, or at least I hope he will. It’s actually me that he should be afraid of.”

     “Yeah if he’s afraid of clowns, perhaps.” Rayla said as she began teasing her brother. “Or maybe he’s afraid you’ll  break more of his valuable junk.

      Tola ate his breakfast and finished his morning chores then quickly donned his light armor and grabbed his practice sword. He hastily walked over to Elder Dolan’s cottage and stopped just short of the stoop. He paused for a moment thinking of what he was going to say to Elder that would lead to a more lenient punishment. Most villagers were afraid of Elder Dolan as he is a no nonsense leader who has little time for antics or disobedience from anyone under his authority.

      “Come in Tola!” Elder spoke in a stern voice as he opened his door.“ Come sit and let’s have a little chat!”

      Tola gulped firmly and took a seat carefully so as to not damage anything in Elder Dolan’s cottage, or as he liked to call it the local landfill. Elder is indeed somewhat of a hoarder. He collects trinkets and artifacts he finds on his expeditions and stock piles them in practically every square inch of his abode. However he hasn’t been on any real excursions in years as he forbids all villagers from leaving the village or forest grounds. Elders cottage is the largest in the village with five large rooms unlike most cottages that are built with only two to three. Every cottage consists of an eatery, which holds most foods and a very small table set, and one bedroom. Some have a second bedroom for their children but those without children use it as a meeting room or storage. Weapons are most commonly stored under beds or hung by the front doorway for convenience and protection. Each cottage entryway contains enough shelving to store armor and helmets along with other various articles of clothing. Cooking is done solely outside at a cooking pit and water storage is underground, just behind the cottage, in sealed barrels to block sunlight and prevent algae growth. Watersheds outside are dual purpose. Personal business right side and wash tubs and shower on the left. Tola likes to mock Elder Dolan’s place, and that it looks and smells like a giant watershed’s right half.

     “I’m sorry for messing up your tunic Elder Dolan!” Cried Tola “I was honing my sword skills and things got a little out of control. I know it wasn’t funny and I am truly sorry. I think my head didn’t heal right!”

      Elder Dolan just stared at Tola for a minute in utter silence. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  After opening his eyes, he turned and walked over to his weapon cabinet. Tola just sat there silently, waiting for his punishment to commence. Elder, without speaking a single word, opened the door and retrieved an item which was long and slender wrapped in what looked like a younglings shawl. It was tied tight with a withered tree vine which wrapped the item many times in a winding pattern all around it. Elder removed the ties and wrapping to reveal a beautifully crafted and etched broadsword. The etchings were ivy vines from hilt to tip. The handle was tightly wound wool thread dyed a beautiful crimson.

     “Tola I want you to have this. I was supposed to give it to my son when he completed his training and became a soldier.” Elder Dolan murmured with a sad voice. “ He was just fifteen when I had this crafted for him. It was a homecoming gift for him upon his return from a very important expedition. He had returned but not by his own feet. His body was carried back by my brother who unknowingly led the expedition into an ambush. I guess my son wasn’t very strong. My brother took him under his wing and brought him on many adventures to help him prepare for manhood. Unfortunately he was very slow to learn any fighting skills. He always wanted to be a baker, instead of a soldier. I never truly listened to his pleas and pushed him on a path I chose for him not one he chose for himself. I was a fool for being so closed minded and such foolishness cost me my beloved son.”

     “Elder, I'm truly sorry. I had no idea you had a son.” Tola softly cried. “I don’t deserve it. Give it to Rayla, she is much better with swords than I will ever be.”

      Elder picked up the sword and inserted it into its finely crafted scabbard. He then walked around to Tola’s right side and looped the strap around his neck and shoulder. He placed his hand on Tolas right shoulder, tightened the straps around his chest and back and pressed the sword firmly into its scabbard.

     “You remind me so much of myself when I was young, just as stubborn and witty.” Elder laughed. “This weapon is better suited for you. Rayla may have the skills and knowledge to teach but only you have the strength and courage to wield such a weapon. Take it in honor of my son. But this is not just a gift. This is acceptance of a way of life. It is a promise to always protect this village with every breath you take up to your last.”

     “I will, Elder. I accept this sword and will indeed use it to protect my family!” Answered Tola.” Until my last breath!”

    “Good! Now go suit up in the fitted armor I placed in the chest for you outside the training ground.” Elder Dolan Exclaimed sternly. “Your test begins momentarily. Be there or your status as a cadet is forfeit, and you will need to restart your training over. If that is the case then I will choose your future instructor.”

   Tola dashed out the door of Elders cottage and ran as fast as he could back home. He told Rayla what Elder said and showed her the sword. Rayla became very nervous and began to tear up.

    “Why now, your test isn’t for a few more weeks. You still need time to prepare!” Rayla Shouted angrily. “Elder is being completely unfair! Come Tola we will speak to Elder Dolan, together.” 

     Rayla grabbed her brother’s hand and stomped her feet all the way to the training ground with Tola in tow. When they arrived nearly the entire village had gathered around in a circle, leaving only one small opening for Tola to enter. Their faces were crazed with excitement like young children staring hungrily at a tray full of freshly baked cookies. Tola entered the circle and to his disbelief found Elder Dolan there clad in polished armor and wielding a large tarnished broadsword. Elders eyes were focused on Tola as he entered the paddock. Rayla approached Elder Dolan but Elder motioned his guards to stop her and she was removed from the paddock. Tola donned his fitted armor and strapped his leather gauntlets tightly. He stepped onto the paddock in the middle of the training ground and began walking toward Elder ready for his trial to begin. He was a bit nervous but remembered all his training prepared him for this day. Usually the general picks his finest soldier to spar during these tests but Elder Dolan took it upon himself to proctor this one. Tola knew it was going to be more difficult for him but he had to be strong and prove himself this day.

     “This is your test, Tola. Show me what you learned!” Yelled Elder Dolan. “Let’s see if your sister’s teachings prove sufficient.”

     Tola looked at the crowd and got very nervous. There was no opening ceremony or loud trumpets that are custom to this celebration. Without warning Elder lunged at Him and struck him in the right shoulder knocking him down. Elder encompassed him and swung his sword again hitting his left shoulder and then his chest. Tola coughed hard and rolled to his stomach holding his shoulder in pain. Elder said not a single word but lunged at him over and over again hitting him hard with every blow. Every time Tola tried to rise to his feet Elder knocked him down with either a kick or a sword strike. He soon began to feel defenseless and a bit afraid. Rayla cried to Elder to stop the fight but Elder ignored her pleas. 

      “Get up cadet!” Shouted Elder Dolan “ You are no warrior! You are just a clown! You haven’t even struck me even once. You are an embarrassment to my village. You are weak and feeble. There is no truth to your story in the Solemn Woods. You and your sister are STORYTELLERS. You are fabricators of untruths. There’s no proof you two had any involvement in the deaths of those Dulvar, not one witness… convenient.”

     “I am not weak!” Tola yelled back in a cracked voice. “I faced my enemy with honor and dignity. You are the weak one! Attacking a child with no warning. You are supposed to be my protector, Elder Dolan, not my enemy!”

      “As far as you are concerned the entire world is your enemy.” Elder shouted as he readied his sword again ready to strike. “Nobody trusts a liar!”

      Elder rushed toward Tola with his sword swinging, hitting his thigh knocking him to the ground yet again. Rayla became extremely angry as she rushed home with lightning speed, donned her best armor and returned hastily. She grabbed a guards sword and stealthily meandered her way past them. She then jumped into the arena, placing herself between Tola and Elder. She raised her sword and swung it at Elder hitting him in the shoulder. He swung at Rayla several times but missed each time. She dodged his last swing and counterattacked, hitting his chest plate, knocking him to the ground.

      “I guess I’ve underestimated you young lady.” He said as he tried to catch his breath. “ I don’t know who taught you but you definitely have great skills. Come now this is Tola’s trials, not yours. Step aside and let us continue.”

       “No! His trial is two weeks from today and I need to finish his training.” Rayla shouted as she tossed the sword back to the soldier.” Get up, Tola! We are leaving.”

     Just then Elder Dolan sprinted toward Rayla with his sword over his head ready to strike. She dropped to her knees, grabbed Tola’s sword and blocked the attack. She swung back only skimming his gauntlet. He barely staggered and returned with a sword strike to Rayla’s ribs and a second to her chest, knocking her to the ground and sending her sword toward the crowd. Tola, lying on the ground in pain, witnessed Elder's brutality and a fire welled up inside him. His anger intensified as he flashed back to the night in the forest when the Dulvar hurt Rayla.

      “NOBODY HURTS MY SISTER AND LIVES!” Tola screamed with intense rage in his voice. “I don’t care who you are. You hurt her, now you will pay!”

      He walked towards the crowd with intense anger. He kneeled down, grabbed his sword as he jumped to his feet sprinting toward Elder Dolan. Tola swung as fast and precisely as he did when battling the Dulvar. His first swing landed on Elder's sword hilt as Elder attempted to block it however, the force knocked Elder back and he lost his footing. Tola spun around, down to one knee and swung several more times hitting Elders armor every time. Elder jumped to his feet and threw a handful of dirt into Tolas eyes then kicked him to the ground. Tola scampered quickly to a nearby soldier, ripped his bota bag from his shoulder and used the water to wash his eyes. He shook off the excess water from his hands and dried them on his tunic. He then threw the bota bag at Elder’s feet out of pure anger.  Rayla was kneeling and crying as she was truly afraid for Tola's life. Tola turned away and stepped in front of his sister then plunged his sword into the ground. Elder, thinking Tola gave up, seized this moment and lunged at Tola. Tola anticipating his move, firmly grabbed his sword, spun clockwise down to one knee and raised his sword to his shoulder blocking Elder’s attack from behind his back, in true hero fashion. Tola swiveled back to his other knee and swung his sword hitting Elder's ribs. Elder grabbed his chest and fell to one knee writhing in pain. He jumped quickly to his feet and swung several times at Tola, but Tola blocked each one. Tola then jumped to his feet and began swinging back and forth hitting Elder's shoulders, chest and hips with each blow. He spun again this time counterclockwise in nearly a complete circle down to his other knee and swung upwards with both hands hitting Elder’s breastplate so hard it shattered into several pieces. Elder Dolan dropped his sword and fell backwards landing flat on his back. Tola, giving up the fight, threw his sword over the crowd then crawled to his sister and embraced her. The crowd just stood there in total disbelief and in complete silence.

     “Tola, are you hurt badly?” Rayla cried. “I don’t know what has happened to Elder for him to become so nasty and violent” 

     “I’m ok sis, it doesn’t hurt much.” Tola said as he panted. “We must tend to Elder Dolan, I think he’s hurt really bad.”

     Tola and Rayla got up and approached Elder Dolan as they both kneeled by his side. He was breathing rapidly and his eyes were glazed over as he laid completely still. His lips were stained crimson as blood seeped from his mouth and nose. He glanced over at Tola and smiled. He raised his shaky hand up to his cheek and held it there for a minute.

      “ I…….I…….am…...sorry…..I had to know……. I had to know if you really were…..Chosen to be..... our savior.” Elder said softly between intense coughs. “The Savior….. The guardian of our people. Now…. I ……..know. I love you both more than you know, Please forgive me my children……” 

     With those last words, Elder Dolan closed his eyes as his body fell limp and he took his last breath. All was quiet for several minutes then the entire crowd began to weep, soft at first then intensely like the sudden rushing of water over a dam.

      Taking a life is never easy, especially one of great stature and wisdom as  with Elder Dolan. But it is sometimes necessary however, when proving one’s true self. Elder saw something in Tola and Rayla that day that he knew would forever change their way of life. He believed Tola and his sister were the key to unlocking the true mysteries of the Dulvar. He believed they would find the missing pieces of the puzzle that nobody for many generations could grasp. His life was not lost or taken in vain and he will always be admired and respected by those who knew him.

      Elder Dolan’s funeral was held the very next morning and the entire village attended to pay their respects. Not one villager, who witnessed the battle, shunted Tola or his sister as they know all too well that battle is their way of life. Elder Dolan’s body was placed on a large slab of slate set in the village center as his body was cremated in public as is common in their village. The rising smoke could be seen for miles as the flames burned all day and well into the evening. The following morning Elder's ashes were placed in a beautiful urn that belonged to Elder’s late wife Morra. Elder spoke greatly of her but none who lived in the village knew her as she was sick most of her time there in the village and mostly stayed indoors. The urn was then displayed on the highest shelf in Elders cottage next to his wife’s. Since Rayla was closest to Elder Dolan she took upon the advice of many villagers to close his cottage. She used beautifully hand braided ropes to close off the cottage entrance. The soldiers took it upon themselves to guard the entrance and the general proclaimed nobody was allowed to go inside except Rayla, whom Elder trusted wholeheartedly with many important matters. Mourners were allowed to peer through the window to gaze upon the urns and perhaps speak to him if they wished. He will be missed dearly as Elder, comrade and friend to all his people.



      Several weeks had passed in dead silence as Elder’s passing weighed heavy on everyone’s minds. Hevar, the village blacksmith, spent several days building a monument dedicated to Elder Dolan. He sifted through his leftover metal scraps and melted them down. Over the course of a week he had built a bust of Elder and mounted it on top of a beautiful Oak pedestal. His plan was to place it in the center of the courtyard as a memorial to their beloved leader. One brisk morning, as the bust had been finished, Hevar decided to carefully pull it outside of his shop, attempting to bring it to the court square, but it took all his might to get it to his door. He decided to walk to the town center and ask some of the villagers for help. When he arrived he walked up to the group of soldiers who were sparring amongst themselves in the training ground. 

      “Good morning gentlemen, I am in need of a few strong pairs of hands to help me bring a statue to the court center.” Hevar said as he sat down next to the general. “General, could you spare a few men to assist me?”

      “My men are focused on their training, I can’t spare even one especially with Dulvar running amok in the Forest.” Said the General as he stood up and walked away from Hevar.

      Hevar then proceeded into the courtyard asking several villagers along the way, but they were all too busy to help. As he walked out of the town center a bit upset nobody would help him. Just beyond the gate was a group of farmers speaking just outside their farm borders and they seemed to be angry. There was a petty dispute about land quantity and land rights. Neither was willing to budge and without Elder Dolan present this matter would not be resolved anytime soon. Hevar avoided them and was beginning to make his way back to his forge when Rayla stepped out of her cottage.

      “Hevar, is there something you need my friend?” Rayla asked.

      He walked up to her cottage a bit disappointed and began to tell her of his predicament. He hasn’t spoken to Rayla in years and didn’t really know her all that well. He has crafted many different suits of armor specifically for her at Elders request but he also crafts for every other villager. He considers himself kind of a recluse and has never really made any attempts to know anyone personally. He does however take great pride in his work and is very well known for his fine craftsmanship. Rayla is just a youngling, he thought to himself. How could she help?

      “It’s been quite a few years since we talked, Miss Rayla.” Hevar stated as he tried hard to avoid eye contact. “ You were just a little girl when I last spoke with you. That was when you and Elder were designing your first set of leather armor and you were very persistent on getting those rare ebony buttons.”

     “I still remember that day.” Rayla responded as she grasped those same buttons she now wears on her favorite set. “ I still have the armor, but the buttons I have transferred to this set. They look even more beautiful on this armor, don't you think?”  

      “Well that is quite amazing work.” Hevar answered. “ With your skills you could be a fine armorer. If you ever feel the urge to hone your skills, let me know I definitely have room for you at my forge.”       

     “Thank you very much. I will definitely keep that in mind.” She answered with a smile. “ So how can I repay the favor?”

      “I built this beautiful statue of Elder Dolan in honor of his memory. I would like to place it in the town center but I can’t get a single soul to lift a finger to help.” Hevar answered.

      “I’ll get my brother, we will both help you.” She responded, as she walked past the squabbling farmers trying hard to avoid eye contact as she was very upset at their behavior. She began to jog to the pond that was set near the outer wall, just east of the entrance to the Solemn Forest. If Tola wasn’t busy foraging or sparring, he was usually there. As she reached the pond she found her brother sitting with his feet in the water, talking to the ducks. Once she explained the situation, He was willing to help and the two walked over to Hevar following him to the forge. The three, using all their strength, carried the bust to the courtyard as all eyes were on them. Most everyone was in complete awe of Hevar’s creation as they began to feel very ashamed for not helping. The pewter colored statue stood exactly six feet tall on top of the two foot tall base. An inscription was hand carved on a plaque on the front of the base which read “ In memoriam of Elder Dolan our strongest and wisest leader.” Hevar pulled out a fine cloth and finished polishing the bust after positioning it perfectly in the court center. He turned and looked at the villagers and just snorted as he headed back to his forge.

     Rayla went back to her cottage to put on some tea for Tola and herself. Tola looked out the window as there was a large commotion brewing just outside the courtyard. The two arguing farmers seemed to be getting others involved in their petty dispute. Rayla finished her tea quickly as she had enough of their childish bickering for one day. She grabbed her sword and stormed across the room heading for the door.

      “Why must they behave like children?” Rayla asked herself out loud. 

      “You go give them a good whipping mother dear.” Tola said with a snicker. “Tan those hides…..wait…...I wanna watch you give them hell!”

      Suddenly the petty quarrel broke out into a heated argument and nearly a dozen farmers were now involved. It seems complacency has filtered into many minds since Elder was no longer there to assist or settle disputes. A once simple discussion had now turned into a heated argument as the farmers began scoffing about their parcel sizes and proper cultivation techniques. Such matters should seem somewhat trivial as everyone farms together collectively, but without a leader or judge nobody seems to be able to settle their own disputes. Rayla became very angry as she marched outside and began to scold the farmers as if they were children.

      “Stop this utter nonsense!” Rayla shouted with authority.“ We need to stop these petty quarrels and start behaving like adults. Elder is not here anymore to take your hands and wipe your damn noses so start thinking about helping each other instead of carrying on like younglings. This arguing over land is utterly ridiculous…. This land does not belong to us, it belongs to the animals. We are its caretakers and we are here to care for and protect its resources until we draw our last breath. These borders and boundaries are pointless. We collectively grow and farm these lands together, don’t we?”

      The farmers remained silent for a minute then began to argue again as if what Rayla spoke to them was in a different language. Rayla became extremely irritated and stepped over to one of the adjacent farm boundary markers. Those wooden markers were put in place before Dolan became Elder and have been standing for over fifteen years. The farmers suddenly became quiet as she grabbed each one and began to rip them out of the ground. She then proceeded to walk through the entire village removing every one she could find. Several farmers who empathized with her proudly ran to help Rayla. In no time all boundary markers were removed and tossed into the court square. Rayla lit a torch and set them all ablaze. The remaining farmers stepped back and were speechless.

      “From today going forward we will lift our hands to help, not to hurt.” Rayla cried out fiercely. “ We must unite and stand together if we are to continue to survive. There should be no such boundaries between us. We are here to care for and cherish this land, not fight over it. The Dulvar live in a world full of chaos and they fight over everything. They feed upon our fears and prey upon our division. We all lose to the Dulvar when we let their world infect our way of life. If you truly want to fight, take your brother's hand and fight together, not against one another.”

      Rayla waited momentarily, staring intensely at the farmer watching their reaction. She watched on as each villager hung their heads in shame. After contemplating her words for a minute they turned to one another and began apologizing for their behavior. Many shook hands or patted the others back, yet others embraced one other and began to weep. Rayla turned away and without a word, walked back to Elder’s cottage slamming the door behind her.

      “Well done sis…….wow you even gave me goosebumps.” Tola said as he pretended to shiver. “You know it’s bad when the children of the village act more mature than the adults. Hey wait ……….are you gonna go wipe their butts too?......That would be totally gross, but that I would pay to see that.”

       Rayla grabbed a pillow off the chair and threw it at her brother hitting the gourd of hot tea out of his hand and onto his face. He jumped a mile and began wiping the tea off his face and neck frantically. He grabbed his tunic sleeve and cleaned his eyes quickly then opened his mouth, preparing to yell at his sister. He glanced over at her and saw the intense scowl on her face, so he decided to close his mouth and bite his tongue out of fear. He stepped back just a few steps looking around the room to see if there were any other projectiles sitting on the shelves that might be located dangerously within her grasp. He then looked back at his sister as his lips began to quiver a little. 

      “I think I’ll be leaving now before I get pelted with something much more dangerous.” He said as he slowly backed up towards the door, keeping a close eye on her. He was beginning to fear that he might not get out of the cottage in one piece. 

     “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said this month.” She responded as she began reaching for a rather large rolling pin sitting behind her on a corner shelf.

      Tola turned around and darted out the door as fast as his legs could move. He is strong and fast but he’s no match for his sister when she is in one of those moods. He’s seen her totally annihilate an opponent on the sparring grounds when she had felt such anger and frustration. He’s lucky she’s on his side, he thought to himself, otherwise he may not make it to see sixteen.

       As night drew closer Tola decided to stay home and let his sister cool off at Elder Dolan’s cottage for a day or two. Their nightly fireside chat, whilst sipping tea would need to be temporarily postponed for the time being. He did however take to looking out his window every hour or so with his looking glass at Elder’s cottage to see if she was still awake. As the cottage finally grew dark he decided to go to bed in hopes the morning would bring a better day for them both.

       Rayla spent the next few days, alone and secluded, sifting through all of Elder’s belongings. She went outside only for short periods of time to cook a meal or brew some tea then headed back inside. There were stacks and stacks of parchment, scattered throughout the cottage, many with writings, songs and poems. Alone in a corner high upon a shelf she discovered two separate piles that were wrapped in vines. Rayla cut the vines and carefully began pursuing each leaf. She began to read what seemed to be a great collection of theories that Elder scratched on parchment. Such things like the evolution of many of the types of crops the village grows and the changes the great river endured over many centuries were very detailed.

       One evening while she was perusing through the newly found batch of leaflets, she had a peculiar feeling about the batch she had just opened. One particular group caught Rayla’s immediate attention and was titled ́ The Savior. As Rayla read the beautifully written text, that only the Elder could so eloquently scribe, she discovered a passage that was awe inspiring yet somewhat disturbing. It seemed that the Elder believed, through Brevian evolution, there was one who had evolved even further. This Brevian resembled every other being but possessed great strength of body and mind with unbelievably fast reflexes. This Brevian is said to have the ability to turn a single thought into an immediate action. A simple string of thoughts could evoke a logical and precise string of actions. He described it as a thought being tethered directly to the physical body parts. He stated if this being had thoughts of splitting a heavy oak log his hands could immediately do it without any assistance from any type of tool. He also stated if the being thought of fire forming as to incinerate his enemy the air would immediately form a cloud of fire and encompass that enemy, immolating him to a pile of ash. Rayla read on and found another passage that described a man that resembled Elder’s son as having such a gift. Maybe his son rebuffed his gift and tried hiding it from everyone, Rayla thought. Then the passage explained “ The Savior '' could also heal faster than any other. But if these gifts were unleashed without mastery and control it could utterly destroy him. Rayla quickly grabbed the parchment and ran home to show her brother.

      “Tola. Tola…..get up quick. I need you to see something.” Rayla yelled excitedly as she dashed through the doorway. “ You need to read this! Elder believes there is a Person who might be far more evolved than we are and possesses a powerful gift.”

       Tola laid there on the cot snoring like a hibernating bear. His legs scattered across the cot and stretched over to a neighboring shelf. His face mushed into a raggedy torn burlap sack disguised as a pillow. Drool running down his cheek like a sap dripping from a newly tapped maple tree. His face was stained crimson from the overindulgence of black raspberries. His hand dripped with juice and caked with dirt like a pig's hooves coated in fresh mud. There were straw baskets strewn about, void of any food. 

      “What the hell are you doing Tola?” Rayla shouted angrily.” That was our dinner that you ate, you gluttonous slug. Get your ass off the cot and go fetch us some more berries or you’ll be picking straw fibers out of your rear for the next three years.”

       Tola, totally startled, opened his eyes and nervously jumped to his feet.

      “Whoa!” Rebuffed Tola! “ All right! All right! I’m going, I’m going. No need for such profanity, miss pottymouth. If mom heard you yelling at her baby like that you’d be pulling her pointy boot out of your butt.”

      “Just get going, it’s already dinner time and you have a bit of a walk to get more berries.” Rayla exclaimed. “ Uuuggghhh! It will get done faster if I just go with you. I’ll grab the baskets, you grab the swords.”

      The siblings headed out to the Solemn Forest to gather dinner. Rayla began to tell Tola of all she had read in Elder’s cottage. She explained about Elder’s son and everything he wrote of “ The Savior”. She pulled a few of the leaves out of her satchel and began reading them out loud. All of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks. She just wiped her brow and continued reading. She sat down on a fallen tree and read quietly to herself. Tola grabbed the baskets and began filling them with anything edible he could find. After about thirty minutes Tola had three full baskets while Rayla was still perched on the tree reading. She abruptly stood up, put the parchment away and started to walk home. Tola followed but said not a word to his sister the entire way home.

      “Tola, I think this all finally makes sense.” Rayla shouted excitedly. “According to Elder’s writings there is not one highly evolved humanoid......but three. There exists; The Savior, The Paragon and The Emissary. The Savior is the warrior with great strength and speed unlike any other being. The Paragon is a protector and a great healer. He is also said to be a type of shield and can protect small groups from attack. The Emissary is the diplomat. He has vast wisdom and is a great problem solver even in the middle of the fiercest battles. The three together are Dalit to be able to unify and create balance in all of nature. Tola…I think you are The Savior.”

       Tola stopped and just glared at his sister. Not sure what to make of everything she said, he kneeled down and lowered his head. He sat there silently for a few minutes and took out the pendant he found months ago in the Solemn Forest. He had since then cleaned and polished it to almost new condition. He handed it to Rayla and began to sniffle. They seem not to be tears of sadness but that of pure joy. He stood up and embraced her. They stood there for several minutes in complete silence. Then Tola threw the baskets over his shoulder, grabbed Raylas hand and resumed walking home.

     “That pendant I found, it was mine when I was very little.” Tola exclaimed. “Dad gave it to me the night before he died. He told me he found it in a chest in one of the Dulvar domains. He said it was a great warrior’s insignia and that it would give me great strength. I lost it during the Dulvar raid the following night, a Dulvar ripped it from my hand and threw me down the steps into the water trough. Apparently the Dulvar can’t see well when light is reflected back at them. I think the moonlight reflecting off the water impaired his vision because he never found me. Well at least that’s what I can remember. I found that pendant again that night when the Dulvar first attacked us. One of them must have been carrying it. I think it was the one who killed mom and now I have avenged her” 

      “Tola…….. I think that particular pendant may curb your abilities so the Dulvar can’t sense them. According to Elder, the Dulvar are most likely raiding our villages in search of the three gifted ones.” Rayla cried with great worry.” Tola the Dulvar are after you! They want to kill you with hopes to absorb your abilities to use against all Brevians. Elder sacrificed himself so he could unlock them, in you. That night when you killed those three Dulvar, that was just the mere presence of your gift. Now we must unlock it fully and channel it. I think our parents knew of your abilities and gave you that pendant to conceal it. If the Dulvar you slayed was the one who killed our parents then you have most definitely avenged their deaths. Maybe that’s the only way to rid this world of the Dulvar is through our evolution. Tola….. I believe YOU are the next evolution of our kind.”

      “Who are the others?” Tola posed.

      “I don’t know, but I think Elder did!” Said Rayla as she rustled through the writings.” Let’s go back to Elder's cottage and look for more. Maybe he had found them and hid them in a nearby village for protection against the Dulvar.”

      The daylight quickly faded to night and the stars shone exceptionally bright this evening as if to illuminate the siblings path to their own enlightenment. They hastily walked back to the village to see what other evidence they could find to support Elder's theories. What was Elder hiding and why would he give his life to protect his secret?

      The pair had returned but were too exhausted to peruse through Elders cottage, so they went home and decided to go in the morning. Dinner was eaten right out of the baskets as Rayla was too tired to cook anything. They ate half the berries and assorted nuts and placed the remaining in a metal pot. The pot was then placed under the cottage inside a water barrel and tucked away safely underground. Morning would come all too soon and there are many questions needing answers. But for now rest is needed as their minds need to be sharp, if they are to find anything revealing who the other Evolved could be.



     The next morning Rayla awoke later than usual and Tola of course was still in hibernation. She ran to the watershed for a quick eye opening shower as her heart filled with excitement. She barely dried herself, then rapidly tossed on a freshly cleaned tunic in preparation for her day. She walked back to the cottage and there on the stoop was a beautiful bouquet of fresh picked wildflowers. The bunch consisted of fresh ferns, Baby’s Breath, white Lilies and in the center a very thick, robust bundle of Peonies. Next to the bouquet was a small basket of wild strawberries and a small hollowed gourd filled with sweet tea. She picked up the gifts and carefully looked around to see if there was a suitor hiding amongst the trees. After a few seconds a handsome young lad reveals himself from behind Elders cottage. The young man had a freshly cleaned beige tunic, matching chaps, dark brown polished boots with shiny brass buckles. His sash was fresh oiled leather and fastened tightly to his somewhat muscular chest. His chest plates were clean and had freshly riveted steel panels and his hat was made of newly spun dark wool fabric stitched perfectly in shape to contour his glowing wavy blonde hair. He carried a very worn hardwood bow and dilapidated leather quiver with holes nearly large enough for his horribly twisted arrows to pass through. He was as tall as Elder Dolan but the similarities stopped there.

     “Mylan, what are you doing here?” Rayla asked crudely. “Did you leave these on my stoop?”

     “Well good morning my lovely lady? “Said Mylan with a smile on his freshly shaved face. “I did indeed. I was thinking about you and about us and was hoping we could pick up where we left off my sweet flower! I remembered that you like Peonies so I hand picked that particular bunch, just this morning, all for you, my darling.”

      “Where did you get these Peonies, are they wild?” She asked as she placed them under her nose and inhaled their wonderful aroma.

     “Oh they are wild alright…...just like my feelings for you!” He said as he tried to act suave. “I know of a spot where there are bunches growing, hidden where nobody else dares venture. I can show you….but only if you consider it a date.”

     “There’s only a handful of places where these grow, and I know them all.” She stated as she tilted her head slightly and raised her eyebrows. “Nice try Mylan! Do you really think as an expert on Peonies and many other rare flower species, I wouldn’t know how to find them?”

      “Oh no my sweetness, I would never suggest that. I just meant they were hard to find and their location is secluded so they can grow without being disturbed.” He responded as he started to become flustered. “ I’m sure you know where they grow but I just found a new location that I'm sure you weren’t quite aware of…...that’s all I meant.”

     Tola woke to Mylan’s obnoxious voice permeating through his house and it was as annoying to him as nails on a chalkboard or teeth scraping against wood. He jumped straight out of bed and dashed to the window to close it. Just then he noticed his sister outside standing near Mylan, holding some gifts. This just angered him on so many levels as Tola was never a fan of Mylan. He despised the punk as he called him, since they were little. Mylan is a few years older than Tola and as kids he used to constantly pick on little Tola when his sister was not around. When she was there with Tola, Mylan pretended that little Tola was his best buddy and would even give him stuff to try to impress Rayla. Instead of closing the window Tola decided to pick a fight and started hurling insults out the window at him.


      Rayla turned slightly away from Mylan and lowered her head to hide her face so he wouldn’t see her laughing. She quickly walked over to the window with her hand partially covering her mouth and whispered to Tola.

     “Be nice brother, he’s just trying to be thoughtful.” Rayla rebuked her brother.

     “Thoughtful? There’s not a single thought floating in the empty space between his ears.” Tola exclaimed with a snorting chuckle. 

      “Oh you think you’re a tough guy Tola because you’re fifteen now!” Mylan retorted. “Come out here and let’s see how tough you really are! Elder was old and decrepit! You just got a lucky shot at him and his ticker gave out. Step out here and let's see what you got CHUMP!”

      Tola, not being one to back down from a challenge, stepped out the front door in just his undergarments, carrying a large wooden spoon in his right hand and a wooden pot lid in his left. He strutted up to Mylan like a tough, cocky rooster and stood directly in front of him face to face. Mylan, not realizing how tall and buff Tola has become over the years, gulped hard and took a half step back. Tola was no longer that little boy he used to tease and now he was getting a bit nervous. The two just stared at each other, eyes to eye, for a few seconds breathing heavily as Tola firmly gripped his weapon. Tola scrunched up his face, tightened his mouth and squinted his eyes in preparation for battle. Mylan, trying hard to not be intimidated, slowly lifted the side of his tunic revealing a well hidden hunting knife. The two stared even more intently at each other as sweat beaded upon their brows and their fists clenched tighter. Tola glanced over his right shoulder and nodded to Rayla with an ever so slight motion then slowly turned back to face Mylan. Just then Tola threw his spoon and pot lid hard to the ground. Mylan stepped back quickly as he was caught off guard. With lightning speed Tola reached both arms up and grabbed Mylan’s head just above the upper part of his cheeks. His hands boxed over both of Mylan ears as he puckered up and planted a huge wet kiss on Mylan’s lips. Mylan jumped back a step, turning away from Tola briefly to wipe his mouth, then began spitting in disgust. Tola immediately swung his arm up and slapped Mylan upside the head. He briefly shook his head then turned away as he proceeded to walk back inside. Rayla, who was completely stunned, stood there for a second looking at Mylan but couldn’t hold it together any longer and burst out laughing.

     “What the hell is wrong with him, that’s disgusting!” Mylan cried directly to Rayla as he pointed his arms in Tola’s direction.

     “If you think that’s disgusting… you should try living in the same house with him!” Rayla responded quickly in between chuckles. “It's pretty funny! He actually likes you more than I do, so don’t count on getting a kiss from me.”  

      Rayla took a minute to catch her breath, then reluctantly gave the gifts back to Mylan. She bent down, grabbed the pot lid and spoon, walked over to her cottage, tossed them gently inside through the kitchen window. But to everyone’s surprise she quickly ran back over to Mylan. His eyes completely lit up as he thought he had finally won her over. He began to gloat as he glanced over at Tola who stood there looking out his kitchen window, in complete shock. Did she change her mind and decide to come back for a kiss after all, Mylan thought to himself. 

       She stopped only a few inches away from him with her face almost close enough to kiss. He closed his eyes and started to lean in as he puckered his lips slightly. Her lips were so close to his he could feel her warm, sweet breath against his face and it was like heaven to him. Just as he thought their lips were about to touch, Rayla swiped the gourd from his hand and raised it up to her mouth, completely blocking their lips from making contact. With one huge swig she chugged it, drinking every last drop. She wiped her face with her sleeve, then gave him a brief smile. He opened his eyes and just stared at her completely dumbfounded as she rubbed his shoulder then turned toward her cottage and walked away. Tola just stood there laughing hardily with his head hanging completely out through the window. He stopped laughing just long enough to point at Mylan and make some goofy faces at him. Then he went crossed eyed, while pretending to pick his nose. Rayla again turned her head and covered her mouth trying to hide her laughter. She was laughing so hard that she couldn’t get out a single word and had to waver her hands for Tola to stop. After a few seconds she regained her composure and turned to face Mylan who was just standing there with a blank expression on his face. 

     “I’m sorry Mylan but like I told you before, you’re not the one for me.” Ralya explained. “I really have no intention of settling down or even getting married. Besides, would you really want Tola as your brother in law? Think about it! Go home Mylan. I'm sure there are plenty of other pretty girls in this village who are looking for marriage. Me… I’m too free spirited to be tied down.” She shrugged her shoulders then tossed the empty gourd back to him as she slowly backed away. She gave him one last wave then stepped inside and closed the door. Tola rubbed his eyes pretending to cry then slammed his shutters closed.

       Rayla sat down and began planning her day inside, leaving Mylan alone to tend to his wounds. Her chores and her studies take up most of her day leaving no time for her to even think about marriage, at least not this time in her life. Maybe one day, she thought to herself, but not now. She peered out the kitchen window and watched Mylan slowly walk through the courtyard with his head held low. She stepped away for a moment and tried to think of someone she knew who she could set Mylan up with. After all he’s not a bad guy, just not the guy for her, she thought to herself. After pondering the thought for several minutes she glanced out the window again but Mylan’s figure could no longer be seen. There was however, something in the distant woods that caught her eye. It looked like a tall dark figure clinging to a large oak tree.

      “Tola come here quick….look out the window, do you see something near that old tree just past Olam’s cottage?” Asked Rayla with panic in her voice.

      He looked out the window and sure enough he did indeed see a large dark figure that suddenly blended into the lower brush, just like when a lion is stalking its prey. Tola jumped into his tunic and boots, grabbed his sword and shield and darted through the door. Rayla grabbed her sword and satchel and sprinted right behind her brother. They ran straight through the crops jumping fences along the way to shorten their distance and shave seconds off their time. Rayla sprinted just ahead of Tolas, as she was always the faster runner, straight down the footpath to the edge of the village. They stopped when they got to the old oak tree and saw Mylan’s beautiful bouquet crushed and strawberries strewn about, but no sign of Mylan.

      “Mylan” shouted Rayla with fear in her voice. “Mylan, where are you? Mylan, answer me! “ 

       “Look over here Rayla, there are fresh Dulvar tracks in the sod just near the tree.” Tola whispered. “Let’s walk quietly into the woods and follow these tracks. Every Dulvar walks like an elephant, so we should find this one easily.”

      Tola put his ear to the ground and listened for a minute. He could hear slight tremors coming from the southern side of the footpath. The siblings climbed to the ledge on the left side of the path and climbed to the highest spot. They saw some small brush rustling just below them about a hundred yards away. The two walked quickly but ever so quietly along the rocks until they flanked their targeted spot. They climbed down the wall and approached the small group of rustling trees. Rayla ducked down and carefully pushed away some brush just to reveal a Dulvar skirmisher walking slowly, carrying an unconscious Mylan curled under its arm. Tola jumped through the brush and rushed the Dulvar Skirmisher. He rolled just under the beast's legs and jumped directly in front of it, facing it directly. The beast dropped Mylan and reached for its axe. Rayla sprung forward with sword in hand and stopped just between Mylan and the beast assuming a defensive stance. The beast looked at the siblings in front of them with weapons ready and stepped back several feet as if to begin a hasty retreat. Why was he giving up so easily, Tola thought to himself.

      “Oh no Tola, I think this is a trap!” Cried Rayla. “Quick, you grab Mylan and I’ll look for a way out!”

      Tola grabbed Mylan and tossed him over his shoulder but he was dead weight and the two fell right back to the ground. Tola decided to kneel over him instead, with his sword drawn waiting for the impending Dulvar attack. The Dulvar skirmisher stepped back several more feet and began to cackle. Suddenly fifteen or more Dulvar warriors emerged from the brush and surrounded the trio. They were clad with thick armor head to toe which completely blocked their skin from the sunlight. They were carrying very large broadswords and massive blackened metal shields. They suddenly began chanting together, with a sound that Tola could only describe as a goat with a chest cold. They chanted for several minutes slowly circling their trapped foes as they waved their swords and smashed their shields repeatedly against the ground. Suddenly they stopped circling and lined up shoulder to shoulder. All but two drove their shields hard into the ground one last time forming a barrier. Those two stepped apart as another Dulvar, wearing what looked like a golden crown which was all dull and tarnished, stepped inside their crudely formed circle. This beast was clad in what appeared to be flame scorched armor head to toe. On his back was a large ax beside an equally large war hammer. Each piece had to be at least six or seven feet in total length. Their handles wrapped in oily burnt leather, caked with layers of what looked like pieces of crusty rotten flesh and dried blood. 

      “This must be the Cretan’s King, he smells like sulfur.”  Exclaimed Tola! “ He’s even uglier than the ones I killed.”

      “Tola take my hand!” Rayla cried softly. “From what I’ve been reading The Savior can channel his thoughts together with any other living things and combine their energy to project through his body. There’s literally hundreds of living things in the forest.”

       “If that’s true, then I’m taking Mylan’s hand too.” Tola replied.” Hopefully he’s not dreaming of you because his energy is gonna turn us into mush if he is.”

       Tola dropped his sword and took Mylan’s hand into his. Tola kneeled down on both knees and began to quietly concentrate on his thoughts, trying hard to drown out the Dulvar’’s grotesque snarling and grunting. He closed his eyes and to his surprise instantly began to have a vision. He saw Rayla crying in excruciating pain then her body fell, lifeless just next to Mylan’s. Then he saw his own body being struck down by a large ax. His vision became somewhat cloudy as his anger turned to fear. He began shaking as his body disappeared half way into the forest floor, like sinking into quicksand. Just then a small tunnel of light appeared just ahead of him as he began to feel a sudden calm come over him. At the end of the tunnel was Elder Dolan with his wife with their two sons. One of His son's face morphed to that of his own. Is that me? Could I be one of Elder Dolan’s sons? Tola asked himself. Suddenly Rayla emerged with Mylan and hundreds of others Tola had never seen before. Were they his ancestors peering into the tunnel from the afterlife. Then the light became blinding and he felt an intense burning sensation all over his body. He felt as if his body was now stronger than he ever felt. The tunnel closed and everything around him gave off a glowing red aura. Every plant and insect on the trees and in the dirt. He opened his eyes as the vision passed, but the beautiful glowing auras still remained. What seemed like minutes happened in a matter of seconds as the Dulvar King was still preparing for battle. It seems as if somehow his vision had come true except Rayla and Mylan were there just before him, still very much alive. Directly in front of him was a dark void and at its center was the ugly one. Tola stared directly at his enemy and watched every move as to hopefully learn his body language so he can anticipate his actions. Toa tried to suppress his fears as he knew the outcome of the battle if his vision had any truth. He decided he would do everything in his power to stop it from happening even if it meant giving up his life to save his sister and a jerk he prayed would never marry Rayla. Tola’s eyes again regained focus as he released his sister’s and Mylan’s hands. She tried fervently to grasp his hand but he reached down and grabbed his sister’s sword instead. He then reached over and grabbed his own before slowly climbing to his feet. Rayla grabbed Mylan by the arms and dragged him several feet away from her brother as she feared what was about to happen. She didn’t fear for Tola’s life but for his health and how he may now crave the taste of blood, becoming more of a monster that they are. She cradled Mylan in her arms and covered his body with hers. She closed her eyes and shoved her head into the soft grass trying to drown out the sounds of what was about to come.

      “It’s time to die, Cretan! ” Tola spoke with confidence as he pointed his sword directly at the Dulvar King.

     “Today, it is YOU who will die…...little maggot!” Said the ugly one.

     Tola approached the horde, while rotating both swords in unison. The ugly one removed his crown, tossed it in the dirt, then donned a grotesque, rusty, distorted helmet. It grabbed its axe from its back then sprinted toward Tola. It swung with great force but Tola anticipated its move and dodged it rather swiftly. Tola flanked the beast and swung both swords gracefully hitting several places on the beast's back and arm. The beast turned around and swung with great force. Tola dodged again as he counterattacked with both swords. He struck both legs of the beast, destroying large sections of its armor. Tola stepped back and wiped his brow with his forearm as he waited a few seconds for the beast to turn around. The ugly one rushed toward him with its axe cocked back over its head swinging again but this time much faster. Tola tumbled to his right dodging the attack. He stopped and stabilized himself upon one knee then threw Raylas sword fast and precise like a perfectly aimed arrow. The sword pierced the beast's armor and impaled it through the ribs. The beast dropped to its knees and gripped the sword stuck in its side and tried desperately to remove it. It began to cough angrily but the sword was not coming loose. Tola grabbed his sword with both hands, jumped in the air like a giant locust springing from a branch and swung downward with great speed and strength. Tola landed firmly on his feet just in front of the beast. He stood still with his sword planted into the dirt and watched as the beast's upper torso separated from the rest of its body and hit the ground. The remaining Dulvar began to grunt in anger as they all immediately grabbed their weapons and assumed defensive stances. Tola kneeled down, lifted the ugly one’s upper body and held it up to face the remaining beasts.

      “I PROMISE, EVERY ONE OF YOUR KIND WILL SUFFER THE SAME FATE IF YOU EVER COME TO OUR VILLAGE AGAIN. HEED MY WARNING! I WILL HUNT EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU UNTIL YOU ARE ERADICATED FROM THIS WORLD!” Tola screamed with great power and authority as he then pointed his sword at each one. He dropped the King’s body and removed his sister's favorite sword. He wiped the blood off on the dead Dulvar King’s trousers to provoke a reaction from the rest of the horde.

      The beasts, filled with rage did not heed his warning and began to attack him immediately. Rayla jumped further away and dragged Mylan with her to safety behind the mob. Mylan suddenly came to and began to panic hysterically. He backed up against a tree next to Rayla as he grabbed her arm tight. He watched in horror as the Dulvar began swinging their weapons at Tola. He hid his head and began to cry. Rayla embraced him and closed her eyes again hoping the fighting would stop. The thrashing and clanging of metal was so intense that it drowned every natural sound from the forest. The battle went on for only a few minutes then abruptly stopped. Rayla and Mylan looked up and there stood Tola with his single sword bent and gouged dripping with wretched smelling blood, as black as tar. Completely encompassing him was a pile of nearly twenty Dulvar bodies, all void of all life. Tola walked slowly to Rayla and took her hand. She climbed to her feet as Mylan was still sitting and crying in a fetal position.

       “It’s safe now Mylan, you can get up.” Rayla whispered softly. “They are all dead, you have nothing to fear.”

      “What…..what happened?” He asked as he was trying to stop quivering.

      “You were grabbed by a Dulvar and used as bait to trap Tola.” Rayla answered as she reached for Mylan’s hand. “We need to get home and tend to your wounds before they get infected. Take my hand.”

       Rayla grasped one hand as Tola grabbed the other and pulled him up to his feet. He was a bit unsteady at first but began walking a bit better using Rayla as a crutch. The three slowly limped back to the village and crept to the door of Olam’s cottage. He immediately took them in and began treating their wounds without uttering a single word. Tola soon fell asleep with Rayla sitting at his side holding his hand while  Mylan was in the cot across the room being tended to by Olam. After a while, he too finally fell asleep. Rayla gazed upon her brother in utter amazement. Elder was right, she thought to herself. There do exist more evolved Brevians, and her brother was one of them. How would she even begin to look for others like him. Maybe the answer lies in the piles of parchment in that old dilapidated cottage.

       The next morning Rayla had woken very early as she was worried about Mylan and Tola but mostly Tola. She sat up in bed thinking about the events that unfolded the day before. Dulvar definitely do not behave that way, she thought as she sat up looking for her satchel. It was one of those mornings where she had more questions than answers and it was driving her crazy. She jumped up and raced to the shelves and tried sorting the conglomeration of books, parchment and just literal garbage. She couldn’t believe that for such a smart man, Elder Dolan was such a slob. She knew it would take weeks if not longer to organize the Elder Cottage but if she was to help her fellow villagers she would need to find a way, and quickly. She sat on the floor pulling every parchment leaf she could find and stacked them in a pile. After about an hour she decided to take a break and check on the guys. She grabbed her satchel, filled it with food and ran over to the infirmary. Tola was asleep still but Mylan was up walking around.

     “Good morning my lo…..” Mylan began to speak when he saw a scowl form on Rayla’s face. “My friend…….you are my friend. Right?”

     “That’s all we are…….as long as we have that straight.” She replied. “How are you feeling?” She immediately opened her satchel and dumped out its contents. Mylan’s eyes lit up as he saw the sweet rolls and dried fruit slices fall out. She tilted her head briefly, motioning for him to help himself. He grabbed a handful of things and began devouring them. He took a moment in between bites to chat with her.

      “I’m good, but your brother had a rough night. He woke up several times throughout the night with nightmares.” He answered as he looked over at his roommate. “I don’t know what the hell I saw yesterday, but that was definitely not your brother. It was like he was under a spell or something. His eyes were all white and he turned into a wraith or something. I saw him kill those Dulvar with a raw power that I’ve never seen in my life. I’ve seen some great warriors fight in an arena, but out in the Forest? Was that real?”

      “Yes I’m afraid.” She replied. “He has some sort of gift. I can’t explain it but it's like he is what our people are supposed to evolve too. Maybe not, but I can’t explain what I saw. His power is far beyond any of ours, but it is not stable. He can’t control it, it just comes and goes. If I can figure out what it is and where it comes from, maybe I can help him learn to focus it. Somehow his strength comes from all of us when it happens. It almost seemed that he could or did borrow energy from me and maybe from you also. That’s how he was so quick and so unbelievably powerful. It was our energy he took into his hands. That is why we are both so exhausted I think.”

      “That is truly unbelievable, except I saw it with my own eyes.” Mylan cried.

      “Just keep this a secret for now. I don’t want to cause a panic. As far as everyone knows he was injured in the Forest and now he is home.” She said firmly. “Do you understand?”

      “Yes.” He answered as he placed his hand across his chest and stood firmly. “This will be our secret. But since I’m doing this nice thing for you… you suppose we could go on a date?”

       “If you ever ask me that again your two little friends will be permanently relocated under your ribs.” She snapped back at him. “Do I make myself clear?”

      “Uhhhhh……..Crystal!” He whispered as he stuffed the last of his sweet roll into his face and covered his groin area with both hands. “I’m sure one day we’ll just laugh about this as we sit by a campfire and reminisce. Hopefully with my uh…...friends located exactly where they presently are. Just so you know…...I would be an honest and loyal husband. Buuuutttt….. I can see my life flashing before my eyes if I don’t shut up now.”

       “Wow…...yesterday’s event definitely made you smarter.” She laughed. “Good to see we are on the same page finally.”

       “Yeah …that, and I really don’t want my body parts rearranged.” Mylan replied as he sat back down. “Can I still mess with your brother though? He amuses me when he gets really angry and frustrated.”

       “Well if you’re stupid enough to poke a bear then, you’ll get exactly what you deserve, so I won’t stop him.” She yelled. “Poke away, oh stupid one. I got things to do.”

       Rayla stepped over to her brother, kissed his forehead and pulled the blanket over his shoulder. She was about to step away when she noticed Mylan sitting up just staring down at his wounds. She knew he was in love with her but she couldn’t help not feeling the same about him. He was a nice guy, she thought, but he was already a bit too clingy. If she had even attempted to have a relationship with him she would probably have killed him on the first date. She looked at him and couldn’t help but feel badly for him. He was all alone in this village with no family to speak of. She lowered her head and shook it gently.

       “What am I doin? What are you doing, you sap?” She whispered softly to herself. “Don’t you dare go over and kiss him…….don’t…….do…!”

       She turned towards Mylan and sat next to him. He was very quiet and a bit down on himself but she placed her arm around him and rested her chin on his shoulder. He smiled briefly as he knew nothing would happen, at least nothing like he wanted. She gently brushed his hair back away from his eyes and kissed the side of his face between his temple and his ear. He immediately turned hoping for a nice smooch but she anticipated his move, grabbed him by the chin then slowly turned his face away.

      “Sorry. A guy can be hopeful, can’t he?” Mylan asked.

      “Hope is all we have sometimes.” She replied. “But what you’re hoping for is never gonna happen. Still, I’m glad you showed me how you feel and didn’t run away like everyone else. You are a good man and someone, other than me, would be lucky to have you. I’m sure there are other girls you can court. Just be yourself and not a jackass like you can sometimes be.”

      “Thank you! That’s good advice. And thank you for being so nice to me when you could easily have ragged on me.” He replied. “You will be a great leader one day and a great wife if you ever get married.”

       “I don’t look at men as marriage material I guess. I look at them as combatants that need an ass kicking.” She said as she chuckled.

      “Interesting.” He said softly. “If you aren’t interested in guys then…….could it be you are interested in other….uh…..girls?”

      “THAT’S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU.” She yelled as she jumped up and made a firm fist. “BITE YOUR TONGUE MISTER BEFORE SOMEONE HEARS YOU.”

      “It’s just a thought.” He whispered. “I won’t tell anyone. I don’t judge.”

      “There’s nothing to tell…..SO ZIP IT!” She barked as she pretended to punch him in the chin. “That’s how rumors get started. Tell Tola I stopped by when he wakes up.”

      “I will. Goodbye Elder Rayla.” He said with a chuckle.

      She stopped and turned back towards him and made another fist and shook it at him. She then shook her head in disapproval and glared at him. He lowered his head and tried to hide his eyes to break eye contact but still continued to smile. She stepped back a few steps then turned around and left.

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