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Dark Clouds

     Hello everyone and welcome to the official TALES OF KANA website. Thank you for visiting and checking out my first works as a writer. I was never that much of a reader and definitely never considered becoming a writer as a kid, but my own child has inspired me. So far THE TALES OF KANA series is my first ever published work and I have enjoyed every minute of writing the first three books, with a fourth on the way. There are other works in the process but I am happy to say the TALES OF KANA series will soon be available as they are finished with editing and are published. Below you will find a brief synopsis of each book. If the title is of interest to you, simply click on a book from the bar above and read up to five chapters to see if it is a story to your liking. If so, you can purchase them for your digital reader and add them to your digital library. An area map is provided on this site as well as a character list so that you can familiarize yourself with every aspect of the world. If you have an idea for a story or some fanart you would like to share please feel free as creativity is always appreciated. A blog will be added at some point so that we can share ideas and discuss any of my works. I will be happy to elaborate on any facet of my stories if you have any questions. And above all else....FANART, FANART, FANART. I am not a good artist so if you are, please show me what you created. I would really love to see others' interpretations of my work. All I ask is that you keep it clean and free of bigotry, racism, or sexism as this is a free and open website available to all. As you read you will find out that the characters in my books vary greatly in age, sexuality, creed, and beliefs. They are all vibrant individuals and vary just like we do in real life. Also, keep in mind these books are not intended for young readers as they all contain instances of violence, profanity, innuendos, sexual themes, and alcohol use. PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Thank you for your support and Enjoy.


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Book 1: The Dulvar Conflict


     The story begins several thousand years after the world was destroyed by its inhabitants, forcing nature into a self-rejuvenation process without interference from people. During the time of the world's healing, several small groups of surviving humanoids emerge from the ruins and begin to thrive. These survivors have evolved and are now far better suited to thrive in their newly reconstituted environment. The remaining land structures that they roam have reformed into one beautifully crafted mass, rich in food, minerals, and above all else astounding beauty. Its landscape is once again covered in vast plains and lush forests, vibrant with animal and plant life. Those remaining humanoids are now the only living beings in danger of becoming extinct.

     But, there is still hope for these highly intelligent people. Living deep within the forest region lies a race known as the Brevians who pride themselves on being the keepers of the forest. They are avid foragers and farmers who love nature. They highly respect every form of life and take only what they need to survive. Equipped with far more evolved physiques, they can thrive on minuscule amounts of food, jump from great heights and even breathe underwater via hardened gills. life for them is good, but they do not live without the fear of conflict.

     Deep within the mountains live another race known as the Dulvar. They are of much taller stature with a  darker, beast-like complexion. Naturally, they too have evolved, as their sheer size and strength are unprecedented. However, their sensitivity to sunlight has forced them to dwell in darkness, living mostly in caves far below the surface. They are generally peaceful in nature but somewhere in their early existence, their ancestors decreed the Brevians to be their mortal enemies. Thus battles have ensued between the races for several decades, yet no one seems to know why. Neither has gained anything from their entanglements, only great loss and suffering have been the outcome.

    But, all is about to change as a young brother and sister pair defy all that they were taught and begin a quest for answers that they believe could lead to a much better life. Can they rise above the conflict with the Dulvar and procure a new peace? Just who is Kana you might ask... You will need to read the book to find out!


Book 2:  The Unseen Enemy


    On one warm quiet, sunny day, Kana is out enjoying time in the Solemn Forest when she hears a young boy's cry from down near the brook. Upon further investigation she finds a young being whose skin refracts sunlight, far more than even her own, making him nearly impossible to see among the brush. Upon being discovered, the youngling abruptly flees, but not before swiping Kana's favorite sword. She gives chase through the woods on foot but they soon continue the chase high up in the tops of the trees. As she tries desperately to help him along with an attempt to retrieve her favorite weapon, he quickly turns the blade against her. She fights back with unarmed fists, giving him a good fight before he escapes with her weapon. Although she is angry about her stolen sword and the unprovoked attack, she is even more annoyed at the fact that even now as a young adult, her family is still treating her like a child. She feels that she is capable of living her own life and fighting her own fights, but convincing others is proving to be quite a difficult task for even her. 

      Unbeknownst to her, the young boy who attacked had shot her with a poisoned dart from his own blowgun before fleeing. Days after the incident, while hanging outside the village walls with her friends, Kana falls ill and is rushed to the infirmary. The poisoned wound is soon discovered and so is the fact that they are dealing with an entirely new enemy..........An Unseen Enemy. Who is this boy and where did he come from? 

     After several brief battles with these beings, they discover that there is yet another distinct race of people living in the far reaches of their world, known as the Sidoans. This beautiful race hails from the snowy northern tundra, not because they enjoy the cold, but because they were driven out by a former leader of theirs many, many years ago. This vile being, who is a self-proclaimed Emperor, has formed his own vast army with the intention of destroying the entire Dulvar and Brevian races. His one true goal is to build up a supreme Sidoan legion, known as Shadow Beings so that they alone can rule the land. Will the suppressed Sidoan clans fight back against this menace and will the Dulvar and Brevian races join the battle for their right to live?


Book 3: A Distant World


  With the Shadow Beings no longer posing a threat, Queen Leana and her Battalion have finally found time to rest. The Queen herself has given birth to a pair of beautiful twins and life has once again become far more peaceful. And it just so happens that love has finally begun to blossom again for the Spirits as they find time to take another shot at romance. Kana herself has found time to reconnect with her beloved sisters on a more personal level, rather than in the heat of battle, before heading back to her beloved village nestled just beyond the Solemn Forest. 

     One day as the battalion is venturing out past the Great Chasm, in search of a lost sister, an attack takes place on the unarmed Northern Palace. The attackers flee but not without inserting a spy among the palace inhabitants. The attackers are quickly killed and their spy is discovered, but so is a plot to assassinate their very own Queen. They also discover that a vile and corrupt Dulvar leader has taken siege of a historical city that sits just to the northwest of their beloved home. Queen Leana has decided to arm her battalion once again and head west to locate the ancient Dulvar city of Khvan. As they reach this distant world they discover that this city in fact has a twin and the two are presently at war.  Nonetheless, the troops set out with hopes to help them end the conflict and procure peace only to discover that a Dulvar warmonger who is causing this disruption is merely a puppet, controlled by an evil far more sinister than anyone could fathom.

     This ancient evil is found to not only be a once admired ally of the Dulvar, but also the mastermind behind the plot to assassinate the High Queen. It is soon discovered that this being's one true morbid desire is for the annihilation of all humanoid races across the globe. The Queen and her band of Elite Spirit Warriors, who are now facing total obliteration, are determined to destroy this entity at all costs. With the help of some newly discovered friends, the Spirits wage an all-out war to end wars. Complete elimination of this evil is now their only goal because if they should fail, it would mean the end of all life as they know it. 



Book 4: The Fallen Kingdom


     With war far behind them, the Spirit battalion has returned to the Dulvar Castle in the town of Khvan to start their lives over. Kana and Hira have finally tied the knot while little Odin has become quite the handful. After the long-awaited wedding, Amunet, the former leader of the Fighter's Guild brought Leana and the Spirits back to the Solemn Forest which has undergone a major rejuvenation. Amidst its healing process, the Guild members had discovered a massive rift that formed between the vast mountains.

     This newly formed passage has allowed for a reconnaissance team to investigate far beyond the once impassable and treacherous peaks. What they have discovered is a world that was once far more advanced than their own. A vast sea lay ahead separating them from a group of islands that had fallen prey to a corrupt murderous group of pirates. A once bountiful kingdom was laid waste and its towns overrun by these vile hordes. The knights who once protected their own have either fled to remote islands or are imprisoned. Many now sit beside their leader in dungeons they know far more intimately than they had ever desired to. With a madman seated at the throne and his offspring pillaging every structure inside and outside of the palace walls, hope has become nothing more than a distant memory for these people.

     In order for the Sprits to help them, the High Queen must find a way to not only restore their technology but also locate the one true heir to the throne. Queen Illeara, who has long since vanished, is said to be that heir who holds a power that is strong enough to defeat this murderous family. The townsfolk believe that she has taken refuge somewhere on the Island of The Dead, secretly preparing her army in order to take back her beloved kingdom.

     It's now up to the High Queen to locate her highness without the cowering villager's assistance.  The Fighter's Guild and the Elite Spirit Battalion are now facing one of the greatest challenges known to their people. It will take more than a chosen heiress and a rebellious fighter to save the people of this.....fallen kingdom




Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
Book 4


     Several years have passed and the people who live in the great world of Trevara have begun to experience somewhat normal lives. The Villages have been restored and trade has expanded out to even the most remote islands of the Arryn Kingdom. Gemma has become extremely popular with her people and has been declared the most adored High Queen ever. She has become a very busy woman, especially since becoming a new mother. Her husband is a very shy man so he desires not in sharing the limelight with his beloved. Still, she spends most of her time visiting her people with her most recent excursion landing her back home in the Forest Village. Life is great again and the world's power is once again in balance.

      One quiet day a massive storm appears bringing torrential rain to the villages of the mainland. As people prepare for a rather normal monsoon the waters of the great dividing river overflow, taking the village and the entire Solemn Forest completely away. Families are divided, some washed away by the intense raging current. Everyone rushes to safety as utter chaos and destruction like no one has ever seen ensues. As Gemma and her sister go in separate directions they struggle to find their families or their own children. Their trusted gift of Soul-Bonding has been lost and without the ability to speak with their family or soldiers, everyone including the Elite Spirits, feel lost within their own lives. People soon discover that their entire world is truly dying!

     Mountains crumble, the air has become toxic and the waters have turned to acid, all signs that their world will soon cease to exist. Perhaps balance has been lost for good and now their beloved home is about to take all life with it to the grave. Death is imminent and even those who believe in the afterlife have become frightened. Animals as well as people are dying in the streets and even the strongest beings ever to evolve are now knocking at death's door.  Kana herself has become trapped inside a collapsing fortress while her sisters watch helplessly as she succumbs to nature's unbridled violence. Tears are all they now have left as hearts are broken and souls crushed.

     Unbeknownst to the Spirits, Kana has a secret. Even after dying and facing final judgment, she has become enlightened to the fact that she possesses the ability to return. Her ability as a child to bring the dead back to life is an inherent gift and inherently the end stage in Dulvar evolution. Known as Kurai, they are demon-like beings who possess the ability to transcend death itself in times of desperation. Kana chooses to return to her sisters only to be shunted by all except two. Ema and Chihiro also possess the unique ability and it is discovered that Spirits and Protectors alike have been predestined to become the world's reapers during these end times. They now exist to destroy, not the innocent of the world, but the wicked. The ancient evil they once battled has risen and their final duty before all life ends for good is to destroy it forever. The Superus is found to be that evil who is also the very last of his kind. Can the Kurai use everything they have left to end the infectious disease so that other worlds do not suffer the same fate as theirs? Will their immense power be strong enough to finally obliterate this destroyer of worlds? 

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